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ght。 I could not always hear what they were saying or bickering about察but it seemed as though each new skirmish was caused by something Hank had said or done。 They were tired察he was not。 They woke before sunrise and spent at least ten hours in the fields察he slept as late as he wanted察then picked cotton at a languid pace。
And evidently he was roaming at night again。 Miguel was waiting by the back steps when my father and I opened the kitchen door on our way to gather eggs and milk for breakfast。 He pleaded for help。 The shelling had resumed察someone had bombed the barn with heavy clods of dirt until after midnight。 The Mexicans were exhausted and angry察and there was about to be a fight of some variety。
This was our sole topic of conversation over breakfast察and Pappy was so angry he could barely eat。 It was decided that Hank had to go察and if the rest of the Spruills left with him察then we'd somehow manage。 Ten well´rested and hardworking Mexicans were far more valuable than the Spruills。
Pappy started to leave the table and go straight to the front yard with his ultimatum察but my father calmed him。 They decided that we would wait until quitting time察thereby getting a full day of labor out of the Spruills。 Plus they'd be less likely to break camp with darkness upon them。
I just listened。 I wanted to jump in and describe my conversation with Tally察especially the part about her family needing the money。 In my opinion察they wouldn't leave at all察but would be delighted to get rid of Hank。 My opinions察however察were never wele during these tense family discussions。 I chewed my biscuit and hung on every word。
;What about Stick拭─Gran asked。
;What about him拭─Pappy fired in her direction。
;You were gonna tell Stick when you were finished with Hank。;
Pappy took a bite of ham and thought about this。
Gran was a step ahead察but then she had the advantage of thinking without being angry。 She sipped her coffee and said察 Seems to me the thing to do is tell Mr。 Spruill that Stick is in' after Hank。 Let the boy sneak away at night。 He'll be gone察that's all that matters察and the Spruills'll be thankful you kept him from gettin' arrested。;
Gran's plan made perfect sense。 My mother managed a slight grin。 Once again the women had analyzed a situation more quickly than the men。
Pappy didn't say another word。 My father quickly finished eating and went outside。 The sun was barely above the distant trees察yet the day was already eventful。
After lunch Pappy said abruptly察 Luke察we're goin' to town。 The trailer's full。;
The trailer wasn't pletely full察and we never took it to the gin in the middle of the day。 But I wasn't about to object。 Something was up。
There were only four trailers ahead of us when we arrived at the gin。 Usually察at this time of the harvest察there would be at least ten察but then we always came after supper察when the place was crawling with farmhands。 ;Noon's a good time to gin察─Pappy said。
He left the keys in the truck察and as we were walking away he said察 I need to go to the Co´op。 Let's head to Main Street。; Sounded good to me。
The town of Black Oak had three hundred people察and virtually all of them lived within five minutes of Main Street。 I often thought how wonderful it would be to have a neat little house on a shady street察just a stone's throw from Pop and Pearl's and the Dixie theater察with no cotton anywhere in sight。
Halfway to Main察we took an abrupt turn。 ;Pearl wants to see you察─he said察pointing at the Watsons' house just to our right。 I'd never been in Pop and Pearl's house察never had any reason to enter察but I'd seen it from the outside。 It was one of the few houses in town with some bricks on it。
;What拭─I asked察pletely bewildered。
He said nothing察and I just followed。
Pearl was waiting at the door。 When we entered I could smell the rich察sweet aroma of something baking察though I was too confused to realize she was preparing a treat for me。 She gave me a pat on the head and winked at Pappy。 In one corner of the room察Pop was bent at the waist察his back to us察fiddling with something。 ;e here察Luke察─he said察without turning around。
I'd heard that they owned a television。 The first one in our county had been purchased a year earlier by Mr。 Harvey Gleeson察the owner of the bank察but he was a recluse察and no one had yet seen his television察as far as we knew。 Several church members had kinfolks in Jonesboro who owned televisions察and whenever they went there to visit they came back and talked nonstop about this wonderful new invention。 Dewayne had seen one inside a store window in Blytheville察and he'd strutted around school for an insufferable period of time。
;Sit here察─Pop said察pointing to a spot on the floor察right in front of the set。 He was still adjusting knobs。 ;It's the World Series察─he said。 ;Game three察Dodgers at Yankee Stadium。;
My heart froze察my mouth dropped open。 I was too stunned to move。 Three feet away was a small screen with lines dancing across it。 It was in the center of a dark察wooden cabinet with the word Motorola scripted in chrome just under a row of knobs。 Pop turned one of the knobs察and suddenly we heard the scratchy voice of an announcer describing a ground ball to the shortstop。 Then Pop turned two knobs at once察and the picture became clear。
It was a baseball game。 Live from Yankee Stadium察and we were watching it in Black Oak察Arkansas
Chairs moved behind me察and I could feel Pappy inching closer。 Pearl wasn't much of a fan。 She busied herself in the kitchen for a few minutes察then emerged with a plate of chocolate cookies and a glass of milk。 I took them and thanked her。 They were fresh from the oven and smelled delicious。 But I couldn't eat察not right then。
Ed Lopat was pitching for the Yankees察Preacher Roe for the Dodgers。 Mickey Mantle察Yogi Berra察Phil Rizzuto察Hank Bauer察Billy Martin with the Yankees察and Pee Wee Reese察Duke Snider察Roy Campanella察Jackie Robinson察and Gil Hodges with the Dodgers。 They were all there in Pop and Pearl's living room察playing before sixty thousand fans in Yankee Stadium。 I was mesmerized to the point of being mute。 I simply stared at the television察watching but not believing。
;Eat the cookies察Luke察─Pearl said as she passed through the room。 It was more of a mand than an invitation察and I took a bite of one。
;Who are you pullin' for拭─asked Pop。
;I don't know察─I mumbled察and I really didn't。 I had been taught to hate both teams。 And it had been easy hating them when they were away in New York察in another world。 But now they were in Black Oak察playing the game I loved察live from Yankee Stadium。 My hatred vanished。 ;Dodgers察I guess察─I said。
;Always pull for the National League察─Pappy said behind me。
;I suppose察─Pop said reluctantly。 ;But it's mighty hard to pull for the Dodgers。;
The game was broadcast into our world by Channel 5 out of Memphis察an affiliate of the National Broadcasting pany察whatever that meant。 There were mercials for Lucky Strike cigarettes察Cadillac察Coca´Cola察and Texaco。 Between innings the game would vanish and there would be a mercial察and when it was over察the screen would change again察and we'd be back inside Yankee Stadium。 It was a dizzying experience察one that captivated me pletely。 For an hour I was transported to another world。
Pappy had business and at some point left the house and walked to Main Street。 I did not hear him leave察but during a mercial I realized he was gone。
Yogi Berra hit a home run察and as I watched him circle the bases in front of sixty thousand fanatics察I knew I would never again be able to properly hate the Yankees。 They were legends察the greatest players on the greatest team the game had known。 I softened up considerably but vowed to keep my new feelings to myself。 Pappy would not allow Yankee sympathizers in his house。
In the top of the ninth察Berra let a pitch get past him。 The Dodgers scored two runs and won the game。 Pearl wrapped the cookies in foil and sent them with me。 I thanked Pop for allowing me to share this unbelievable adventure察and I asked him if I could e back when the Cardinals were playing。
;Sure察─he said察 but