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red at Cowboy察his face frozen in terror。
With strokes that were quick and vicious察Cowboy slashed away and finished the job。 When Hank was down and still察Cowboy quickly went through his pants pockets and robbed him。 Then he dragged him to the side of the bridge and shoved him over。 The corpse landed with a splash and immediately went under。 Cowboy went through the bag察found nothing he wanted察and threw it over察too。 He stood at the edge of the bridge and watched the water for a long time。
I had no desire to join Hank察so I burrowed between two rows of cotton and hid so low that I couldn't have found myself。 My heart was pounding faster than ever before。 I was shaking and sweating and crying and praying察too。 I should've been in bed察safe and asleep with my parents next door and my grandparents just down the hall。 But they seemed so far away。 I was alone in a shallow foxhole察alone and frightened and in great danger。 I'd just seen something that I still didn't believe。
I don't know how long Cowboy stood there on the bridge察watching the water察making sure Hank was gone。 The clouds would move over the half´moon察and I could barely see him。 They'd move again察and there he was察still standing察his dirty cowboy hat cocked to one side。 After a long time察he walked off the bridge and stopped by the edge of the river to wash his knife。 He watched the river some more察then turned and started walking down the road。 When he passed me he was twenty feet away察and I felt like I was buried at least two feet in the ground。
I waited forever察until he was long out of sight察until there was no possible way he could hear me察then I crawled out of my little hole and began my journey home。 I wasn't sure what I would do once I got there察but I'd be safe。 I'd think of something。
I stayed low察moving through the tall Johnson grass along the edge of the field。 As farmers we hated Johnson grass察but for the first time in my life I was thankful for it。 I wanted to hurry察to sprint down the middle of the road and get home as fast as possible察but I was terrified察and my feet were heavy。 Fatigue and fear gripped me察and I could hardly move at times。 It took forever before I saw the outlines of our house and barn。 I watched the road in front of me察certain that Cowboy was up there somewhere察watching his rear察watching his flanks。 I tried not to think about Hank。 I was too concerned with getting to the house。
When I stopped to catch my breath察I picked up the unmistakable smell of a Mexican。 They seldom bathed察and after a few days of picking cotton they took on their own particular odor。
It passed quickly察and after a minute or two of heavy breathing I wondered if I was just imagining things。 Not taking chances察I retreated once again to the depths of the Jeter cotton and slowly headed east察cutting through row after row without a sound。 When I could see the white tents of Camp Spruill察I knew I was almost home。
What would I tell about Hank拭The truth察nothing but。 I was burdened with enough secrets察there was room for no more察especially one as heavy as this。 I'd crawl into Ricky's room察try and get some sleep察and when my father woke me to collect eggs and milk I'd tell the whole story。 Every step察every move察every cut of the knife´my father would hear it all。 He and Pappy would head to town to report the killing to Stick Powers察and they'd have Cowboy in jail before lunch。 They'd probably hang him before Christmas。
Hank was dead。 Cowboy would be in jail。 The Spruills would pack up and leave察but I didn't care。 I never wanted to see another Spruill察not even Tally。 I wanted everybody off our farm and out of our lives。
I wanted Ricky to e home and the Latchers to move away察then everything would be normal again。
When I was within sprinting distance of our front porch察I decided to make my move。 My nerves were frayed察my patience gone。 I'd been hiding for hours察and I was tired of it。 I scooted to the very end of the cotton rows and stepped over the ditch into the road。 I ducked low察listened for a second察then started to run。 After two steps察maybe three察there was a sound from behind察then a hand slapped my feet together and down I went。 Cowboy was on top of me察a knee in my chest察the switchblade an inch from my nose。 His eyes were glowing。 ;Silence ─he hissed。
We were both breathing hard and sweating profusely察and his odor hit me hard察no doubt the same one I'd smelled just minutes earlier。 I stopped wiggling and gritted my teeth。 His knee was crushing me。
;Been to the river拭─he asked。
I shook my head no。 Sweat from his chin dripped into my eyes and burned。 He waved the blade a little察as if I couldn't see it already。
;Then where you been拭─he asked。
I shook my head again察I couldn't speak。 Then I realized my whole body was shaking察trembling in rigid fear。
When it was apparent I could not utter a word察he took the tip of the blade and tapped my forehead。 ;You speak one word about tonight察─he said slowly察his eyes doing more talking than his mouth察 and I will kill your mother。 Understand拭
I nodded fiercely。 He stood and walked away察quickly disappearing into the blackness and leaving me in the dust and dirt of our road。 I started crying察and crawling察and I made it to our truck before I passed out。
They found me under their bed。 In the confusion of the moment察with my parents yelling at me and quizzing me about everything´my dirty clothes察the bloody nicks on my arms察why exactly was I sleeping under their bed´I managed to conjure up the tale that I'd had a horrible dream。 Hank had drowned And I had gone to check on him。
;You were sleepwalkin' ─my mother said in disbelief察and I seized this immediately。
;I guess察─I said察nodding。 Everything after that was a blur´I was dead tired and scared and not sure if what I'd seen at the river had really happened or had in fact been a dream。 I was horrified at the thought of ever facing Cowboy again。
;Ricky used to do that察─Gran added from the hallway。 ;Caught 'im one night out past the silo。;
This helped calm things somewhat。 They led me to the kitchen and sat me at the table。 My mother scrubbed me while Gran doctored the Johnson grass cuts on my arms。 The men saw that matters were under control察so they left to gather eggs and milk。
A loud thunderstorm hit just as we were about to eat察and the sounds were a great relief to me。 We wouldn't be going to the fields for a few hours。 I wouldn't be near Cowboy。
They watched me as I picked at my food。 ;I'm okay察─I said at one point。
The rain fell heavy and loud onto our tin roof察drowning out conversation so that we ate in silence察the men worrying about the cotton察the women worrying about me。
I had enough worries to crush us all。
;Could I finish later拭─I asked察slightly shoving my plate away。 ;I'm really sleepy。;
My mother decided that I would go back to bed and rest for as long as I needed to。 As the women were clearing the table察I whispered to my mother and asked her if she would lie down with me。 Of course she would。
She fell asleep before I did。 We were in my parents' bed察in their semidark bedroom察still and cool and listening to the rain察with the men in the kitchen not far away察drinking coffee and waiting察and I felt safe。
I wanted it to rain forever。 The Mexicans and the Spruills would leave。 Cowboy would be shipped home察back to where he could cut and slash all he wanted察and I'd never know about it。 And sometime next summer察when plans were made for the harvest察I'd make sure Miguel and his band of Mexicans were not hauled back to our county。
I wanted my mother next to me察with my father nearby。 I wanted to sleep察but when I closed my eyes I saw Hank and Cowboy on the bridge。 I was suddenly hopeful that Hank was still there察still in Camp Spruill rummaging for a biscuit察still throwing rocks at the barn at midnight。 Then it would all be a dream。
Chapter 26
I clung to my mother throughout the day察after the storm passed察after lunch察after the rest of them went to the fields and we stayed around the house。 There were whispers between my parents and a frown from my father察but she was adamant。 There