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the post office on Main Street。
My mother read me the story of Daniel in the lions' den察one of my favorites。 Once the weather broke and the nights became cool察we spent less time on the porch and more time reading before bed。 My mother and I read察the others did not。 She preferred Bible stories察and this suited me fine。 She would read awhile察then explain things。 Then read some more。 There was a lesson in every story察and she made sure I understood each one。 Nothing irritated me more than for Brother Akers to screw up the details in one of his long´winded sermons。
When I was ready for bed察I asked her if she would stay there察in Ricky's bed with me察until I fell asleep。
;Of course I will察─she said。
Chapter 27
After a day of rest察there was no way my father would tolerate further absence from the fields。 He pulled me out of bed at five察and we went about our routine chores of gathering eggs and milk。
I knew I couldn't continue to hide in the house with my mother察so I bravely went through the motions of getting ready to pick cotton。 I'd have to face Cowboy at some point before he left。 It was best to get it over with and to do it with plenty of folks around。
The Mexicans were walking to the fields察skipping the morning ride on the flatbed trailer。 They could start picking a few minutes earlier察plus it kept them away from the Spruills。 We left the house just before dawn。 I held firm to Pappy's seat on the tractor and watched my mother's face slowly disappear in the kitchen window。 I'd prayed long and hard the night before察and something told me she would be safe。
As we made our way along the field road察I studied the John Deere tractor。 I'd spent hours on it察plowing察disking察planting察even hauling cotton to town with my father or Pappy察and its operation had always seemed sufficiently plex and challenging。 Now察after thirty minutes on the road grader察with its puzzling array of levers and pedals察the tractor seemed quite simple。 Pappy just sat there察hands on the wheel察feet still察half´asleep´while Otis had been a study in constant motion´another reason why I should grade roads and not farm if察of course察the baseball career did not work out察a most unlikely event。
The Mexicans were already half a row down察lost in the cotton and oblivious to our arrival。 I knew Cowboy was with them察but in the early light I couldn't tell one Mexican from the other。
I avoided him until we broke for lunch。 Evidently he'd seen me during the morning察and I guess he figured a little reminder would be appropriate。 While the rest of his pals ate leftovers under the shade of the cotton trailer察Cowboy rode in with us。 He sat alone on one side of the flatbed察and I ignored him until we were almost to the house。
When I finally mustered the courage to look at him察he was cleaning his fingernails with his switchblade察and he was waiting for me。 He smiled´a wicked grin that conveyed a thousand words´and he gently waved the knife at me。 No one else saw it察and I looked away immediately。
Our agreement had just been solidified even further。
By late afternoon the cotton trailer was full。 After a quick dinner Pappy announced that he and I would haul it to town。 We went to the fields and hooked it to the truck察then left the farm on our newly graded road。 Otis was quite a craftsman。 The road was smooth察even in Pappy's old truck。
As usual察Pappy said nothing as he drove察and this was fine with me because I also had nothing to say。 Lots of secrets but no way to unload them。 We crossed the bridge slowly察and I scanned the thick察slow waters below but saw nothing out of the ordinary´no sign of blood or of the crime I'd witnessed。
More than a full day had passed since the killing察a normal day of work and drudgery on the farm。 I thought about the secret with every breath察but I was masking it well察I thought。 My mother was safe察and that was all that mattered。
We passed the road to the Latchers'察and Pappy glanced their way。 For the moment察they were just a minor nuisance。
On the highway察farther away from the farm察I began to think that one day soon I might be able to unload my burden。 I could tell Pappy察alone察just the two of us。 Before long Cowboy would be back in Mexico察safe in that foreign world。 The Spruills would return home察and Hank wouldn't be there。 I could tell Pappy察and he would know what to do。
We entered Black Oak behind another trailer and followed it to the gin。 When we parked I scrambled out and stuck close to Pappy's side。 Some farmers were huddled just outside the gin office察and a serious discussion had been under way for a while。 We walked up on them and listened。
The news was somber and threatening。 The night before察heavy rains had hit Clay County察north of us。 Some places reported six inches in ten hours。 Clay County was upstream on the St。 Francis。 The creeks and streams were flooded up there and pouring into the river。
The water was rising。
There was a debate as to whether this would affect us。 The minority opinion was that the storm would have little impact on the river near Black Oak。 We were too far away and察absent more rains察a small rise in the St。 Francis wouldn't flood anything。 But the majority view was far more pessimistic察and since the bulk of them were professional worriers anyway察the news was accepted with great concern。
One farmer said his almanac called for heavy rains in mid´October。
Another said his cousin in Oklahoma was getting flooded察and since our weather came from the West察he felt it was a sure sign that the rains were inevitable。
Pappy mumbled something to the effect that the weather from Oklahoma traveled faster than any news。
There was much debate and lots of opinions察and the overall tone was one of gloom。 We'd been beaten so many times by the weather察or by the markets察or by the price of seed and fertilizer察that we expected the worst。
;We ain't had a flood in October in twenty years察─declared Mr。 Red Fletcher察and this set off a heated debate on the history of autumn floods。 There were so many different versions and recollections that the issue was hopelessly confused。
Pappy didn't join the fray察and after half an hour of listening we backed away。 He unhooked the trailer察and we headed home察in silence察of course。 A couple of times I cut my eyes at him and found him just as I expected´mute察worried察driving with both hands察forehead wrinkled察his mind on nothing but the ing flood。
We parked at the bridge and walked through the mud to the edge of the St。 Francis River。 Pappy inspected it for a moment as if he might see it rise。 I was terrified that Hank would suddenly float to the top and e ashore right in front of us。 Without a word察Pappy picked up a stick of driftwood about an inch in diameter and three feet long。 He knocked a small limb off it and drove it with a rock into the sandbar where the water was two inches deep。 With his pocketknife察he notched it at water level。 ;We'll check it in the mornin'察─he said察his first words in a long time。
We studied our new gauge for a few moments察both certain that we would see the river rise。 When it didn't happen察we returned to the truck。
The river scared me and not because it might flood。 Hank was out there察cut and dead and bloated with river water察ready to wash ashore where someone would find him。 We'd have a real murder on our hands察not a just a killing like the Sisco beating察but a genuine slaying。
The rains would get rid of Cowboy。 And the rains would swell the river and move it faster。 Hank察or what was left of him察would get swept downstream to another county or maybe even another state where someday someone would find him and not have the slightest clue as to who he was。
Before I fell asleep that night察I prayed for rain。 I prayed as hard as I possibly could。 I asked God to send the biggest flood since Noah。
We were in the middle of breakfast on Saturday morning when Pappy stomped in from the back porch。 One look at his face satisfied our curiosity。 ;River's up four inches察Luke察─he said to me as he took his seat and began reaching for food。 ;And there's lightnin' to the west。;
My father frowned but kep