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seat and began reaching for food。 ;And there's lightnin' to the west。;
My father frowned but kept chewing。 When it came to the weather察he was always pessimistic。 If the weather was fine察then it was just a matter of time before it turned bad。 If it was bad察then that's what he'd expected all along。 Gran took the news with no expression at all。 Her younger son was fighting in Korea察and that was far more important than the next rain。 She had never left the soil察and she knew that some years were good察some bad察but life didn't stop。 God gave us life and health and plenty of food察and that was more than most folks could say。 Plus察Gran had little patience for all the fretting over the weather。 ;Can't do anything about it察─she said over and over。
My mother didn't smile or frown察but she had a curious look of contentment。 She was determined not to spend her life scratching a meager existence from the land。 And she was even more determined that I would not farm。 Her days on the farm were numbered察and another lost crop could only hasten our departure。
By the time we finished eating察we heard thunder。 Gran and my mother cleared the dishes察then made another pot of coffee。 We sat at the table察talking and listening察waiting to see how rough the storm would be。 I thought my prayer was about to be answered察and I felt guilty for such a devious wish。
But the thunder and lightning moved to the north。 No rain fell。 By 7 A。 M。 we were in the fields察picking hard and longing for noon。
When we left for town察only Miguel hopped in the back of the truck。 The rest of the Mexicans were working察he explained察and he needed to buy a few things for them。 I was relieved beyond words。 I wouldn't be forced to ride in with Cowboy crouched just a few feet away from me。
We hit rain at the edge of Black Oak察a cool drizzle instead of a fierce storm。 The sidewalks were busy with folks moving slowly under the store canopies and balconies察trying察but failing察to stay dry。
The weather kept many farm families away from town。 This was evident when the four o'clock matinee began at the Dixie theater。 Half the seats were empty察a sure sign that it was not a normal Saturday。 Halfway through the first show the aisle lights flickered察then the screen went blank。 We sat in the darkness察ready to panic and bolt察and listened to the thunder。
;Power's out察─said an official voice in the rear。 ;Please leave slowly。;
We huddled into the cramped lobby and watched the rain fall in sheets along Main Street。 The sky was dark gray察and the few cars that passed by used their headlights。
Even as kids we knew that there was too much rain察too many storms察too many rumors of rising waters。 Floods happened in the spring察rarely during the harvest。 In a world where everyone either farmed or traded with farmers察a wet season in mid´October was quite depressing。
When it slacked off a little察we ran down the sidewalk to find our parents。 Heavy rains meant muddy roads察and the town would soon be empty as the farm families left for home before dark。 My father had mentioned buying a saw blade察so I ducked into the hardware store in hopes of finding him。 It was crowded with people waiting and watching the weather outside。 In little pockets of conversation察old men were telling stories of ancient floods。 Women were talking about how much rain there'd been in other towns´Paragould察Lepanto察and Manila。 The aisles were filled with people who were just talking察not buying or looking for merchandise。
I worked my way through the crowd察looking for my father。 The hardware store was ancient察and toward the rear it became darker and cavern´like。 The wooden floors were wet from the traffic and sagged from years of use。 At the end of an aisle察I turned and came face´to´face with Tally and Trot。 She was holding a gallon of white paint。 Trot was holding a quart。 They were loitering like everybody else察waiting for the storm to pass。 Trot saw me and tried to hide behind Tally。 ;Hello察Luke察─she said with a smile。
;Howdy察─I said察looking at the paint bucket。 She set it on the floor beside her。 ;What's the paint for拭
;Oh察it's nothin'察─she said察smiling again。 Once again I was reminded that Tally was the prettiest girl I'd ever met察and when she smiled at me my mind went blank。 Once you've seen a pretty girl naked察you feel a certain attachment to her。
Trot wedged himself tightly behind her察like a toddler hiding behind his mother。 She and I talked about the storm察and I relayed the exciting news about the power going out in the middle of the matinee。 She listened with interest察and the more I talked the more I wanted to talk。 I told her about the rumors of rising waters and about the gauge Pappy and I had set at the river。 She asked about Ricky察and we talked about him for a long time。
Of course I forgot about the paint。
The lights flickered察and the power returned。 It was still raining察though察and no one left the store。
;How's that Latcher girl拭─she asked察her eyes darting around as if someone might hear her。 It was one of our great secrets。
I was about to say something察when it suddenly hit me that Tally's brother was dead察and she knew nothing about it。 The Spruills probably thought Hank was home by now察back in Eureka Springs察back in their nice little painted house。 They'd see him in a few weeks察sooner if it kept raining。 I looked at her and tried to speak察but all I could think about was how shocked she'd be if I said what I was thinking。
I adored Tally察in spite of her moods and her secrets察in spite of her funny business with Cowboy。 I couldn't help but adore her察and I certainly didn't want to hurt her。 The very thought of blurting out that Hank was dead made me weak in the knees。
I stuttered and stammered and looked at the floor。 I was suddenly cold and scared。 ;See you later察─I managed to say察then turned and backtracked to the front。
During a break in the rain察the stores emptied and folks scurried along the sidewalks察heading for the cars and trucks。 The clouds were still dark察and we wanted to get home before the showers hit again。
Chapter 28
Sunday was gray and overcast察and my father didn't care for the notion of getting wet while riding in the back of the truck on the way to church。 Plus察our truck was not exactly waterproof察and the women usually got dripped on while riding in the cab during a good shower。 We rarely missed a Sunday worship察but the threat of rain occasionally kept us at home。 We hadn't missed a service in months察and so when Gran suggested we eat a late breakfast and listen to the radio we quickly agreed。 Bellevue Baptist was the largest church in Memphis察and its services were broadcast on station WHBQ。 Pappy didn't like the preacher察said he was too liberal察but we enjoyed hearing him nonetheless。 And the choir had a hundred voices察which was about eighty more than the one at the Black Oak Baptist Church。
Long after breakfast察we sat at the kitchen table察sipping coffee myself included察listening to a sermon being delivered to a congregation of three thousand members察and worrying about the drastic change in the weather。 The adults were worrying察I was only pretending。
Bellevue Baptist had an orchestra察of all things察and when it played the benediction察Memphis seemed a million miles away。 An orchestra in a church。 Gran's older daughter察my aunt Betty察lived in Memphis察and though she didn't worship at Bellevue she knew someone who did。 All the men wore suits。 All the families drove nice cars。 It was indeed a different world。
Pappy and I drove to the river to check our gauge。 The rains were taking a toll on Otis's recent grade work。 The shallow ditches beside the road were full察gullies were forming from the runoff察and mud holes were holding water。 We stopped in the middle of the bridge and studied the river on both sides。 Even I could tell the water was up。 The sandbars and gravel bars were covered。 The water was thicker and a lighter shade of brown察evidence of drainage from the creeks that ran through the fields。 The current swirled and was moving faster。 Debris´driftwood and logs and even a green branch or twofloated atop the water。