梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
I knew she was off in Korea again。 My mother was too tired to talk。
Pappy hated leftovers察but he still thanked the Lord for them。 He also gave thanks for the dry weather and asked for more of it。 We ate slowly察the day's exhaustion finally settled in。 Conversation was soft and short。
I heard the thunder first。 It was a low rumble察far away察and I glanced around the table to see if the adults had heard it察too。 Pappy was talking about the cotton markets。 A few minutes later the rumbling was much closer察and when lightning cracked in the distance察we stopped eating。 The winds picked up察and the tin roof on the back porch began to gently rattle。 We avoided eye contact。
Pappy folded his hands together and rested his elbows on the table as if he might pray again。 He had just asked God for more good weather。 Now we were about to get another drenching。
My father's shoulders dropped a few inches。 He rubbed his forehead and gazed at a wall。 The rain began pecking the roof察a little too loudly察and Gran said察 It's hail。;
Hail meant high winds and fierce rain察and sure enough a storm roared across our farm。 We sat at the table for a long time listening to the thunder and rain察ignoring the half´eaten supper before us察wondering how many inches would fall and how long it would be before we could pick again。 The St。 Francis couldn't hold much more察and when it spilled out察the crops would be finished。
The storm passed察but the rain continued察heavy at times。 We finally left the kitchen。 I walked to the front porch with Pappy and saw nothing but a pool of water between our house and the road。 I felt sorry for him as he sat in the swing and gazed in disbelief at the waves of water God was sending us。
Later my mother read Bible stories to me察her voice barely audible above the rain on the roof。 The tale of Noah and the flood was off´limits。 I fell asleep before young David slew Goliath。
The next day my parents announced that they were driving into town。 I was invited´it would've been too cruel to deny me the tripbut Pappy and Gran were not included。 It was a little family outing。 Ice cream was mentioned as a possibility。 Thanks to Cowboy and Tally察we had some free gasoline察and there was nothing to do around the farm。 Water was standing between the rows of cotton。
I sat in the front with them and paid close attention to the speedometer。 Once we turned onto the main highway and headed north toward Black Oak察my father finished shifting and sped up to forty´five miles an hour。 As far as I could tell察the truck ran the same as it did at thirty´seven察but I wasn't about to mention this to Pappy。
It was oddly forting to see the other farms idled by the rain。 No one was trudging through the fields察trying to pick。 Not a single Mexican could be seen。
Our land was low察prone to early flooding察and we'd lost crops before when other farmers had not。 Now it appeared as if everybody was getting soaked in equal measure。
It was midday with nothing to do but wait察and so families were gathered on porches察watching the traffic。 The women were shelling peas。 The men were talking and worrying。 The children were either sitting on the steps or playing in the mud。 We knew them all察every house。 We waved察they waved back察and we could almost hear them say察 Reckon why the Chandlers are headin' to town拭
Main Street was quiet。 We parked in front of the hardware store。 Three doors down at the Co´op察a group of farmers in overalls was engaged in serious conversation。 My father felt obliged to report there first察or at least to listen to their thoughts and opinions on when the rain might end。 I followed my mother to the drugstore察where they sold ice cream at a soda fountain in the rear。 A pretty town girl named Cindy had worked there for as long as I could remember。 Cindy had no other customers at the moment察and I received an especially generous helping of vanilla ice cream covered with cherries。 It cost my mother a nickel。 I perched myself on a stool。 When it was clear that I had found my spot for the next thirty minutes察my mother left to buy a few things。
Cindy had an older brother who'd been killed in a gruesome car wreck察and every time I saw her I thought about the stories I'd heard。 There'd been a fire察and they couldn't get her brother out of the wreckage。 And there'd been a crowd察which察of course察meant there were many versions of just how awful it really was。 She was pretty察but she had sad eyes察and I knew this was because of the tragedy。 She didn't want to talk察and that was fine with me。 I ate slowly察determined to make the ice cream last a long time察and watched her move around behind the counter。
I'd heard enough whispers between my parents to know that they were planning to make some sort of telephone call。 Since we didn't own a phone察we'd have to borrow one。 I was guessing it would be the phone at Pop and Pearl's store。
Most of the homes in town had phones察as did all the businesses。 And the farmers who lived two or three miles from town had phones察too察since the lines ran that far。 My mother once told me it would be years before they strung phone lines out to our place。 Pappy didn't want one anyway。 He said that if you had a phone then you had to talk to folks whenever it was convenient for them察not you。 A television might be interesting察but forget a phone。
Jackie Moon came through the door and made his way back to the soda counter。 ;Hey察little Chandler察─he said察then tousled my hair and sat down beside me。 ;What brings you here拭─he asked。
;Ice cream察─I said察and he laughed。
Cindy stepped in front of us and said察 The usual拭
;Yes ma'am察─he said。 ;And how are you拭
;I'm fine察Jackie察─she cooed。 They studied each other carefully察and I got the impression that something was going on。 She turned to prepare the usual察and Jackie examined her from head to toe。
;Y'all heard from Ricky拭─he asked me察his eyes still on Cindy。
;Not lately察─I said察staring too。
;Ricky's a tough guy。 He'll be all right。;
;I know察─I said。
He lit a cigarette and puffed on it for a moment。 ;Y'all wet out there拭─he asked。
Cindy placed a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a cup of black coffee in front of Jackie。
;They say it's supposed to rain for the next two weeks察─he said。 ;I don't doubt it。;
;Rain察rain察rain察─Cindy said。 ;That's all people talk about these days。 Don't you get tired of talkin' about the weather拭
;Ain't nothin' else to talk about察─Jackie said。 ;Not if you're farmin'。;
;Only a fool would farm察─she said察then tossed her hand towel on the counter and walked to the front register。
Jackie finished a bite of ice cream。 ;She's probably right about that察you know。;
;Probably so。;
;Your daddy goin' up North拭─he asked。
;Goin' where拭
;Up North察to Flint。 I hear some of the boys are already makin' calls察tryin' to get on at the Buick plant。 They say the jobs are tight this year察can't take as many as they used to察so folks are already scramblin' to get on。 Cotton's shot to hell again。 Another good rain and the river's over the banks。 Most farmers'll be lucky to make half a crop。 Kind of silly察ain't it拭Farm like crazy for six months察lose everything察then run up North to work and bring back enough cash to pay off debts。 Then plant another crop。;
;You goin' up North拭─I asked。
;Thinkin' about it。 I'm too young to get stuck on a farm for the rest of my life。;
;Yeah察me too。;
He sipped his coffee察and for a few moments we silently contemplated the foolishness of farming。
;I hear that big hillbilly took off察─Jackie finally said。
Fortunately I had a mouthful of ice cream察so I just nodded。
;I hope they catch him察─he said。 ;I'd like to see him go to trial察get what's in' to him。 I already told Stick Powers that I'd be a witness。 I saw the whole thing。 Other folks are in' out now察tellin' Stick what really happened。 The hillbilly didn't have to kill that Sisco boy。;
I shoveled in another scoop and kept nodding。 I had learned to shut up and look stupid when the subject of Hank Spruill came up。
Cindy was back察snuffling behind the counter察wiping this and that and humm