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ank Spruill came up。
Cindy was back察snuffling behind the counter察wiping this and that and humming all the while。 Jackie forgot about Hank。 ;You 'bout finished拭─he said察looking at my ice cream。 I guess he and Cindy had something to discuss。
;Just about察─I said。
She hummed察and he stared until I finished。 When I'd eaten the last bit察I said good´bye and went to Pop and Pearl's察where I hoped to learn more about the telephone call。 Pearl was alone by the register察her reading glasses on the tip of her nose察her gaze meeting mine the second I walked in。 It was said that she knew the sound of each truck that passed along Main Street and that she could not only identify the farmer driving it but also could tell how long it had been since he'd been to town。 She missed nothing。
;Where's Eli拭─she asked after we'd exchanged pleasantries。
;He stayed at home察─I said察looking at the bin of Tootsie Rolls。 She pointed and said察 Have one。;
;Thanks。 Where's Pop拭
;In the back。 Just you and your parents察huh拭
;Yes ma'am。 You seen 'em拭
;No察not yet。 They buyin' groceries拭
;Yes ma'am。 And I think my dad needs to borrow a phone。; This stopped her cold as she thought of all the reasons why he needed to call someone。 I unwrapped the Tootsie Roll。
;Who's he callin'拭─she asked。
;Don't know。; Pity the poor soul who borrowed Pearl's phone and wanted to keep the details private。 She'd know more than the person on the other end。
;Y'all wet out there拭
;Yes ma'am。 Pretty wet。;
;That's such bad land anyway。 Seems like y'all and the Latchers and the Jeters always get flooded first。; Her voice trailed off as she contemplated our misfortune。 She glanced out the window察slowly shaking her head at the prospect of another bleak harvest。
I'd yet to see a flood´at least not one that I could remember´so I had nothing to say。 The weather had dampened everyone's spirits察including Pearl's。 With heavy clouds hanging over our part of the world察it was hard to be optimistic。 Another gloomy winter was ing。
;I hear some people are goin' up North察─I said。 I knew Pearl would have the details if the rumors were indeed true。
;I hear that察too察─she said。 ;They're tryin' to line up jobs just in case the rains stay。;
;Who's goin'拭
;Hadn't heard察─she said察but I could tell from the tone of her voice that she had the latest gossip。 The farmers had probably used her phone。
I thanked her for the Tootsie Roll and left the store。 The sidewalks were empty。 It was nice to have the town to myself。 On Saturdays you could hardly walk for all the people。 I caught a glimpse of my parents in the hardware store buying something察so I went to investigate。
They were buying paint察lots of it。 Lined up perfectly on the counter察along with two brushes still in their plastic wrappers察were five one´gallon buckets of white Pittsburgh Paint。 The clerk was totaling the charges when I walked up。 My father was fumbling for something in his pocket。 My mother stood close to his side察straight and proud。 It was obvious to me that she had pushed the buying of the paint。 She smiled down at me with great satisfaction。
;That's fourteen dollars and eighty cents察─the clerk said。
My father withdrew his cash and began counting bills。
;I can just put it on your account察─the clerk said。
;No察this doesn't go there察─my mother said。 Pappy would have a heart attack if he got a monthly statement showing that much spent for paint。
We hauled it to the truck。
Chapter 31
The buckets of paint were lined along the back porch察like soldiers poised for an ambush。 Under my mother's supervision察the scaffolding was moved by my father and rigged at the northeast corner of the house察enabling me to paint from the bottom almost to the roofline。 I had turned the first corner。 Trot would've been proud。
Another gallon was opened。 I removed the wrapper from one of the new brushes and worked the bristles back and forth。 It was five inches wide and much heavier than the one Trot had given me。
;We're gonna work in the garden察─my mother said。 ;We'll be back directly。; And with that she left with my father in tow察carrying three of the largest baskets on the farm。 Gran was in the kitchen making strawberry preserves。 Pappy was off worrying somewhere。 I was left alone。
The investment by my parents in this project added weight to my mission。 The house would now be painted in its entirety察whether Pappy liked it or not。 And the bulk of the labor would be supplied by me。 There was察however察no hurry。 If the floods came察I would paint when it wasn't raining。 If we finished the crop察I'd have all winter to plete my masterpiece。 The house had never been painted in its fifty years。 Where was the urgency
After thirty minutes I was tired。 I could hear my parents talking in the garden。 There were two more brushes´another new one and the one Trot had given me´just lying there on the porch beside the buckets of paint。 Why couldn't my parents pick up the brushes and get to work拭Surely they planned to help。
The paintbrush was really heavy。 I kept my strokes short and slow and very neat。 My mother had cautioned me against trying to apply too much at once。 ;Don't let it drip。; ;Don't let it run。;
After an hour I needed a break。 Lost in my own world察facing such a mammoth project察I began to think ill of Trot for dumping it on me。 He'd painted about a third of one side of the house then fled。 I was beginning to think that perhaps Pappy was right after all。 The house didn't need painting。
Hank was the reason。 Hank had laughed at me and insulted my family because our house was unpainted。 Trot had risen to my defense。 He and Tally had conspired to start this project察not knowing that the bulk of it would fall on my shoulders。
I heard voices close behind me。 Miguel察Luis察and Rico had walked up and were eyeing me with curiosity。 I smiled and we exchanged buenas tardes。 They moved in closer察obviously puzzled as to why the smallest Chandler had been given such a large task。 For a few minutes察I concentrated on my work and inched my way along。 Miguel was at the porch inspecting the unopened gallons and the other brushes。 ;Can we play拭─he asked。
What an absolutely wonderful idea
Two more gallons were opened。 I gave Miguel my brush察and within seconds察Luis and Rico were sitting on the scaffold察their bare feet hanging down察painting as if they'd been doing it all their lives。 Miguel started on the back porch。 Before long the other six Mexicans were sitting on the grass in the shade watching us。
Gran heard the noise察and she stepped outside察wiping her hands with a dish towel。 She looked at me and laughed察then went back to her strawberry preserves。
The Mexicans were delighted to have something to do。 The rains had forced them to kill long hours in and around the barn。 They had no truck to take them to town察no radio to listen to察no books to read。 We weren't even sure if they knew how to read。 They rolled dice occasionally察but they would stop the moment one of us drew near。
They attacked the unpainted house with a vengeance。 The six non´painters offered endless advice and opinions to those with the brushes。 Evidently some of their suggestions were hilarious because at times the painters laughed so hard they couldn't work。 The Spanish grew faster and louder察all nine laughing and talking。 The challenge was to convince one with a brush to relinquish it for a spell and allow the next one to improve on the work。 Roberto emerged as the expert。 With a dramatic flair察he instructed the novices察Pablo and Pepe especially察on proper technique。 He walked behind the others as they worked察quick with advice or a joke or a rebuke。 The brushes changed hands察and through the ridicule and abuse察a system of teamwork emerged。
I sat under the tree with the other Mexicans察watching the transformation of the back porch。 Pappy returned on the tractor。 He parked it by the tool shed and察from a distance察he watched for a moment。 Then he circled wide to the front of the house。 I couldn't tell if he approved or not察and I'm not sure that it mattered anymore。 There was no spring in his step察no p