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ou will be blessed。 ';
;We'll kill two hogs instead of one察─Pappy said。 ;We'll have plenty of meat for the winter。;
The hog´killing would e in early December察when the air was cold and the bacteria dead。 Every year a hog was shot in the head察dipped in boiling water察and hung from a tree next to the tool shed察then gutted and butchered into a thousand pieces。 From it we got bacon察ham察loin察sausage察and ribs。 Everything was used´tongue察brains察feet。 ;Everything but the squeal; was a line I'd heard all my life。 Mr。 Jeter from across the road was a fair butcher。 He would supervise the gutting察then perform the delicate removals。 For his time he took a fourth of the best cuts。
My first memory of a hog´killing was that I ran behind the house and puked。 With time察though察I'd e to look forward to it。 If you wanted ham and bacon察you had to kill a hog。 But it would take more than two hogs to feed the Latchers until spring。 There were eleven of them察including the baby察who at the moment was living off vanilla ice cream。
As we talked about them察I began to dream of heading North。
The trip now seemed more appealing。 I had sympathy for the Latchers察and I was proud that we'd rescued them。 I knew that as Christians we were expected to help the poor。 I understood all that察but I could not imagine living through the winter with all those little kids running around our farm。 I'd start back to school very soon。 Would the Latchers go with me拭Since they would be new students察would I be expected to show them around拭What would my friends think拭I saw nothing but humiliation。
And now that they lived with us察it was just a matter of time before the big secret got out。 Ricky would be fingered as the father。 Pearl would figure out where all the vanilla ice cream was going。 Something would leak somehow察and we'd be ruined。
;Luke察are you finished拭─my father asked察jolting me from my thoughts。
My plate was clean。 Everyone looked at it。 They had adult matters to discuss。 It was my cue to go find something to do。
;Supper was good。 May I be excused拭─I said察reciting my standard lines。
Gran nodded and I went to the back porch and pushed the screen door so that it would slam。 Then I slid back into the darkness to a bench by the kitchen door。 From there I could hear everything。 They were worried about money。 The crop loan would be ;rolled over; until next spring察and they would deal with it then。 The other farming bills could be delayed察too察though Pappy hated the thought of riding his creditors。
Surviving the winter was much more urgent。 Food was not a concern。 We had to have money for such necessities as electricity察gas and oil for the truck察and staples like coffee察flour察and sugar。 What if someone got sick and needed a doctor or medicine拭What if the truck broke down and needed parts
;We haven't given anything to the church this year察─Gran said。
Pappy estimated that as much as thirty percent of the crop was still out there察standing in water。 If the weather broke and things got dry察we might be able to salvage a small portion of it。 That would provide some ine察but the gin would keep most of it。 Neither he nor my father was optimistic about picking any more cotton in 1952。
The problem was cash。 They were almost out of it察and there was no hope of any ing in。 They barely had enough to pay for electricity and gasoline until Christmas。
;Jimmy Dale's holdin' a job for me at the Buick plant察─my father said。 ;But he can't wait long。 The jobs are tight right now。 We need to get on up there。;
According to Jimmy Dale察the current wage was three dollars an hour察for forty hours a week察but overtime was available察too。 ;He says I can earn close to two hundred dollars a week察─my father said。
;We'll send home as much as we can察─my mother added。
Pappy and Gran went through the motions of protesting察but everyone knew the decision had been made。 I heard a noise in the distance察a vaguely familiar sound。 As it drew closer察I cringed and wished I'd hidden on the front porch。
The baby was back察upset again and no doubt craving vanilla ice cream。 I sneaked off the porch and walked a few steps toward the barn。 In the shadows I saw Libby and Mrs。 Latcher approaching the house。 I ducked beside the chicken coop and listened as they went by。 The constant wailing echoed around our farm。
Gran and my mother met them at the back porch。 A light was switched on察and I watched as they huddled around the little monster then carried him inside。 Through the window I could see my father and Pappy scramble for the front porch。
With four women working on him察it took only a few minutes to stop the crying。 Once things were quiet Libby left the kitchen and went outside。 She sat on the edge of the porch in the same place Cowboy had occupied the day he had shown me his switchblade。 I walked to the house and said察 Hi察Libby察─when I was a few feet away。
She jumped察then caught herself。 Poor girl's nerves were rattled by her baby's colic。 ;Luke察─she said。 ;What're you doin'拭
;e sit here察─she said察patting the spot next to her。 I did as I was told。
;Does that baby cry all the time拭─I asked。
;Seems like it。 I don't mind察though。;
;You don't拭
;No。 He reminds me of Ricky。;
;He does拭
;Yes察he does。 When's he in' home拭Do you know察Luke拭
;No。 His last letter said he might be home by Christmas。;
;That's two months away。;
;Yeah察but I ain't so sure about it。 Gran says every soldier says he's in' home by Christmas。;
;I just can't wait察─she said察visibly excited by the prospect。
;What's gonna happen when he gets home拭─I asked察not sure if I wanted to hear her answer。
;We're gonna get married察─she said with a big察pretty smile。 Her eyes were filled with wonder and anticipation。
;You are拭
;Yes察he promised。;
I certainly didn't want Ricky to get married。 He belonged to me。 We would fish and play baseball察and he'd tell war stories。 He'd be my big brother察not somebody's husband。
;He's the sweetest thang察─she said察gazing up at the sky。
Ricky was a lot of things察but I'd never call him sweet。 Then again察there was no telling what he'd done to impress her。
;You can't tell anybody察Luke察─she said察suddenly serious。 ;It's our secret。;
That's my specialty察I felt like saying。 ;Don't worry察─I said察 I can keep one。;
;Can you read and write察Luke拭
;Sure can。 Can you拭
;Pretty good。;
;But you don't go to school。;
;I went through the fourth grade察then my mother kept havin' all them babies察so I had to quit。 I've written Ricky a letter察tellin' him all about the baby。 Do you have his address拭
I wasn't sure Ricky wanted to receive her letter察and for a second I thought about playing dumb。 But I couldn't help but like Libby。 She was so crazy about Ricky that it seemed wrong not to give her the address。
;Yeah察I got it。;
;Do you have an envelope拭
;Could you mail my letter for me拭Please察Luke。 I don't think Ricky knows about our baby。;
Something told me to butt out。 This was between them。 ;I guess I can mail it察─I said。
;Oh察thank you察Luke察─she said察almost squealing。 She hugged my neck hard。 ;I'll give you the letter tomorrow察─she said。 ;And you promise you'll mail it for me拭
;I promise。; I thought about Mr。 Thornton at the post office and how curious he'd be if he saw a letter from Libby Latcher to Ricky in Korea。 I'd figure it out somehow。 Perhaps I should ask my mother about it。
The women brought baby Latcher to the back porch察where Gran rocked it while it slept。 My mother and Mrs。 Latcher talked about how tired the little fellow was´all that nonstop crying had worn it out´so that when it did fall off察it slept hard。 I was soon bored with all the talk about the baby。
My mother woke me just after sunrise察and instead of scolding me out of bed to face another day on the farm察she sat next to my pillow and talked。 ;We're leavin' tomorrow mornin'察Luke。 I'm going to pack today。 Your father will help you paint the front of the house察so you'd better get started。;
;Is it rainin'拭─I asked察sitting up。
;No。 It's cloudy察but you can