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cause we had to be in the fields by sunrise。 My father rapidly milked two gallons察which would've taken me half the morning。 We delivered the food to the kitchen察where the women were in charge。 The ham was already in the skillet察its rich aroma thick in the air。
   Breakfast was fresh eggs察milk察salt´cured ham察and hot biscuits察with sorghum optional。 As they cooked察I settled into my chair察ran my fingers across the damp察checkered oilcloth察and waited for my cup of coffee。 It was the one vice my mother allowed me。
   Gran placed the cup and saucer before me察then the sugar bowl and the fresh cream。 I doctored the coffee until it was as sweet as a malt察then sipped it slowly。
   At breakfast察conversation in the kitchen was held to a minimum。 It was exciting to have so many strangers on our farm for the harvest察hut the enthusiasm was dampened by the reality that we would spend most of the next twelve hours unshielded in the sun察bent over察picking until our fingers bled。
   We ate quickly察the roosters making a ruckus in the side yard。 My grandmother's biscuits were heavy and perfectly round察and so warm that when I carefully placed a slice of butter in the center of one察it melted instantly。 I watched the yellow cream soak into the biscuit察then took a bite。 My mother conceded that Ruth Chandler made the best biscuits she'd ever tasted。 I wanted so badly to eat two or three察like my father察but I simply couldn't hold them。 My mother ate one察same as Gran。 Pappy had two察my father three。 Several hours later察in the middle of the morning察we would stop for a moment under the shade of a tree or beside the cotton trailer to eat the leftover biscuits。
   Breakfast was slow in the winter because there was little else to do。 The pace was somewhat faster in the spring when we were planting察and in the summer when we were chopping。 But during the fall harvest察with the sun about to catch us察we ate with a purpose。
   There was some chatter about the weather。 The rain in St。 Louis that had canceled last night's Cardinals game was weighing on Pappy's mind。 St。 Louis was so far away that no one at the table察except for Pappy察had ever been there察yet the city's weather was now a crucial element in the harvest of our crops。 My mother listened patiently。 I didn't say a word。
   My father had been reading the almanac and offered the opinion that the weather would cooperate throughout the month of September。 But mid´October looked ominous。 Bad weather was on the way。 It was imperative that for the next six weeks we work until we dropped。 The harder we worked察the harder the Mexicans and the Spruills would work。 This was my father's version of a pep talk。
   The subject of day laborers came up。 These were locals who went from farm to farm looking for the best deal。 Most were town people we knew。 During the previous fall察Miss Sophie Turner察who taught fifth and sixth grades察had bestowed a great honor on us when she had chosen our fields to pick in。
   We needed all the day laborers we could get察but they generally picked wherever they wanted。
   When Pappy finished his last bite察he thanked his wife and my mother for the good food and left them to clean up the mess。 I strutted onto the back porch with the men。
   Our house faced south察the barn and crops were to the north and west察and to the east I saw the first hint of orange peeking over the flat farmland of the Arkansas Delta。 The sun was ing察undaunted by clouds。 My shirt was already sticking to my back。
   A flatbed trailer was hitched to the John Deere察and the Mexicans had already gotten on。 My dad went up to speak to Miguel。 ;Good morning。 How did you sleep拭Are you ready to work拭─Pappy went to fetch the Spruills。
   I had a spot察a nook between the fender and the seat of the John Deere察and I had spent hours there firmly grasping the metal pole holding the umbrella that would cover the driver察either Pappy or my father察when we chugged through the fields plowing or planting or spreading fertilizer。 I took my place and looked down at the crowded trailer察Mexicans on one side察Spruills on the other。 At that moment I felt very privileged because I got to ride on the tractor察and the tractor belonged to us。 My haughtiness察however察would vanish shortly察because all things were level among the cotton stalks。
   I'd been curious as to whether poor Trot would go to the fields。 Picking required two good arms。 Trot had only one察as far as I'd been able to determine。 But there he was察sitting at the edge of the trailer察his back to everyone else察feet hanging over the side察alone in his own world。 And there was Tally察who didn't acknowledge me察but just looked into the distance。
   Without a word察Pappy popped the clutch察and the tractor and trailer lurched forward。 I checked to make sure no one fell off。 Through the kitchen window I could see my mother's face察watching us as she cleaned the dishes。 She would finish her chores察spend an hour in her garden察then join us for a hard day in the fields。 Same for Gran。 No one rested when the cotton was ready。
   We puttered past the barn察the diesel thumping察the trailer creaking察and turned south toward the lower forty察a tract next to Siler's Creek。 We always picked the lower forty first because the floods would start there。
   We had the lower forty and the back forty。 Eighty acres was no small farming operation。
   In a few minutes we arrived at the cotton trailer察and Pappy stopped the tractor。 Before I jumped down察I looked to the east and saw the lights of our house察less than a mile away。 Behind it察the sky was ing to life with streaks of orange and yellow。 There wasn't a cloud to be seen察and this meant no floods in the near future。 It also meant no shelter from the scorching sun。
   Tally said察 Good morning察Luke察─as she walked by。
   I managed to return her greeting。 She smiled at me as if she knew some secret that she would never tell。
   Pappy didn't give an orientation察and none was needed。 Choose a row in either direction察and start picking。 No chitchat察no stretching of the muscles察no predictions about the weather。 Without a word the Mexicans draped their long cotton sacks over their shoulders察lined up察and went south。 The Arkansans went north。
   For a second察I stood there in the semidarkness of an already hot September morning察staring down a very long察straight row of cotton察a row that had somehow been assigned to me。 I thought察I'll never get to the end of it察and I was suddenly tired。
   I had cousins in Memphis察sons and daughters of my father's two sisters察and they had never picked cotton。 City kids察in the suburbs察in nice little homes with indoor plumbing。 They returned to Arkansas for funerals´sometimes for Thanksgiving。 As I stared at my endless row of cotton察I thought of those cousins。
   Two things motivated me to work。 First察and most important察I had my father on one side and my grandfather on the other。 Neither tolerated laziness。 They had worked the fields when they were children察and I would certainly do the same。 Second察I got paid for picking察same as the other field hands。 A dollar sixty for a hundred pounds。 And I had big plans for the money。
   ;Let's go察─my father said firmly in my direction。 Pappy was already settled among the stalks察ten feet into his row。 I could see his outline and his straw hat。 I could hear the Spruills a few rows over chatting among themselves。 Hill people sang a lot察and it was not unmon to hear them crooning some low察mournful tune as they picked。 Tally laughed about something察her luxurious voice echoing across the fields。
   She was only ten years older than I was。
   Pappy's father had fought in the Civil War。 His name was Jeremiah Chandler察and according to family lore察he'd almost single´handedly won the Battle of Shiloh。 When Jeremiah's second wife died察he took a third察a local maiden thirty years his junior。 A few years later she gave birth to Pappy。
   A thirty´year gap for Jeremiah and his bride。 Ten for Tally and me。 It could work。
   With solemn resolve察I flung my nine´foot cotton sack across my back察the strap over my right shoulder察and attacked the first boll of cotton。 It was damp from the dew察and that was one reason we started so

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