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小说: cussler.blueandgold 字数: 每页4000字

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sident would be kept out of the loop officially; for purposes of deniability。 The policy would generate a course of action in response to a given threat or threats。 That was the protocol。 The action was distilled into an order。 The order was broken down into a number of parts。〃
 〃Makes sense。 That way those who carried out the order only knew their small part of it。 You preserve secrecy。〃
 'Aha; I guess they did teach you something in the halls of Eli; even if it's all wrong。 Those nutty plans like whacking Castro or Iran…contra were set up that way; and they all fell apart。〃
 〃So why have a protocol at all?〃
 〃The prime reason is so the guys at the top can disallow responsibility。 A protocol was usually reserved for the most serious type of action。 In this case; we're talking about a political assassination。 It was not something taken lightly。 Heads of state are not supposed to plot the demise of other heads of state or people in their own government。 It makes for bad precedent。 So the order would be multilevel。 It was designed not to leave finger prints。 No one gave orders that could be traced back。 A number of predetermined circumstances had to e about for the mand to be followed through to its end。〃
 〃It sounds like the fail…safe system they used with the nuclear bombers。 There were several steps involved; and the mission could be aborted up until the very last。〃
 〃Something like that。 Let me give you another analogy。 A threat is perceived。 One hand takes out the gun。 The threat grows。 Another hand loads the bullet。 The threat escalates。 A
 third hand cocks the hammer。 Next; the trigger is pulled and the threat is eliminated。 All those action…reaction steps would be necessary for the gun to fire。〃
 Browning nodded。 〃I understand what you're saying; but I can't figure out how the bloody thing got onto my puter。〃
 〃Maybe that's not as mysterious as it seems。〃 Most of Row land's days were spent in the boring task of reading and analyzing newspapers; and he relished the chance for intellectual exercise。 He leaned back in the chair and stared at the ceiling。
 〃The protocol originally would have been recorded on paper; probably broken down into parts。 It is never carried out。 Then the agency goes from paper to puters。 The protocol bees encoded in the agency's database。 It sits there for decades; until all the triggering mechanisms are in place to activate it。 The director is supposed to be notified automatically; only the files have been declassified and the puter doesn't know that a lowly analyst will be reading a file meant only for the director。〃
 〃Brilliant;〃 Browning said。 〃Now we have to figure out what could have set a fifty…year…old protocol in motion。 I was looking at these same files yesterday。 This was not there。〃
 〃That means the protocol was activated in the last twenty four hours。 Wait…〃 The e…mail was blinking。 Rowland retrieved the message。
 〃Dear Rowland。 Here's your message。 Ho…hum。 Please send something more challenging next time。〃
 The words on the screen simply said; 〃Sanction under way。〃
 〃It's a coded reply from the hit man;〃 Rowland said。 Browning shook his head。 〃I wonder who the poor bastard was。〃
 〃I don't think we have to worry about the past; it's the future I'm concerned about。〃
 〃Hey; c'mon; Jack; it's been half a century since this protocol was approved。 Everyone involved must be long dead。 Hit man and victim alike。〃
 〃Maybe;〃 Rowland said。 〃Maybe not。〃 He tapped the words on the screen。 〃This reply has just been sent。 It means the hit man is still alive; and so is his victim。 At least for now。〃 
 〃What do you mean?〃
 Rowland reached for the phone; a grave expression carved into the usual cheery face。
 〃The director didn't countermand the order; so it goes to the next step。 The killing。〃 Rowland held his hand up to cut off Browning's question。 〃Please put me through to the director;〃 he barked into the phone。 〃Yes; it's urgent;〃 he said; his voice rising in a rare display of emotion。 〃Damned urgent!〃
 Chapter 22
 The blaze had been extinguished and the firefighters were mopping up when Zavala re turned to Hanley's office building。 Zavala bluffed his way past the yellow police tape with officious flashes of his NUMA identification card。 He waved the laminated card with his picture close to the arson investigator's nose; then quickly tucked it back into his billfold。 He didn't want to explain why someone from a federal ocean science agency was at a San Diego disaster scene。
 The investigator; whose name was Connors; said witnesses had told him about the hovering helicopter and described a strange flash of light before the explosion; but he hadn't eliminated the possibility that the detonation was internal。 Zavala couldn't blame him。 It's not every day an armed helicopter at tacks an office building in San Diego。
 〃How is the injured woman?〃 Zavala asked。
 〃Okay last I heard;〃 Connors said。 〃A couple of guys dragged her out of her office before the fire got going。〃
 Zavala then thanked Connors and walked to the next block to catch a taxi。 As he raised his hand to hail a cab; a plain black Ford sedan pulled up to the curb。 Agent Miguel Gomez was be hind the wheel。 The FBI man leaned across the seat and opened the door。 Zavala got in。
 Gomez gave Zavala his world…weary look。 〃Things sure have gotten busy since you and your partner arrived in town;〃 the agent said。 〃A few hours after you walk into my office the Farmer and his sleaze ball lawyer go up in smoke。 Why don't you stick around a few more days? The whole Mexican mafia and their pals will self…destruct; and I'll be out of a job; which will suit me fine。〃
 Zavala chuckled。 〃Thanks again for watching our backs in Tijuana。〃
 〃In return for risking an international incident by bringing a sniper team across the border; maybe you'll tell me what in God's name is going on。〃
 〃I wish I knew;〃 Zavala said with a shrug。 〃What's the story on Pedralez?〃
 〃He was in his armored car going through Colonia Obrera; a cutthroat neighborhood west of Tijuana。 He's got bodyguards in SUVs in front and behind。 The lead vehicle gets hit first。 A second later Pedralez's car explodes。 It must have been slammed real hard because that thing was built like a tank。 The driver of the third vehicle does a quick U…turn and gets the hell out。〃
 'An antitank missile would have done the job。〃
 Gomez affixed Zavala with dark; probing eyes。 〃The Mexican police found the loader for a Swedish Gustav antitank missile in an alley。〃
 〃The Swedes are attacking Mexican drug lords?〃
 〃I wish。 The hardware is available on the world arms market。 They're probably giving them away on the backs of cereal boxes。 You can fire the thing from the shoulder。 They tell me two guys can get off six rounds a minute。 What do you know about this thing with Hanley?〃
 〃Kurt and I had just left the building when we saw a green helicopter hovering outside Hanley's office。 We went back inside and heard the blast while we were in the elevator。 Some wit nesses saw a flash of light。 It could have been from a missile launcher。〃
 〃How many missiles does it take to wipe out a shyster? Sounds like a lawyer joke。〃
 〃I don't see Hanley laughing。〃 
  〃Guy never did have a sense of humor。 Talk about overkill。 Someone really wanted him dead real bad to go through all that trouble。〃 He paused。 〃Why did you go back into the building?〃
 〃Kurt thought the helicopter looked like one he had seen after the explosion in the Baja。〃
 〃So you already talked with Hanley?〃
 Gomez might look sleepy; but he didn't miss a trick; Zavala thought。
 〃We asked him about the tortilla plant。 He said a Sacramento business broker contacted him for a client who wanted to get a cover operation going in Mexico。 Hanley hooked his client up with Pedralez。〃
 〃What was the broker's name?〃
 〃Jones。 Save your dime。 He's dead。〃
 Gomez smirked。 〃Don't tell me。 His car blew up。〃
 〃He drove off a cliff。 It was supposedly an accident。〃
 A man in a dark blue suit came over and tapped on the car

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