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小说: douglashill.galacticwarlord 字数: 每页4000字

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g his neck and as much of the rest of himself as he could; he knew that he still had mand of his body; that he was not seriously injured。
 Then the giant loomed over him。
 'You seem determined to suffer;' said the melodious bass voice。 'As I would have expected。 Are you any closer to telling me what I wish to know ?'
 Keill neither spoke nor looked at him。
 'Also as I would have expected;' Thr'un said with an exaggerated sigh。 'The Legions made their men little more than robots; blindly following the demands of their masters。' ;
 An odd emphasis in the words gave Keill the glimmer of an idea。 Finding what was left of his voice; he croaked; 'Do you not follow your masters ?'
 Thr'un took the bait。 'My Master;' he began; 'does not require me。。。'
 He stopped abruptly; glowering down at Keill。 'Very crafty; legionary。' The voice rumbled deep and deadly。 'You have been trying hard; have you not; to learn what you can。 But you have learned nothing。 And even if I were able to reveal to you the name and whereabouts of the Master; you would not live long enough to make use of that knowledge。'
 Keill ignored the death threat; his mind grasping and examining the rest of the speech。 A 'Master' ? Who set up this trap on Creffa; and also sent the men on sweeps near Moros; as Jiker had said? Who seemed to give his minions something of a free hand ? And whose name and whereabouts Thr'un was not 'able' to reveal ?
 It was all beginning to sound like something he had heard before。
 He tried to focus his mind; to contact Glr and pass on what he had learned。 Perhaps the little alien could make more sense out of these vague hints。 Or perhaps the Overseers 。。。
 But then the giant was speaking again; distracting him。 'You may now decide; Randor。 Tell me of these other survivors; and you have a chance to keep your useless life。 Stay silent; and you will die; now; in a most unpleasant manner。'
 Keill smiled coldly。 'As far as I know; there are no others。 I have met none; I have heard of none。'
 'Lies!' boomed the giant; and gestured to Jiker。 The thin man hurried forward; grinning。
 While Rish kept his beam…gun steadily on Keill; Jiker removed two of the bonds … those across his body … leaving him clamped only by his wrists and ankles。
 'As you know;' Thr'un said malevolently; 'janglers do not themselves kill。 But you will also know that the convulsions they cause can be very severe。 A man who might happen to be held by hands and feet might suffer a great deal of damage。 He is likely to bend himself almost in two … and his neck or his spine will snap as if they were glass。'
 Keill said nothing; still striving to gather his concentration; to reach Glr。
 'Have you an answer now to my question?' Thr'un bellowed。
 But Keill ignored him; for the voice of Glr had slid into his mind。
 Keill; if you are projecting; I cannot fix on it。 It is too muzzy。 Try harder … because there is trouble。 I sense two humans moving nearby; probably searching for the ship。 ;
 As expected; Keill thought; the giant had sent men out to look for their captive's ship。 With a supreme effort; he gathered his thought。 'Glr; take off at once; and stay in space on the dark side。 If you hear nothing more from me; tell the Overseers that I。。。'
 But he was unable to continue the message; for Thr'un was bellowing again; drawing his attention。
 'As you wish; legionary! If there are others; some will no doubt visit me soon。 They may prove more co…operative。 I have no more use for you!' He turned to Jiker。 'Go ahead。〃
 Jiker began his high…pitched titter as he took aim。 Then the jangler flared。
 As before; Keill's body twisted; writhed; flexed … and now arched high off the metal surface。 Arched in an impossible curve; jerking and threshing; only his arms and his feet held still。
 Then there was a sickening; grinding crack。
 Jiker released the firing stud; and Keill's body slumped down; limp and motionless。
 Chapter twelve
 The intense; crushing pain that continued within his body proved; to Keill's half…conscious surprise; that he was still alive。 It also told him that he would probably not live for much longer。
 The pain clawed at every segment of his body。 Each muscle and joint was in torment; but most of all his neck and lower back。 He had clearly broken his spine; as Thr'un had indicated。 Perhaps his spinal cord still held; temporarily; but he would not have long before it too gave way。 He would probably be dead even before Thr'un or his men got round to finishing him off。
 He felt no fear; no self…pity … just an edge of regret that he had achieved so little against Thr'un and his false legionaries。 But at least he had gathered a few hints; which he still had to pass on to Glr。 He fought with the haze in his mind; fought to focus his thoughts; to make contact again with the alien。 But the pain; and voices dimly heard; intruded。 One of the voices was Thr'un's; from some distance away … as if the giant had turned to leave; after Keill's collapse; and was issuing orders from the doorway。
 '。 。 。 won't have survived that;' the deep bass voice was saying。 'Strip off the uniform for one of the other men to use。'
 'Whatd' we do with th' body ?' Jiker's thin voice。
 'Put it in the airlock; and some of the others can take it to the ship。 We'll throw it out when we next visit the planet; and let it burn in atmosphere。'
 Jiker began to say something else; but Keill didn't hear … for Glr was in his mind; fear and worry plain in the inner voice。
 Keill clutched at his concentration; and in pain…filled bursts of thought; told Glr what had happened。
 In the midst of the anxiety pouring from Glr's mind; he heard … astonishingly … the rise of the alien's silent laughter。
 Keill; you are a hardhead! Glr cried。 Clinging to your doubts still …even to convince yourself that you're dying!
 Clearly; Keill thought; he had not managed to project properly; and Glr had misunderstood。 He began to try again; but the alien interrupted。
 No; I received you properly。 Don't you see? Talis told you the simple truth。 Nothing those men could do could break so much as your little finger!
 The hope that ballooned up within Keill was instantly crushed by disbelief。 The agony in his back was very real。。。
 Of course it is! Glr replied。 The weapon put every muscle and tendon under terrible stress … that is what hurts! But nothing is broken! Nothing can be!
 Hope seeped back; determined。 The pain from aching ligaments ? The terrible cracking sound merely from joints shifting under the strain; as a man can crack his knuckles without damage ?
 He tried tentatively to move his body; half…expecting that he might be paralysed。 But it moved … torso shifting; knees rising。 As he moved; the pain flared; then eased; slightly。 And hope burst forth undiminished。
 It seemed to be true! He was probably suffering only from a ferocious stretching and twisting。 And a lifetime of gruelling Legion exercises; which were focused on stretching and twisting; had made his body supple beyond most people's imaginings。 He had very likely pulled a muscle or two; strained ligaments … but he was intact; he was functional。 It might hurt; but his body would do his bidding。
 By then it was time for it to do so。 The whole exchange with Glr; at the incalculable speed of thought; had taken place while Jiker and Rish were turning back towards him from the door。 The giant Thr'un had presumably left the room。 And his two men; only glancing at Keill who was again lying as limp as he could; began at once to release the clamps that held him to the metal platform。
 Then Jiker's sharp eyes registered the faint movement of Keill's chest; with his breathing。
 'Sunfires;' Jiker gasped; 'he's still alive!'
 Keill remained motionless; and made his breath rasp in his throat。
 'Not f'r long; I reckon;' Rish grunted。 'Give him another burst。'
 Keill sent out a sharp mental call。 'Glr; e in now; quickly; and over fly the dome; as low as you can。'
 I hear and obey; came the laughing reply。
 Jiker was taking a tentative step forward。 'Can't be faking …not after what we gave him。 Must be a lot stronger 'n he looks。'
 Keill made his chest heave; gave a choking rattle in his throat; 

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