九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > douglashill.galacticwarlord >



小说: douglashill.galacticwarlord 字数: 每页4000字

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; lulled by the unbroken silence and darkness around him。 He might not even have felt the blow that deepened his doze into unconsciousness。
 Keill lowered the guard's body to the ground; listening carefully to the man's breathing。 He had struck with precision at the base of the skull; using only the tips of stiffened fingers; for he was not there to kill。 Even so; some people have thinner skulls than others … and he was glad to hear the guard begin softly snoring。
 He slipped the guard's pistol from its holster … a needle…gun; as he had hoped … and snapped it open; sniffing at the points of the tiny projectiles within it。 Also as he had hoped; the guards used anaesthetic in their needlers。 They; too; were not there to kill。
 Like a shadow himself he moved through shadow towards his goal … the office of the senior security man; he with the sour expression。 A dimly lit window drew him。 Peering carefully in; he saw one guard; seated at the central desk with his back to the door; chewing at a handful of some nameless Saltrenian confection。
 Keill ghosted to the door; opened it without a sound。 Even the needle…gun seemed to whisper as he fired it。 The guard; mouth still full; sagged forward onto the desk。
 The metal cabinet … at which the senior officer had taken his giveaway look … was securely shut; with some form of electronic bination lock。 The cabinet was sheet metal; a sturdy alloy。 Keill stepped a pace away; took a deep breath; another。
 Then he leaped; and drove a booted foot at full stretch into the centre of the cabinet door。
 The blow had every gram of his weight perfectly poised and delivered behind it。 It also had all the pent…up frustration; anger; desperation and urgency that had acpanied Keill throughout the whole of his day on Saltrenius。
 The metal cabinet boomed hollowly。 And the door seemed to fold inwards; as if it had developed new hinges down its centre。
 Keill stood silent for a moment; listening。 But the sound; loud enough in the enclosed room; would not have carried far outside。 And more than one guard must have been feeling sleepy that night。 No voices were raised; no footsteps began; no alarm sounded。
 He turned back to the cabinet。 On one side of the door; the electronic lock had held。 On the other side; the door had been pletely ripped off its hinges。 In a moment Keill had pulled aside the crumpled metal and was rummaging through the shelves。 In another moment a thin strip of light metal lay in his hand。
 The key to the seal that held his ship prisoner。
 Then he was outside again; circling; more silent than the dust that swirled softly in the air。 He approached his ship from the rear; rounded it cautiously。 The lone guard was at least wakeful; but when he saw Keill he could not decide for an instant whether to shout or to reach for his pistol。 Keill shot him before he could make up his mind。
 While he was dragging the unconscious man to safety; well away from the energy blast of his lift…off; Keill heard a sound; on the threshold of audibility。 Like the sound he had heard at the hostel … a soft rustle; as if of cloth。 He spun round; pistol ready … but saw nothing; except his waiting ship and swirls of soft dust。 Carefully; warily; he circled his ship。 Nothing。 The plasticrete was bare; deserted; as far as he could see in the darkness。
 Quickly he returned to the seal; slipping in the key; catching the band of heavy metal as it fell away; opening the airlock hatch; moving swiftly in。。。
 The sound again。 Behind him。 Not a rustle this time … more like a cloth flapping in the wind。
 He was quick enough to turn; quick enough to glimpse the shape that hovered outside … like a wide sheet; like a sail; blackly silhouetted against the star…filled sky。
 Then the needle bit into his neck; and it seemed that all the shadows in the world rose to engulf him in darkness。
 Part two
 The hidden asteroid
 Chapter five
 He opened his eyes slowly; his mind sluggish; resisting wakefulness。 The messages from his senses were ing to him slowly; as if from a great distance; with difficulty。
 The first message they sent was frightening。 He was totally immobilized。 He could not move a single muscle in his body except those around his eyes and mouth。
 The second message was reassuring。 He still had feeling in his body … he was not paralysed。 Instead; something was constraining him; something that clung to every centimetre of his skin except his face; preventing even the smallest movement。
 The third message was unbelievable。 Though he could not move; though his mind was far from clear; though he felt an immense weariness throughout his entire being; so that even moistening his lips with his tongue was an effort … despite all this; he felt wonderful。
 The pain had gone。
 The lancing fire that had seared every cell in the depths of his body; through every waking minute of the months past。。 。 Gone。
 Unless; of course; he was dreaming again。 Or perhaps delirious; in the final stages of the death that the pain had been a prelude to。
 He rolled his eyes; up; down; sideways; to the limits of his peripheral vision。 He saw the plain walls and ceiling of an unremarkable room; with cheerful diffuse lighting。 He noted that he was not lying flat on his back but propped up; half…reclining; on some padded surface contoured to fit his body perfectly。
 He saw all that; but it was overridden by the shock of having seen himself。
 He was entirely covered by a garment that clung like a second skin; which was certainly what held him immobile。 It was silvery; shiny; and apparently without a seam。 From many points on the garment … and so; presumably; from Keill's body; though he felt no disfort … sprouted a huge array of tubes and wires; like the tendrils of some wild alien growth。 The tubes and wires led on each side to a variety of plicated machinery; none of which seemed familiar to Keill in any way。
 It was no dream; he decided。 And it was an odd; unlikely scene for a delirium to shape。 But then … what was it ?
 At that moment a voice spoke in the room。 A firm male voice; with a note of friendliness; even kindliness; that seemed to e from everywhere。
 'Are you awake; Keill Randor ?'
 Keill struggled in his throat to find his voice; found only a whisper。 'Who are you?'
 The voice did not return at once。 When it did; it seemed slightly muffled; as if the speaker had turned aside; addressing someone other than Keill。
 'Amazing powers of recuperation 。 。 。 He shouldn't have wakened for days yet。'
 'Days ?' Keill whispered。
 The voice replied at full volume again; but with an extra firmness。 'It is too soon; Keill Randor; for you to ask questions or receive answers。 You will sleep again now; and we will speak later when you are entirely restored。'
 Keill fought his voice into a desperate croak。 'Who are you ? What are you ? What are you doing to me ?'
 There was a pause。 'Very well; I see that those questions deserve some answer。' The voice grew even kindlier。 'My name is Talis; though that will mean little to you。 I am a man; much as yourself; if a good deal older。' A chuckle。 'And what we are doing; Keill Randor; is saving your life。'
 Keill wanted to cry out; wanted to scream questions; but his mind was a darkening jumble; unable to focus on words or their meanings; and he knew that one of the tubes in his eerie garment had slid a drug into his veins。 He struggled with numbing lips; with the spreading blankness in his mind; and mumbled the only question he could manage。
 He was not sure he had heard the answer; as he drifted into sleep。 But it had sounded like…
 'Because you are needed。'
 He opened his eyes slowly; as before。 But sensation flooded in upon him。 His mind was not dulled this time; but alert; functioning; with a strange extra feeling of being marvellously refreshed。
 And there was still no pain。
 Yet his body was behaving in a disturbing way。 He still could not move his head or limbs; still felt himself gripped and held in the half…lifted position … but every muscle was quivering; uncontrollably。
 He glanced round; and down at himself; the memory of his previous awakening plete。 He was no longer wearing the silvery garment。 Instead; 

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