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小说: rludlum-shelby.thecassandracompact 字数: 每页4000字

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 had been left behind。 He was not concerned about fingerprints or fibers or any other forensic minutiae; in a few minutes; a special NSA cleaning crew would arrive to wash and vacuum the interior。 The NSA maintained several such safe houses in the Washington area。 For the cleaners; this was just another stop in a busy schedule。
 As Bauer walked to the garage; he heard the wail of sirens ing from the direction of Wisconsin Avenue。
 〃It would appear that Adam Treloar is about to play his final role;〃 he murmured as the three got into the station wagon。
 〃Too bad he isn't around to read the reviews;〃 Reed said; and edged the car into the alley。
 Peter Howell stood on the top tier of the wide steps leading into the Galleria Regionale on the Via Alloro。 Sicily's most prestigious gallery boasted paintings by Antonello da Messina as well as the magnificent fifteenth…century fresco Triumph of Death by Laurana; which particularly appealed to Howell。
 Staying well away from the tourists hiking up and down the steps; alert for anyone who might be taking an undue interest in him; Howell pulled out his secure phone and dialed the number Jon Smith had given him。
 〃Jon? Peter here。 We need to talk。〃
 Forty…five hundred miles away; Smith pulled over onto the soft shoulder of Route 77。
 〃Go ahead; Peter。〃
 Continuing to scan the foot traffic around the gallery; Howell described his meeting with the smuggler; Franco Grimaldi; the subsequent attempt on his life; and his encounter with Master Sergeant Travis Nichols and his partner; Patrick Drake。
 〃Are you sure they were U。S。 military?〃 Smith asked。
 〃Absolutely;〃 Howell replied。 〃I set up watch at the post office; Jon。 An officer came to the box; just like Nichols said he would。 But there was no chance to take him… and no way I can get on your base outside Palermo。〃 Howell paused。 〃What are your soldier boys up to; Jon?〃
 〃Believe me; I'd love to know。〃
 The sudden appearance of American military personnel… soldiers as assassins… added a new dimension to an already plex equation; one that demanded to be addressed immediately。
 〃If Nichols and his partner were sanctioned killers; someone had to be paying them;〃 Smith concluded。
 〃My thoughts exactly;〃 Howell replied。
 〃Any ideas as to how to ferret out the money man?〃
 〃Actually; yes;〃 Howell replied; then proceeded to explain。
 Ten minutes later; Smith pulled back on Route 77。 Reaching the entrance to Camp David; he was given a military escort to Rosebud; the guest cabin closest to Aspen。 He found Klein sitting in front of a fieldstone fireplace; talking on the phone。
 Klein waved Smith to sit; finished his monosyllabic conversation; and turned to Smith。
 〃That was Kirov。 His people are questioning everyone in the Bioaparat plex; trying to walk back the cat to Yardeni's contacts。 So far; no luck。 Yardeni seems to have been one closemouthed SOB。 He didn't go around spending money he shouldn't have had; or bragging about how soon he'd be living the high life in the West。 No one remembers seeing him with any foreigners。 Kirov's checking his phone calls and mail; but I'm not holding my breath。〃
 〃So whoever reached out to Yardeni did so very carefully;〃 Smith observed。 〃They made sure he was the right man for the job… no family; corrupt; someone who could keep his mouth shut。〃
 〃That's my guess。〃
 〃What else does Kirov have?〃
 〃Nothing。 And he knows it。〃 Klein snorted。 〃He tried hard not to sound too relieved that it's now our problem。 Can't blame him; though。〃
 〃It's still Russian smallpox that's at the root of all this; sir。 If word gets out…〃
 〃It won't。〃 Klein checked his watch。 〃The president is expecting my call in fifteen minutes。 What do you have?〃
 Smith spoke quickly and succinctly; describing everything that had happened in Russia as well as his confrontation with Treloar at Dulles。 Klein's eyebrows shot up in surprise when Smith detailed how U。S。 soldiers were now involved。 Then he presented his suggestions for the next course of action。
 Klein took a moment to consider。 〃I like most of it;〃 he said finally。 〃But a couple of points might be a hard sell。〃
 〃I don't see where we have options; sir。〃
 Klein's reply was interrupted by a call his secretary put through。 Smith noticed a gleam in his eyes as he listened。
 Placing a hand over the mouthpiece; he whispered; 〃The BOLO nailed Treloar!〃
 Even as Smith leaned forward in his chair; Klein's expression slackened。
 〃You're sure?〃 he demanded。 After a pause: 〃No witnesses? No one saw anything?〃
 Klein listened some more; then said; 〃I want the detectives' reports and the crime…scene photos faxed to my desk immediately。 And yes; cancel the BOLO。〃
 The receiver rattled in its cradle。
 〃Treloar;〃 Klein said; grinding his back teeth。 〃D。C。 cops found him in Volta Place; near Wisconsin; stabbed to death。〃
 Smith closed his eyes; picturing the frightened bald man with the funny eyes。
 〃They're positive?〃
 〃A passport and other ID were found on the body。 It's him。 Someone got very close and stuck what the cops think was a stiletto into his heart。 They're saying it was a mugging。〃
 〃A mugging。。。 Did they find anything around the body; a carry…on?〃
 〃Had he been robbed?〃
 〃Money and credit cards were gone。〃
 〃But not the wallet or the passport。 Those would be left behind to help with the ID。〃 Smith shook his head。 〃Beria。 Whoever was using Treloar knew he was the link。 A weak link。 They used Beria to get rid of him。〃
 〃 'They' being。。。?〃
 〃I don't know; sir。 But the handoff's been made。 'They' have the smallpox。 Treloar was expendable。〃
 〃That's why Beria went to St。 Petersburg; why he was on that Finnair flight。 He wasn't running。 He came over to eliminate the weak link。〃
 〃Anyone could have done that。〃
 〃The execution? Yes。 But wouldn't it be better to use a man who is… or was… unknown to us? We have a description; but no fingerprints; no real understanding of movement or methodology。 Beria is perfect because he's as anonymous as an assassin can be。〃
 〃So there was an exchange at Sheremetevo。〃
 Smith nodded。 〃Treloar had the smallpox all along。〃 He paused。 〃And I was sitting thirty feet away from him。〃
 Never taking his eyes off Smith; Klein picked up the phone。 〃Let's not keep the president waiting。〃
 Smith was surprised to see the chief executive in casual attire and informal surroundings。 After Klein had made the introduction; Castilla said; 〃Your reputation precedes you; Colonel Smith。〃
 〃Thank you; Mr。 President。〃
 〃So; what are the latest developments?〃
 Klein launched into the murder of Adam Treloar and how it factored into the overall situation。
 〃Treloar;〃 the president said。 〃Is there any way you can use him to trace the rest of the conspirators?〃
 〃Believe me; sir; we're going to put his life under a microscope;〃 Klein replied。 〃But I'm not holding out much hope。 The people we're dealing with have been very careful in choosing their allies。 The one in Russia… Yardeni… yielded no clues as to who his paymasters might be。 The same may be true with Treloar。〃
 〃Let's get back to those 'people' you're talking about。 Do you believe that they might be foreign nationals? Someone like Osama Bin Laden?〃
 〃I don't see Bin Laden's fingerprints on this; Mr。 President。〃 Klein glanced at Smith。 〃The fact that the conspirators' reach is so great… from Russia all the way to NASA in Houston… indicates a certain level of sophistication。 Someone who's very familiar with how we and the Russians operate; where we keep our jewels; and how we guard them。〃
 〃Are you suggesting that someone in this country could have orchestrated the theft in Russia?〃
 〃The smallpox is in this country; Mr。 President。 The man who stole it; the man who carried it are both dead at the hands of an assassin who; until recently; was a relative unknown in the West。 There is no Arab connection here。 Add to that; the material we're dealing with is not only lethal; but requires a sophisticated facility to turn it into a bioweapon。 Finally there's the involvement of U。S。 military personnel; at least on the periphery。〃
 〃Military personnel?〃 the president ask

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