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ging。 The air held a sudden and delicious smell of food; subtle; yet almost staggering to the hungry senses。 And; for one breath…catching moment; Hubert was sure that he beheld the delicate shape of a young servant girl; seductively clad。 A moment later; only immaterial powers swirled the air where she had been。
   An elderly serving man; whose drab shape seemed real and solid enough; had emerged from the house to stand with bowed head at the side of Indosuaros。 The tall wizard conferred with him in whispers; then made a gesture of dismissal。 Now the benches that had been placed beside the table were whisked away; to be replaced presently by carven chairs。 Dishes and platters of substantial food began to appear; and flagons of wine。 The settings were enhanced by cutlery and goblets of precious stone。
   〃Pray be seated;〃 said Indosuaros courteously。 〃All of YOU。〃
   〃One moment; if you please;〃 said Doon; equally polite。 With a nod to the wizard … it was a gesture; Hubert thought; that did not quite ask permission the Baron drew his magic blade and consulted it again。 It pointed him directly to a chair。 He took it。 At his gesture; the other men moved to seat themselves; with little ceremony。
   Indosuaros took his place at the table's head; in a chair whose carven serpents; Hubert thought; could be seen from time to time to move。 The wizard lounged there; nibbling at a few grapes from the banquet; watching indolently while his guests satisfied their thirst and hunger。  Delightful soft music could now be heard; from somewhere in the background。 The courtyard was now certainly a pleasant place; with the trees placed just right to shade the table。
   Doon scarcely relaxed。 In businesslike fashion he polished off a plate of food; and a single cup of wine; then signified politely that he had finished eating。 Again the form of the serving girl was suggested in the air; and plates began to vanish selectively。 Doon scarcely glanced at her。 He was watching his host carefully。
   Indosuaros helped himself to one more grape。 Then he leaned toward his principal guest; and in a low and pleasant voice began what amounted to a blunt interrogation。
   〃We all want gold; don't we? But what makes you think that; as you put it; your road to wealth leads through my door? Speak plainly; please … as I believe you have; so far。〃
   〃Why; I intend to do so;〃 Doon answered calmly。 〃But first; my thanks again for this excellent refreshment。〃
   〃You are wele。 By the way; I am curious; Baron。 You ate and drank with no sign of hesitancy or suspicion。 Did it never cross your mind; even as a possibility; that。。?〃
   Hubert; who had just mopped up some delicious gravy with a morsel of soft white bread; experienced a momentary difficulty in swallowing。
   But the Baron only laughed。 It seemed almost too big a sound to e out of his small frame。 〃Sir Wizard; ordinarily; of course; if someone of your obvious skill were minded to do me harm with poison; I'd have little hope of avoiding it。 But my Sword has led me to your table; and I trust it to lead me well。〃
   〃Your sword; you say。〃 The old man sounded skeptical。
   〃Indosuaros; if you can read the page of magic a tenth as well as I believe you can; you already know which Sword it is I wear。 Wayfinder。 The Sword of Wisdom。 Forged; along with its eleven fellows; by none less than the god Vulcan himself。〃
   Hubert forgot about swallowing altogether。
   Doon had pushed his chair back a few centimeters。 He had both hands resting on the table's edge and looked ready to push himself back farther and leap up。 〃God…forged; it is。 And not even your powers; Sir Wizard; I think; are able to turn it away from true service to its owner。 No magic that mere humans can control can do so。〃
   〃And it leads you where you mand it?〃
   〃Where my wishes mand it。 Aye。 On to wealth。〃
   〃And it makes you immune to death?〃
   〃No。 Oh no。 I have not manded it to seek my safety。 But; you see; if you had been trying to poison me; that would have been certain death; and certainly not wealth。 No; the Sword of Wisdom would not have led me into that。〃
   The old wizard appeared to be giving all of this the deepest thought。 〃I admit;〃 he said at last; softly; 〃that I recognized Wayfinder very quickly。 But I was not sure at first that you knew what you were carrying。。。 However; Sir Baron; toward what sort of wealth do you think the Sword of Wisdom is leading you?〃
   〃Why; no less wealth;〃 said Doon; 〃than the greatest in the world。 I speak of the main hoard of the Blue Temple itself。 And you may be sure; Sir Wizard; that I know what sort of an idea I am carrying when I speak of that。〃
   Hubert could behold his own amazement mirrored in Pu Chows face; and in Golok's。 Rob the Blue Temple? Impossible! was his own first reaction; held in silence。 On second thought he had to admit that to a master who could hold his own amid all this enchantment; and sit bargaining calmly with its creator; anything in the world might well be possible。
   〃。。。 so you;〃 Doon was saying to the wizard; 〃ought to have no objection to my plan。 If you'll provide me with whatever it is the Sword has brought me here to find; why then I'll be pleased to share the treasure with you。 Or help you in whatever other way I can。〃
   〃And if I do not;〃 asked the wizard softly; 〃choose to provide you with this help?〃
   Doon considered this; drumming his fingers on the table; as if such an idea had never crossed his mind before。 〃Then; by all the gods;〃 he said at last; 〃I'll find some way to hinder you。〃
   Hubert; listening to the steady voice; thought that he had never heard a more truly impressive threat。
   The old man at the head of the table was silent for a little time; as if he too might have been impressed。 Then he gestured with one large; gnarled hand; its fingers heavy with ornate rings; and Hubert watching felt a pang of apprehension。 But the gesture evoked nothing stranger than the old manservant; to hold another whispered conversation with his master。 And now the clearing of the table proceeded more rapidly。
   Hitching his chair a little closer to the table; the wizard said to the baron: 〃Let us talk。 When you say you mean to rob the Blue Temple; I gather that you mean to despoil it in no trivial way。〃
   〃I have spoken plainly; as you wished。〃
   〃Indeed。。。 you don't mean; I suppose; one of those little vaults; that all local Blue Temples have; for the day…to…day business。。。〃
   〃I've told you what I mean; wizard; as plainly as I know how。 And I understand what I am talking about。〃
   〃Indeed。〃 Still looking doubtful; Indosuaros lounged back in his chair again。 〃Well; I can only say that; ing from anyone less well…equipped and less determined than yourself; such an announcement would deserve derision。〃
   〃But ing from me;〃 Doon answered calmly; 〃the announcement is to be taken very seriously。 I am glad you have been so quick to grasp that essential point。〃
   〃I think I have。 But let me restate it just once more; so there can be no ambiguity。 You intend to carry off some substantial portion of Benambra's Gold。〃
   〃A substantial portion;〃 Doon agreed; nodding affably。 〃Yes; that's well put。 I'd try to take it all; you see; if I thought there was any chance that my men and I could carry it。〃
   〃And do you know;〃 asked Indosuaros; 〃where Benambra's Gold is kept?〃
   〃Wayfinder is going to lead me to it;〃 Doon answered simply。 〃And now you know the bare bones of my plan。 Before I go into any greater detail; let me know whether you object to it。〃
   The grizzled manservant was still standing close by his master's chair; and the two of them now exchanged a glance。 In a moment the old wizard began to make a peculiar noise; and perform little lurching motions in his chair。 It took Hubert a little while to realize that their host was laughing。
   At last Indosuaros said: 〃I? Object to the Blue Temple's being robbed?〃 And he laughed again; and waved a hand about him in a gesture that seemed to take in his whole establishment。 〃I have secluded myself like this from the world for one reason only: that I may devise the most te

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