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 〃I have secluded myself like this from the world for one reason only: that I may devise the most terrible vengeance possible upon the Blue Temple and all its leaders。 For the past。。。 for never mind how many years; I have devoted all my energies to that one object。 And what worse vengeance could there be; upon them; than to rob them of what they hold dearer than life itself。。。 hey; Mitspieler? Are we going to throw open those vaults of theirs or not?〃 And with a gesture that looked somehow out of character; he thumped his manservant awkwardly on the arm。
   The servant called Mitspieler looked; if not quite as old as his master; somewhat more worn。 His was a workman's face; beardless and lined。 His stature was fairly small; his build sturdy; his arms emerging wiry and corded from short sleeves。 His hair; short; curly; and dark; was richly mixed with gray。
   His dark eyes gazed off into the distance as he answered。 〃In those vaults lies treasure; truly beyond price and beyond pare。。。 aye; we can open them。 When we are ready。 We have been waiting for the help we need。〃
   〃And I have woven spells;〃 said Indosuaros; 〃that the needed help might be brought to me; for until it was; a robbery on the requisite scale seemed well…nigh impossible。〃 He smiled at Doon。 〃And you still think that your ing here was a matter of your own choosing?〃
   〃I have told you what it was … the Sword's guidance。 But e; I'm interested。 Just why are you devoting your life to getting back at the moneybags? Vengeance for what?〃
   〃It is a long story。〃
   〃I'll hear one; if necessary。〃
   〃Later;〃 said Indosuaros; vaguely。 〃Baron; will you draw your Sword once more if I request it? And hold it up for me to see?〃
   Doon pushed his chair back farther; and stood up; to make the motion easier。 And yet once more he brought Wayfinder bright out of its sheath。 The wizard now appeared to focus his full attention for the first time on the blade; and the servant standing beside his chair gazed at it too。
   All the others were quietly intent; watching Indosuaros。
   At last the old magician looked away; frowning lightly。 〃I will admit;〃 he said; 〃that your Sword is genuine。 Considerable power rests there in your hand。〃
   〃Considerable?〃 Doon came near to being outraged。 〃Is that the best word that you can find for it?〃
   Indosuaros was unruffled。 〃My own powers are also。。。 considerable。 And I tell you that they have been at work for a long time to solve the problems of attacking the Blue Temple。 I have set them to bring someone well qualified … perhaps you … here to help me。 So; whether your presence here is actually due to the Sword; or。。。〃
   Doon brandished Wayfinder once; then clapped it back into its sheath; as if to save it from the gaze of disrespectful eyes。 The Baron cried: 〃Forged by a god! By Vulcan himself!〃 It appeared that he could not credit the other's attitude。 He seated himself again; banging his chair on the pavement。
   〃I have admitted that your Sword has worth。〃 Indosuaros was looking at his guest more sternly now。 〃My chief question now is; what do you; yourself; bring to this enterprise? Apart; that is; from your indisputable greed; and courage … or perhaps foolhardiness。 Are you the man whose help I need? I must seek an answer to this question in practical terms。〃
   〃Then seek it。〃
   It was probably Hubert himself who unwittingly gave warning。 Doon must have seen; mirrored in Hubert's face; that something untoward was developing behind the Baron's chair。
   The door leading into that wall of the courtyard had swung open; to show blackness gathered behind it; an interior as dark as ever。 And the ebony ape was there again; as silent as before。 As soon as its eyes fell upon Doon; it came hurtling toward him from behind。 The rush was swift and noiseless; and made with log…sized arms uplifted to seize the man or deal him a crushing blow。
   Hubert was on his feet。 But he knew he was too late; too slow; knew it even as he stood there with his own weapon but half…drawn; his chair still in the act of toppling behind him。 Doon had meanwhile rolled sideways from his own chair; ing out of the movement somehow on his feet even as the great ape's fists crashed down to splinter his chair's back。 Hubert had not seen Wayfinder drawn again; but now it flickered in its master's hand; the silver tongue of some swift serpent。
   The ape turned with a roar; but not in time。 Black fur gushing red that was not wine upon white linen; it sprawled forward among the remaining winecups。 Gurgling its death; it slid off the table slowly; dragging cloth and cups to crash down with it。
   Four men stood around the table armed; ready for the next threat … but there was none。 One man sat smiling at the tables head。 Nothing but approval glinted in the eye of Indosuaros。
   Once more Doon waved the Sword。 〃I told you; wizard!〃 he roared in triumph。 〃I told you! In my hand; doubly magic!〃
Chapter 5
   The three of them; Mark; Ben; and Barbara; had been awake most of the night。 They had been busy packing; swapping histories and stories; trading off to the other carnival people things that they weren't going to need。 Then they had left the carnival at sunrise; driving in Barbara's wagon; one item she hadn't wanted to trade just yet。 Tanakir had bartered them some food and a little coin for Barbara's little dragon and its cage; which he meant to incorporate into his own act。 He was staying on with the carnival; seeing that she and her friends were leaving。 Viktor waved goodbye to the three of them at dawn; and shouted his hope that they'd e back next season。
   Mark doubted that very much。 One way or another; he thought; they were sure to be somewhere else。
   Purkinje Town and the carnival encampment were a couple of hours behind them now。 The road ahead had already straightened out; entering a long rise of nearly flat and mostly empty country that mounted slowly toward distant mountains that were now only just visible。 An hour ago they had paused for breakfast; and Mark; as in the old days; had used his bow to hunt down a couple of rabbits。
   Now they were well under way again; heading south by mutual though still largely unspoken agreement。 The decision had been arrived at in the camp; surrounded by eavesdroppers; and the reasons for going south had not been discussed as yet。
   Ben was driving the wagon at the moment; and Barbara talking。
   〃Ben; you haven't told us what you're up to。 You say you joined the Blue Temple; but you're not with 'em any more。 All right; so you deserted。 But you've got a look about you。 What're you planning now?〃
   Ben smiled faintly。 〃I'm planning to marry you。〃
   Barbara looked exasperated。 〃We went through all that before you left。 Nothing's changed。 When I marry somebody; it's going to have to mean that I can live like a real person somewhere。 No more。。。〃 She waved a hand; vaguely indicating the wagon and the road。
   〃Fine with me;〃 said Ben。
   Her curiosity obviously aroused; Barbara looked at him closely。 〃Have you got any money in your pockets?〃
   〃Not in my pockets。 Not with me。〃
   〃Hidden somewhere; then?〃
   〃I haven't got it yet。 But。。。 〃
   With a loud sigh; Barbara sat back between the men; folding her arms。 One more dream…possibility demolished。
   Mark enjoyed listening to the two of them。 He was curious about Ben's plans too; but he didn't want to interrupt。 Now Ben appeared to be content; for the time being; to look mysterious as he gazed into the distance along the road ahead。
   They drove for a while without conversation。 Then Barbara said to Ben: 〃I know what it is。 You want to get your Sword back; you're ready to try to sell it。〃
   〃I want to get it back; yes。 Sell it; no。 We got rid of the idea of selling them even before we hid the two Swords。 We'd get cheated or murdered for sure。 No; I've got a use for Dragonslicer。〃
   Mark asked him: 〃A dragon hunt somewhere? Even Nestor never made much money doing that; remember?〃
   They all remembered。 Ben said: 〃Nestor wasn't at it long enough。 Anyway; it's a special hunt that I have in mind。 There's just one dragon that 

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