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oing to win his lands and people back。〃
   〃So instead;〃 said Mark; 〃you are going back to something safe and pleasant; like hunting dragons … all right; just one dragon。 And that's going to make you fabulously rich。 Is that what you said?〃
   〃I didn't say that。 But it will。〃
   Barbara made a derisive sound。 〃The dragon guards a treasure?〃 That was a situation arising only in old fantastic tales。
   〃In a manner of speaking; yes; it does。〃 Her mockery had stung Ben。 〃And I'll tell you something of the treasure。 It has at least one more of the Swords in it。 I know。 I saw it put there myself; down into the earth。〃
   Mark blinked; and suddenly found himself listening to Ben seriously。 〃One more Sword? Which one?〃
   〃That I don't know;〃 said Ben calmly; 〃The Sword was well wrapped when I saw it put away; along with six loadbeasts' burden of some other treasure。 But I brushed against the Sword once; and even through the wrappings I could feel the power。 After living with two of 'em here in the wagon for a couple of years; I know what I felt。〃
   Barbara's face had altered。 And her voice; too; when she spoke again。 Now it came out in a whisper; almost awed。 〃You were in Blue Temple service。〃
   〃Of course。 That's what I've been telling you。〃
   But plainly the implications; the possibilities; hadn't really dawned on her till now。
   At sunset they made camp。 As so often in the old days; Ben and Mark slept under the wagon; with Barbara inside。 In the morning they moved on; steadily and without hurry。
   Several days passed in a southward journey。 Spring would have shaded into summer around them; except that the country was growing higher。 Modest mountains rose up ahead; apparently barring their progress。 Mark had never learned the right name for this range; though he had passed this way at least once before。
   Next day the road started to wind upward。 It remained a paratively easy way; for a route that traversed a mountain pass。 Here at higher altitude the end of winter lingered still; in wasted fragments of snowbanks that survived among the bold spring flowers。 The scenery began to tend toward the tremendous。
   〃I remember this place now。 This was where we turned。〃
   There was a small side canyon; that went curving up from the main road that traversed the pass。 The wagon could get up the side canyon for a couple of hundred meters; and that was far enough。 Suddenly the three who rode in it came in sight of a ruined shrine or temple; built on a small rise。 It was a beautiful setting; prettiness nearby in the grass and wildflowers; and grandeur in the distant vistas。 What god or goddess the temple might have been raised to honor seemed impossible to determine now。 Certainly it was very old。
   It was midday when they stood before the ruin。 They had left the wagon standing just a few meters downslope; where the drivable surface petered out pletely。
   〃You hid them in here? In the ruins?〃
   Barbara nodded。
   〃Why in here?〃
   〃Coinspinner itself directed me to the place。 I thought I told you that it had guided me。〃
   The wind sighed through the walls of the canyon; rocks splintered with some ancient heaving of the earth。 In the distance; far down the pass; the gentler slopes were beautiful with spring。 Mark could see a group of white…robed pilgrims there in the distance; approaching slowly through the pass。 If they were chanting a song to Ardneh; as seemed likely; he couldn't hear it at this range。 〃Is this one of Ardneh's shrines; I wonder?〃
   〃I suppose the local people would know;〃 said Barbara。 〃If there were any local people。〃
   But when they went inside the roofless walls and looked about; they found strong evidence that there were。 Dried flowers; and freeze…dried fruit; were arranged on a low; flat stone; that might or might not originally have been part of an altar。
   Two years ago; Barbara had climbed up to this place alone one night; from their camp a couple of hundred meters down the hill。 She had climbed by night; with moonlight to show her the way picked out by the Sword that quivered in her hands。
   Once the three had decided among themselves to hide the Swords; Coinspinner itself; in their troubled juggling with it; had shown them how to proceed。
   Every time Mark or Ben had taken that weapon in hand; and tried to think of where it and its fellow should be hidden; the point had indicated Barbara。
   And then; when they gave her Coinspinner to hold; she could feel no power in it at all。 Then she had picked up Dragonslicer too … Mark had been apprehensive lest the two Swords e into contact; and something awkward; or worse than awkward; happen as a result。 Then Coinspinner had vibrated almost angrily in Barbara's grasp; pointing out for her a path to follow。 But it had ceased its indications whenever the men had tried to follow her。
   So they had let her proceed alone。 The moon had been the only witness of her climb up to this temple。 The ruined structure was not visible from the main road through the pass; and she had not suspected its existence until the Sword of Chance had led her to it。
   When the final place was indicated to her; she had hidden Coinspinner and Dragonslicer with a feeling of great relief。 After years of hiding them and carrying them about; the nerves of all three people were worn with the strain。 At that time their friend Sir Andrew had been a hunted fugitive; hiding they knew not where; and none of them had yet heard of Princess Rimac or her General Rostov; Sir Andrew's potential allies。
   Swordless; Barbara had returned to camp。 Mark and Ben; both obviously relieved to see her; had started to ask questions。
   She had declined to answer。 〃It's done;〃 she told them shortly。 〃We can stop worrying。 And now I'm going to get some sleep。〃
   And now; almost two years later; they were back。
   It was hard to tell; by looking at the temple; what style of building it had been originally。 Time and ruin moved all things toward simplicity。 If any of the stones had ever been painted; they were now all white again; matching the surface of some nearby cliffs。 If there had been carving; it was crumbled now。 Architecture had all but vanished; leaving rubbly walls that in places were little more than outlines。
   As soon as Ben saw the modern offerings on the flat altar stone; he dug into his pockets until he found a few fragments of bread。 These he tossed beside the dessicated fruit and flowers。 When he saw the others looking at him; he explained。 〃Some gods may not amount to much; but it pays to keep on the good side of Ardneh。 I've found that out。〃
   Mark was shaking his head。 〃We don't know it's his temple anyway。〃
   〃It might be。〃
   〃All right。 But Sir Andrew says that Ardneh's dead。 And out of all the gods we know are living; there's none whose attention I'd like to attract。〃
   Ben stared at him for a moment; then shrugged and tossed a few more crumbs。 〃If Ardneh's dead … then this is for the unknown god who means us well; whoever he may be。 Or she; if it's a goddess。 Can't do any harm; certainly。〃
   〃I suppose not;〃 Mark admitted。 And; because he could tell that Ben would feel better if he did; Mark dug into his own pockets for some scraps of food; and tossed them on the stone。
   Barbara was ignoring them; and had already moved on to more practical matters。 〃It was dark; before;〃 she was murmuring; more to herself than to the men。 〃Moonlight; but。。。 〃 And she moved from one angle of wall to another; pausing to look at the ancient stonework thoughtfully。 Most of the blocks that were still in place were finely fitted together; without mortar。 Few of them were large。
   At last she bent; and; with wiry strength; moved aside what looked like a portion of a windowsill。 〃e help me。 This is the place。〃
   In the men's hands the stones moved rapidly。 Presently the old sill had disappeared。 The low wall here proved to be hollow。 Between the larger stones that made its base; a sizable cavity appeared。
   Barbara stepped back; making room for them to reclaim their property。 〃Reach in;〃 she directed。
   Ben pulled up his right sleeve; revea

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