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小说: fs.thesecondbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   Barbara stepped back; making room for them to reclaim their property。 〃Reach in;〃 she directed。
   Ben pulled up his right sleeve; revealing an arm that looked almost stubby in its thickness。 He thrust it into the hole up to his shoulder; and at once pulled out a sword … shaped bundle。 The wrapping on it at once started to fall free; exposing portions of the fabric that had been folded under。 Now Mark could recognize the cloth's pattern as that of an old blanket that Barbara had once had in the wagon。
   Ben; murmuring something about the feel of power; shook the bundle; and the dusty wrappings fell away entirely。 Dragonslicer; unchanged from when they'd seen it last; gleamed forth in meter…long straightness and sharpness。 There was the mottled pattern; inside the flat of the bright steel; undimmed by rust。 As Ben held the Sword up; cradled in two hands; Mark could see on the jet…black hilt the tiny white outline of a stylized dragon。
   Ben made room beside the wall; and Mark knelt and groped into the cavity。 He could feel stones and dust; but no wrappings and no blade。 He reached farther; extending his fingers slowly and cautiously; in case Coinspinner's blade might be exposed … well he knew the extreme sharpness of the Swords。 But still his hand found nothing … no; here was something。 An object small and hard and round。
   Wonderingly Mark brought out the coin; and held it up and saw that it was gold。 The symbols on it were in some language that he could not recognize。 The face on the obverse looked to him like that of Hermes; depicted as usual in his cap。
   〃It ought to be right in there;〃 Barbara was saying to him。 〃Unless。。。〃 Her voice died when she saw what Mark held in his hand。
   Mark gave her the coin to look at。 Then he and Ben removed more stones; and looked into the wall more deeply。
 The whole cavity was now exposed; but Coinspinner was gone。
   No one sang Coinspinner's verse aloud。 But it was running in their minds。
   When they were satisfied that the Sword of Chance was no longer there; they restored the half…ruined wall; to a condition at least a little better than it had been on their arrival。
   Then Mark sat down on the reconstructed sill; staring at the gold coin that was now in his hand again; while Ben and Barbara stood nearby regarding him。
   〃The coin is yours to keep;〃 said Barbara。
   〃Of course;〃 added Ben。
   〃Worth a good deal;〃 said Mark; flipping it。 〃But not a Sword。 I want to take a Sword back to Sir Andrew。〃
   〃Mine does not go there;〃 said Ben。 He paused; then added: 〃But I know where there's at least one more。〃
   Mark; who had forgotten about other treasure for a time; turned Ben's offer over in his mind。 He looked up; about to speak; and then was distracted by the oddity of a certain small shadow in the sky。 He jumped to his feet; hushing Barbara with a raised hand just as she was about to say something。
   High above their heads a creature flew; a small dark shape against the sky。 Mark could see that it was a monkbird … that peculiar twisting of the wings in flight was a hard thing to mistake。 It was surprising to see a monkbird up here in the highlands; far from its usual habitat。
   The creature's flight path was curving in a circle around the zenith; as if it were deliberately observing the ruined temple and the three people who were inside it。
   Barbara had scrambled up atop one of the ruined walls; to get a better view downslope。 〃Some men are ing up the canyon;〃 she announced。 〃Six of them; I think。〃
   Ben and Mark got into position to see for themselves。 On the trail that ascended from the main road; two mounted men led four who moved on foot。 Some of them at least were heavily armed。
   〃Following our wagon tracks?〃
   〃No … maybe not … see the rider's drawn sword? I think he's using it for guidance。〃
   〃Coinspinner; then!〃
   〃It could be Wayfinder。〃
   As they watched; the monkbird left off circling and flew down to the approaching procession。 It landed on the shoulder of the man walking in the rear; and presumably it could be reporting what it had seen。
   Barbara hopped down from the wall。 〃What do we do? We can't retreat uphill with the wagon。〃
   Ben spat。 〃I don't feel like just giving them a team and wagon。 Six aren't that many; even assuming that they do mean harm。〃 So the three; with good rocks at their back and some advantage in high ground; stood to face those who were approaching。
   The leader of the six; he who rode holding a drawn sword in front of him; drew up his mount when he saw the three of them waiting。 He was a small man with a large mustache。 His gestures at once suggested an imperious manner。 And; certainly; it was one of the Twelve Swords that he gripped; though it was impossible to  see at the moment which white symbol marked its hilt。
   The second rider was a tall; graybearded man … a wizard; thought Mark; if he had ever seen one。 Four more men came tagging along on foot; none of them looking particularly impressive。
   When the leader drew up his riding beast some twenty meters or so away; Ben … in response to that brandished Sword … let the wrapping fall free from Dragonslicer。 Mark had an arrow already nocked; and Barbara had drawn the sling from her belt and slipped a smooth stone into it from her small pouch。 Now she was holding the weapon in expert readiness; letting the weight of the stone swing gently on the thongs。
   The armed men in the other group began to draw their weapons also; but without any great appearance of eagerness。 He who was so obviously a wizard; however; was frowning and shaking his head。 〃Peace!〃 he cried out; in a huge voice; and held up an open palm toward each side。
   Ben made no move to put down Dragonslicer; nor Mark to lower his bow。 Having weapons out and ready was probably the best move that non…magicians could make to ward off spells。
   〃Oh; aye; I'll have peace; if I can。〃 The voice of the mustached man was easily loud enough for those confronting him to hear; as he replied to the wizard。 Then; when Ben brandished his own Sword again; the man rounded on him and added 〃But peace or war; I'll have my treasure。 Unless it's Shieldbreaker that you're mishandling there so awkwardly; young man; I'll be able to take it from you if I try。〃
   Mark chose to answer that。 〃And if that's Coinspinner in your dainty hand; you'd better know that it belongs to me; and that I mean to have it back。 If it's Townsaver; the same。 That's mine by inheritance。〃
   The rider controlled his mount。 〃Ha; we've met an owner of two Swords; by Hades! Neither of which he happens to have with him at the moment; unfortunately。。。 since you appear to be so well … versed in the lore of Swords; I'll tell you that I hold Wayfinder here。 It's guided me to this place; and now I must determine why。〃 Again the rider had to struggle briefly with his high…spirited mount。 He added then: 〃I am the Baron Doon; and this at my right hand the wizard Indosuaros。 And who are you?〃
   〃Mark;〃 said Mark; touching his chest with his free right hand。 Then he gestured to his side: 〃Ben; and Barbara。〃
   〃Ha; a notable economy of names。 And a lack of pretension in the way of titles。 But why not?〃 And now the mustached one heeded his wizard; who had jockeyed his own mount; a pale loadbeast trained for riding; closer to speak to him in a low voice。
   After a short whispered conference; the man who had called himself Baron Doon looked up again。 〃So。 What you have there is Dragonslicer。 Doubtless the very implement I need; to break the second sealing。〃 He spoke like a man making his private plans aloud。
   There was a moment of ominous silence。 Then Ben said in a calm voice: 〃Why; I have heard of a dragon…sealing; in a song。 An old song; about treasure; where the sealings are numbered up to seven。〃
   The Baron … Mark was beginning to believe that he might be such; for he looked proud enough to be a king … the Baron studied calmly the three who faced him。 〃It may be;〃 Doon said at last; 〃that I will have use in my enterprise for some of you; as well as for that Sword。 We had better talk。〃
   Barbara spoke up; as 

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