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ord。 We had better talk。〃
   Barbara spoke up; as bold as he。 〃Use for us in what enterprise? And at what rates of pay?〃
   The Baron looked at her appreciatively for a moment。 Then he said: 〃I mean to have Benambra's Gold。 You say that you know the old song; then you may know as well that it is more than a song; much more than a story。 It's real; and those I choose to help me are going to share in it generously。〃
   There was a silence; broken only by the wind feeling its way down the pass to mourn in the stones of the ruined temple。 And now the wind brought with it the faint voices of the distant pilgrims; chanting to Ardneh as they drew slowly closer。
   Mark exchanged glances with Ben。 Then he called to Doon: 〃We might be willing to join you。 We'll have to hear more; first。〃
   And Ben; to Doon: 〃Whether we agree or not; this is my Sword; and it stays with me。〃
   The Baron called back to them: 〃I want to consult Wayfinder on which of you; if any; I ought to enlist。 You'll pardon me if I e nearer to you with it drawn。〃
   And Barbara: 〃As long as you'll pardon us for holding our own weapons ready。〃
   Doon now rode slowly forward; while the rest of his group stayed where they were。 At a distance of no more than three or four meters he halted again; and now he pointed with the blade in his hand at Mark; Ben; and Barbara in turn。 Mark could see the tip quivering; lightly and rapidly; when it was aimed at himself and at Ben。 But it remained steady; he thought; when Doon leveled it at Barbara。
   Doon told the two young men: 〃Your young piece there is not going to e with us。 Can you trust your lives to her ability to hold her tongue?〃
   And Ben again: 〃Speak of the lady gently; or you might get Dragonslicer where you don't want it。〃
   Doon raised an eyebrow; a signal more elegant by far than his attire。 〃Your pardon; I'm sure; your ladyship。 I meant only that I decline to invite you to take part in this enterprise。 And I most strongly advise that you say nothing to anyone about it。〃
   She flared back at him fearlessly; 〃It's well that you decline to invite me; for I'd decline to go。 And if my two friends are going; my tongue'll not put them in danger。〃 Her manner softened just a little。 〃You don't know me; or you'd spare yourself the worry。〃
   Doon slid his Sword back into its poor sheath。 Suddenly he appeared somewhat diminished; though still vital and flamboyant。 He sat his mount in silence for a few moments; looking over a people who faced him。 Apparently he was satisfied by what he saw; for he smiled suddenly; it was a better smile than any of the three confronting him expected。
   〃If there are any farewells to be said among you;〃 he told the three; 〃say them now。 My men and I will be waiting for two of you a little down the slope。〃 With that he turned his back and slowly rode away; signing to his men to put their weapons up。 They fell in behind him; and without looking back proceeded down the canyon。
   The three who were left behind looked at one another。
   Ben drew a deep breath; and addressed Mark。 〃Well; then。 I take it we are going?〃
   〃Benambra's Gold;〃 Mark marveled softly; shaking his head。
   〃And Swords;〃 said Ben; 〃for Sir Andrew。〃
   〃Aye; you tell me there's a Sword。〃
   〃Or maybe more than one。〃
   〃I'll have to go;〃 said Mark。 〃I'll have to risk it then。〃
   〃And I know you're going too;〃 said Barbara to Ben。
   Mark went to her; and put his golden coin into her hand。 〃What do you have to say;〃 he asked; 〃about our leaving you? I see no way around it。〃
   〃Nor do I; I suppose。〃 If Barbara had any strong feelings in the matter she was keeping them well concealed。 〃There are some pilgrims moving through the past; and I expect they'll be glad to have someone with a wagon join them; for a time at least。〃 She tossed the coin once; then put it away inside her garments。 〃I'll keep this for you。 It's less likely that I'll lose it than you will; where you seem to be going。〃
   〃Spend it if need be … you know that。 It won't buy you a shop in a walled city; but … when Ben es back; perhaps you can。〃 Mark paused; aware of Ben waiting his turn to say goodbye。 〃Are you going back to the carnival; then?〃
   〃I didn't think so when I left it。 But now … what else? First; though; I'm going to watch from a hilltop; to see if that gang tries to murder you both right off。〃
   〃We'll scream for help;〃 said Ben。 He took her in his arms and kissed her roughly; swinging her off her feet。 〃I'll find you with the carnival; then; when I e back with a fortune。 And listen。 Tell that strongman; if he's still there; that。。。 that。。。〃 〃I can manage him。 I have so far。〃
   And Mark heard no more; for he walked apart a little; to let the two of them say goodbye alone。 Presently; looking back; he saw Ben lifting Barbara into the wagon。 She waved her arm once more to Mark; and then drove off。
   There had evidently been an old scabbard in the wagon; for Ben was fitting Dragonslicer into it; and belting it round his waist; when Mark caught up to him。
   〃Let's go get our treasure; rade。〃
   Following the swiftly driven wagon down the hill; they saw Barbara drive past the place where Doon and his men were loitering; waiting for their two recruits。 Moments later they saw her pause; looking back; watching from a small hilltop as she had promised。
Chapter 6
   Doon weled the two of them briskly when they came striding downhill to him; and the bined descent to the main road got under way without delay。 Introductions went round among the men while they were moving。
   When they reached the place where the trail from the side canyon rejoined the main road through the pass; Doon drew and consulted his Sword again。 Barbara's wagon was now out of sight; around the curve of the main road; and the pilgrims' chant was faintly audible from that direction。
   Doon's Sword pointed back to the north; in the direction from which Ben and Barbara and Mark had e。 Dismounted now; leading his animal; the Baron set the pace in that direction; and motioned for Mark and Ben to walk close beside him。
   Now Doon began a conversation by posing them a few cautious questions about their background。 He seemed glad to hear that they claimed some minor experience as dragon hunters。 Their claim was more readily accepted; thought Mark; because they made it modest。
   〃And what about yourself; sir?〃 Mark countered。
   〃What about myself?〃
   〃How do you e to be leading this expedition?〃 Mark asked bluntly。 〃It seems to me that qualifications beyond the ordinary are required。〃
   Doon did not appear to object to being questioned in such a way; but smiled at them graciously。 〃True;〃 he agreed; 〃and my qualifications have already been tested; in more ways than one。 But it is chiefly a matter of will。〃
   〃How's that?〃 Ben wanted to know。
   Doon smiled again。 〃You see before you; gentlemen;〃 he began; 〃a man almost devoid of what the world calls wealth。 The powers that rule the universe have determined; for what reason I do not know; that pauperism is to be my lot。 Whereas I; on my own behalf; have made a different determination。 I will have wealth。〃 He said it with majestic sincerity。
   〃I am impressed;〃 said Mark。
   〃You should be; young man。 If I am willing to defy gods; demons; and unguessed … at powers; think how little likely I am to be turned aside by any merely human obstacles。〃
   〃The gods must favor you somewhat;〃 said Ben; 〃or you would not have a Sword。〃
   〃They can never all agree on anything; can they? Tell me。。。〃 〃Yes。〃
   〃Why were both of you disposed to believe me so quickly; when I mentioned Benambra's Gold? Most folk of any wit would be more skeptical。〃
   〃I was a minstrel once;〃 said Ben。 〃I knew the old song。〃
   〃More than that。〃
   〃Yes。〃 He looked at Doon steadily as they trudged along。 〃A couple of months ago; I helped to bury part of it。 I've seen it with my own eyes。〃
   〃Ah。 What have you seen; exactly?〃 The Baron's question was calm; reserving judgement。
   〃The gold of the Blue Temple; I'm telling you。 Six loadbeasts' burden of it。 It was wrapped up

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