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小说: fs.thesecondbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃Ah。 What have you seen; exactly?〃 The Baron's question was calm; reserving judgement。
   〃The gold of the Blue Temple; I'm telling you。 Six loadbeasts' burden of it。 It was wrapped up in bundles; but there was no mistaking what it was。〃
   〃You helped to bury it; you say。〃
   〃To put it into a cave; and I know where that cave is。〃
   〃What I have heard;〃 said Doon; 〃is that the men who do that work are always slain; immediately afterward。〃
   〃There were six of us; and I think five were killed。 I didn't wait to make sure。〃
   The wizard was riding close behind the three of them and doubtless listening。 The four other men were keeping close as well; taking in every word。
   Doon said: 〃Wayfinder of course can lead me to the site。 But it will be good to learn the location from you in advance; so we can begin to plan more carefully。〃
   Ben squinted up at the sun and got his directions。 〃I'll tell you this much now。 Your Sword is taking you in the right general direction。〃
   〃Ah。 But you see; for the past month it has been leading me on a zigzag path。 I wondered about this when I first realized it; but the reason quickly became clear。 When I began I was alone; and I have been gathering the necessary tools and helpers。 The Sword has led me to different people … as to you … and to other necessities。 But it has been up to me to gain them for my cause; by one means or another。〃
   〃I see;〃 said Mark。 〃And when will your expedition be finally plete and ready?〃
   〃It may be so now; for all I know。 Your friend says that we are now heading toward the gold。〃
   〃There are a few more things;〃 the wizard put in suddenly; 〃that I could wish we had; before we reach the hiding place and try to breach it。〃
   Mark turned to look at him。 〃Such as?〃
   〃You … or your friend … spoke of the sealings; back there。 Do you truly know what all six of them are?〃
   〃The song says seven … doesn't it; Ben? And they must be the various protections of the treasure。〃
   Doon meanwhile was looking round; and appeared to be considering the extent of the train of men and beasts he now had following him。 In an aside to himself; he muttered: 〃A few more; and I'll have to form them into panies; and start making out duty rosters。。。 well; there's good as well as bad in numbers。 The more of us there are; the more treasure we'll be able to carry out。 When I know the location; I'll be able to make some better plans on that as well。 The gods know there'll be enough for all of us。 No need for greedy squabbling。〃
   〃No need at all;〃 agreed Ben。 And Mark murmured something similar。 Then again he looked back at the tall gray man who rode behind him。 〃Sir Wizard; what are the other things you wish we had?〃 〃D'ye know the song?〃 the wizard asked。 In answer; Ben sang it lightly:
           Benambra's gold
           Hath seven sealings。。。
           He let it die there。
   Doon chuckled。 〃I already know what the next lines are; I'll not be frightened if you sing them。〃 He pressed on; though; without pausing for any such performance。 〃Indosuaros and I have pooled our knowledge; and we make it but six sealings that guard the gold; the number seven being merely a poetic convention。〃 He glanced back at the gray man。
   Indosuaros nodded confirmation。 〃The song does not name seven individual barriers。〃
   〃No; it doesn't;〃 Ben agreed。
   〃All right; then;〃 asked Mark; 〃what are the six?〃
   〃The first;〃 said Doon; 〃is the location of the place pretty well impossible to rob it if you don't know that。 The secret of the location has been kept for a long time; and with incredible success。 But since your friend knows where it is; and we have Wayfinder; that should present no problem。〃 If he had any doubts about the veracity of Ben's claim to knowledge; he was not expressing them。
   Mark said: 〃I suppose the second barrier is some kind of fence or patrol; or both; around the area where the cave is。〃
   〃The fence;〃 said Indosuaros; 〃is made of dragon's teeth。〃
   〃A landwalker;〃 said Doon。 〃I suppose that you; my big friend; may have seen it。。?〃
   Ben only nodded。 〃With Dragonslicer I think we can get by。 Though it still won't be easy。〃
   〃We have another trick or two that we can try as well;〃 Doon assured him。
   Ben said: 〃And the third sealing; I suppose; is something that I saw inside the cave。 Just a glimpse; in darkness; of giant white hands。 They were grabbing the sacks of treasure as we put them down into the floor; and they looked … well; dead … but at the same time very strong and active。 The song doesn't mention anything like them; but。。。〃
   The tall wizard; his frame bobbing with the motion of his loadbeast's walk; was signing disagreement。 〃No; I think not; I think not。 Those huge pale creatures are no more than laborers and clerks。 They can be trusted by their Blue Temple masters; because they never emerge into the light of day; and have their only contact with the upper world through the Blue Temple priests themselves。〃
   〃They're very large and strong;〃 Ben repeated doubtfully。 〃What are they called?〃
   〃I have knowledge of them from other sources。〃 And the wizard glanced back suddenly over his shoulder; as if someone or something of importance could be following him。 〃'Whitehands' is as good a name as any;〃 he concluded。
   Ben repeated; stubbornly: 〃Whatever they are; their hands are very large。〃
   〃Well; so are yours;〃 said Doon。 〃And my hands are well…armed; as are your friend's; who walks beside you。 And we have sturdy pany。〃 〃I am only trying to be clear about what we face。〃
   〃An admirable plan。 No; the third sealing is something else。 The researches of my learned friend here〃 … and he nodded toward the wizard; 〃rather formally confirm some small investigations of my own。 The third sealing is in fact a subterranean maze; and; as might be expected; one of no little danger and difficulty。 But I have a long key here at my side to open it。〃 And again he fondled Wayfinder's hilt。
   The eight men trudged on in silence for a while。 In the distance; past the mouth of the pass; flatlands stretched for many kilometers; greening here and there with crops or only with onrushing summer。 Beyond; more mountains; very far away and barely visible。
   〃And the fourth sealing?〃 Mark finally prodded。
   〃A kind of maze again;〃 said Indosuaros。 〃But this one of pure magic。 I have been preparing for more than a century to breach it; and you may depend upon it that the key to it is also with us。〃
   〃And then; the fifth?〃 asked Ben。
   〃There is an underground garrison;〃 answered the magician; 〃who guard Benambra's wealth。 They are human soldiers; yet not human as you and I。〃
   〃What does that mean?〃
   〃We will have to discover exactly what it means。 But I am confident that we can pass。〃
   Mark put in a question: 〃Who's Benambra; anyway?〃
   Ben; who had undergone some indoctrination in the history of the institution he had once joined; could answer that one。 〃He was the first High Priest of the Blue Temple。 From him; all who worship wealth still draw their inspiration。〃
   Doon was closely studying the huge man who walked beside him; no doubt revising a first impression of his recruit。
   〃So;〃 said Mark; 〃let's try to plete this inventory that we've begun。〃 It came to him as he spoke that his own attitude had already been revised。 He had entered this conversation to learn what Doon's plans were; but now he found himself taking part in the planning; as for an enterprise he had already joined。 〃Whoever these guardian soldiers of the fifth sealing may be; they appear to stand in our way。 What means do we have of getting past them?〃
   Doon said briskly: 〃Wayfinder will point one out to us; when the time es。 Of course we are going to face risks; but what prize could be worth greater risks than this one?〃
   〃So we e to the sixth sealing;〃 Ben urged。 〃You said that there were six。〃
   Indosuaros answered shortly。 〃The sixth … and last … is apparently some kind of demon。 You need not be too much concerned; young man; only do your part to get us through the others。 I've dealt

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