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of any who might have gotten away to alarm the other troopers with the caravan。
   Indosuaros and Mitspieler were both on their feet again; apparently unhurt; their four arms spread; their two mouths chanting softly。
   A quick look at Pu Chou was enough to show that he was beyond help; a heavy saber…stroke had caught him full in the forehead。 Of all the fallen men; only the enemy mander still breathed; with Mark's arrowhead protruding from the side of his neck。 A good arrow; that one; Mark found himself thinking distantly。 If the shaft's not cracked; I'll have to retrieve it before we go on。
   The officer's lips were moving。 Doon bent over him; trying to hear whatever the man was trying to say; then sniffed and straightened up; frowning with contempt。
   〃Stoned blind;〃 Doon muttered scornfully。 〃You can smell it on him。〃 He looked round at the human wreckage of what had been this officer's mand。 〃Probably his whole patrol was in the same shape。 Typical Red Temple。〃
   Hubert looked up from his self…assigned task of going through Pu Chows pockets。 〃But usually they're not this hot to get into a fight。〃
   〃Usually;〃 said Doon; and bent to wipe his Sword before putting it away。 The fallen officer was not going to mind this misuse of his cloak; for he had now stopped breathing altogether。
   Wayfinder; thought Mark; heightens risks。 One more flower petal drifted down past his eyes; and sideslipped; just missing a landing on another dead man's face。
   And now Wayfinder; already gleaming clean again; was pointing in the direction of the passed caravan。
   〃Well; we must overtake it;〃 said Doon; moving on quickly to the next order of business。 Briskly he climbed a tree; trying to see more of the hillside and the road below。 〃This slope is all ravines below us … we could hardly have jumped on their caravan from here。 Very poor operation on their part。 Well; Golok; get your little monk up in the air; bring us some news of the caravan … I can't see it from here now。 Indosuaros; now that swords are put away again; see what you can do to calm these riding beasts and bring them to us。 We'll need six new mounts … no; Pu Chow's gone; five will be enough。〃
   The magician and his aide began a process of soft soothing magic; summoning the hurt and frightened animals to submit to strange human hands。 Golok; as the riding beasts came within his reach; touched and spoke to them; using beast…master's lore to soothe their hurts and make them tractable。
   Doon watched this process impatiently; and meanwhile issued orders to his other men。 〃We're going to dress ourselves in these Red Temple uniforms … in parts of them; anyway。 It's all right if we look sloppy; half out of uniform; that's typical Red Temple too。 If we look totally like swine; they'll take us for some of their mercenaries。 Or maybe even regulars。 I want to be able to get close to that caravan without another fight。〃
   Golok and Mitspieler had to physically treat the hurts of a couple of the animals before five mounts were ready。 By then; all the men had replaced some of their garments with those of the dead enemy; and helped themselves to choice weapons here and there。 Very shortly afterward; what now indeed looked much like a Red Temple mercenary patrol was on its way。
   The caravan had had no very great start on them; nor was it moving any faster than a weary slave could be pelled to walk。 But Doon's men had to master their new mounts and nurse them along。 And there was the difficult hillside; that had to be negotiated before they even got down to the road。 By the time they had managed that; the caravan was long out of sight; but Dart brought back word to Golok that it was still on the road; proceeding no faster than before。
   Still; dusk was falling before the mounted men caught sight of it again。 If Doon had been seeking an opportunity to attack it in isolation on the road; that chance had now slipped away。 The caravan was traversing a busy crossroads now。 And; only a couple of hundred meters farther on; the gates of a large Red Temple plex were standing open to receive it。
   Doon gestured; slowing his troop's progress; that they might have a chance to look over the Temple plex as they approached it。 It was; as the first glimpse of it had suggested; of considerable size。 The walls surrounding it were not much more than head high; but armed with jagged projections along the top that would make a climbing entry difficult。 Within the walls were several large but low…built buildings。 Buildings and walls alike appeared to be constructed mainly of earthen bricks。 The colors of red and black were prominently displayed。
   The main gate remained standing open after the caravan had entered it。 The entry was flanked by torches; that at dusk were just now being lighted。 A brief period of observation was enough to show that the flow of traffic in and out the gate was fairly high; as might be expected of a Red Temple near the intersection of two well…traveled roads。
   〃A lot of customers;〃 Golok mented。 He had evidently got over his outrage now。 〃There must be a busy town or two nearby。 Maybe a large castle; too。〃
   〃Aye。〃 Hubert chuckled。 〃Red Temple always does good business。〃
   〃I think;〃 said Doon; 〃we're going to be able to ride right on in without being challenged。〃
   〃And if we are challenged?〃 asked Indosuaros。 He had contrived a black…and…red cap for himself; suggesting a minor wizard working in Red Temple pay。
   〃We'll see;〃 said Doon。 〃Be ready to take your cue from me … get that; everyone? Let's go。〃
   The guard post at the main gate was manned by a single sentry。 He was sitting with his head slumped; half asleep or perhaps entranced by drugs。 He paid little or no attention to the passage of what might well have been a mercenary patrol。
   The pound seen from inside was as large and busy as its appearance at a distance had suggested。 This main portion of it; generally open to the public; was well lit by torches。 Spaces and hitching racks were provided to acmodate customers' vehicles and animals。 On three sides of this broad open courtyard were the several houses of pleasure that made up the usual Red Temple layout。 To the right; as Doon and his men rode in; were the Houses of Dancing and of Joy。 Gaming was on the left; and Drink and Food were straight ahead … music; like the smell of drugs; seemed to be everywhere once the main gate had been passed。
   Passages led between buildings; to what would be the non…public parts of the pound。 Mark was able to catch just a glimpse of one of the caravan's litters; disappearing down one of these alleyways; before a closing gate cut off the sight。 The gangs of slaves who had been driven in on foot were probably already back there; in some kind of pens。
   Doon drew his Sword briefly; and found that it guided him to the right。 A couple of passing customers looked at him curiously before he put the blade away again。
   He turned right; then signed to his men to halt their animals and dismount。 They tied their riding beasts at one of the hitching racks nearest the entrance of the House of Dancing。 So far; no one else in the pound appeared to be paying them much attention。
   〃Golok;〃 the Baron ordered quietly; 〃stay here and keep the animals quiet。 Be ready for a quick start when we e back。〃 Golok nodded; the hooded monk bird was resting behind his saddle now。
   Doon left his Sword sheathed; but unbuckled the whole apparatus from his waist; and carried it in his hand; pausing now and then to feel his way forward with it; almost like a blind man with a cane。 It still looked odd behavior; thought Mark; but it was not going to draw as much attention as the Baron would have by waving a meter of bare blade。
   The entrance to the House of Dance was watched inside by fee…collectors; who; as Mark had expected; let the red uniforms pass in free。 Red Temple mercenaries were probably not paid very much in coin; but there appeared to be certain pensations。 Inside the House of Dance; drum music throbbed in thick; warm air。 Most of the interior was a single vast; low room。 Scantily clad girls and young women; with a few boys and young me

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