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   〃Colonel Radulescu; e in; be seated。〃 The Chairman motioned to a place near his own。 〃How are you getting along on detached duty? Have you been finding enough work to keep you busy?〃
   Radulescu; in the months since the ill…fated delivery of treasure; had been reassigned under several formal classifications while his case was being considered and reconsidered by the Inner Council and the High Priest。 In the last ten days or so Radulescu had begun to sense a moderation in the official attitude toward him; and had seized on this as a favorable sign。
   〃I have worked diligently on the problem of finding ways to contribute to the Temple; Chairman; and I hope that I have had some success。〃 Fortunately he had anticipated some such question; and he counted the position of a good answer for it as part of the work that he had found。
   〃Fine; fine;〃 said the Chairman vaguely; looking down at his spread papers once again。 They looked to Radulescu like reports having to do with his own case。 The windows behind the Chairman were windows such as few eyes ever saw; with real and almost perfect glass in them; and round the edges semiprecious stones set to transmit the light like bits of glass。 The thought crossed Radulescu's mind that the Chairman was really only a man; and that he had a name; Hyrcanus; but rarely would anyone speak or even think of such an exalted personage by a mere human name。 Only a few scurrilous and regrettably popular songs did that。
   〃Fine。。。 good。 Now; I see here that more than two months have already passed since you had that misadventure。 Would you say that is a good term to describe what happened?〃 And the Chairman looked up with sudden sharpness at Radulescu; treating him to eyes of jovial blue ice。
   Radulescu had no trouble managing to look properly solemn as he considered the question。 〃My own understanding of that event has not really improved in two months; Chairman; I confess。〃 He almost sighed。 〃I will be very pleased if you will enlighten me with yours。〃 Be weary; be puzzled; be not too repentant; he cautioned himself; Radulescu had never admitted any culpability in the events of that strange night; beyond the minimum that the officer in charge and on the scene could not escape。
   The icy eyes considered him; the red face nodded lightly; and bent again to a consideration of the many papers。 〃The man is really still unaccounted for;〃 the Chairman mused。 There was no need for him to specify which man he meant。 〃The dragon has now been replaced。。。 very expensive; that; in itself。 We had the dragon that was involved in the incident killed soon after; so the stomach contents could be examined。 The results; I regret to say; were inconclusive。 A few shreds of cloth found in the stomach were identifiable as having e from the rascal's cloak or at any rate from one of our general issue infantry cloaks。 As you may remember; his cloak was found between the cave entrance and the cliffs; looking somewhat chewed。〃
   〃I remember; sir。 I of course released the spells binding the dragon as soon as I fully recovered my wits inside the cave; and realized what must have happened。〃
   〃Yes。。。 yes。〃 Papers shuffled。 〃So you stated here in your deposition。 And at the; ah; debriefing sessions。〃
   〃Yes sir。〃 Those interrogations had been hardly less frightening than that first shock of realization in the dark cave; where the physical pain of the enforced tumble down the stairs had soon been swallowed up in the fear of what was going to happen next。
   The five drivers; knowing only that they were all blocked in; had set up a despairing noise。 Responding as usual to this signal; the Whitehands had started to e up into the upper cave on their usual post delivery mission; and Radulescu had had to use his sword by flickering candlelight to fight them off。 Fortunately he hadn't forgotten to release the spells that bound the dragon。 After giving it a little time in which to destroy the villain outside; he had called it with another spell to tilt the great rock open from outside。
   Briefly Radulescu had been tempted to try to keep the whole fiasco a secret from his superiors。 But when he got outside again and saw no trace of the missing man except a cloak; he knew he'd be on shaky ground in trying to do that。
   The animals; terrified by the great dragon raging near them; had broken their tethers and run off。 Radulescu pledged his surviving drivers to silence on the journey back to the Temple; by the most terrifying oaths; and then marched them back; sword in hand; to where the cavalry was still waiting; getting restless。 No use disposing of the five drivers now; he knew。 They'd certainly be wanted for questioning。
   The Chairman was moving on; at least for the time being; to another aspect of the situation。 〃。。。 underwater search along that portion of the coastline has turned up one battered helmet; the type of standard issue for our garrisons。。。 regrettably; it is not certain whether this is the helmet issued to the missing man。〃
   Radulescu raised his eyebrows。 〃I would presume; sir; that a magical investigation of the helmet has been attempted?〃
   〃Oh yes。 Certainly。〃
   〃And … even after that … we still don't know if it belonged to this Ben or not?〃
   Once again the Chairman gave him his full attention。 〃Regrettably not。 Certain pernicious influences have been at work。〃
   〃Sir?〃 All of a sudden Radulescu found himself totally lost … a feeling that; in the circumstances; would lead almost at once to desperation。
   The Chairman looked at him; and appeared to undergo a moment of uncertainty himself。 Then he came to a decision。 He rose from his chair at the head of the table and went to one of the long walls of the conference room; whereon a large map was displayed。 The site of the treasure trove had of course not been marked on this or any other map; but Radulescu's eyes automatically went to that coastline spot anyway。
   The Chairman raised a pointer; not to that vital point; but to another place very near it。 〃Here; this headland; across the fjord … do you see the ownership indicated for this small piece of land right on the promontory?〃
   It was only a tiny dot of color; that meant nothing to Radulescu until he had consulted the key at the bottom of the map。 〃Imperial lands;〃 he said then; softly; He hesitated; then added: 〃Yes sir; I think I begin to understand。〃
   Even that much was a daring claim; and the Chairman kept on looking at him。 Radulescu was evidently expected to say more。 He began to flounder。 〃The Emperor is … is then … an opposing force?〃
   The Chairman carefully laid down his pointer; and posed in front of the map with hands clasped behind his back。 〃I doubt you truly do begin to understand。 Not your fault; really; you couldn't be expected to。。。 you ought to soon; though。 A man in your position; presumably ready for advancement to the Council itself at the next vacancy。。。 yes; we must have you in soon for a briefing session with our top magicians; on the subject of the Emperor。 That is; of course; provided your status is not; downgraded at some point in the near future; for some reason。〃 Thus Radulescu's spirit; that had shot up at the mention of promotion; were carefully cut down again to the proper size。 〃You do know at least that the Emperor is not a myth; that he's still a real factor to be considered?〃
   Obviously there was only one answer that could be returned to that。
   〃I'll try to arrange that briefing soon。 If nothing arises to prevent it。〃 The Chairman returned to his chair; and his voice to its usual somewhat dusty joviality。 〃I think we may say that all the direct evidence we have at this time; Colonel; points to the conclusion that this man Ben; Ben of … what was it? Purkinje; it says here … that this Ben of Purkinje leaped or fell to his death in the sea; if indeed he did manage to escape the dragon。 By all reports he was somewhat slow on his feet; so the probability that he escaped the dragon is perhaps not very great。
   〃What I would like to ask you now is this。 Do you; yourself; see any reason why this office should not consider the incident closed? Take some routine precaut

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