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小说: fs.thesecondbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃And who is so important; up on the cliffs?〃 asked Ariane。 Suddenly she appeared to be intensely interested; though she usually care nothing for Hubert's talk。
   Hubert chuckled; pleased at having made an impression for once。 〃That's the Emperor's land up there; young lady。 Those cliffs ahead of us; beyond the fog。〃
   Ariane almost gasped to hear this。 〃No; not really!〃 Though Mark was observing her as keenly as he could; he still could not tell if she was really impressed; frightened; or subtly mocking Hubert。
   The short man; at least; had no doubt about what kind of an impression he was making。 He seemed to swell a little。 〃Oh aye。。。 did you think that the Emperor was only a story? That's what most people think。 A few bright ones know better。 I've heard about this place。 Down below those cliffs there's a grotto; and in that grotto the Emperor keeps a horde of his pet demons。 Oh; he owns other lands too; scattered about the world; but this place is special。 I've heard about it from those who've seen it。
   〃Maybe you thought he was only a story; or only a joke? Ah no; lass; he's real; and no joke。 He likes to sit up there on a rock; wearing a gray cloak; and looking like an ordinary man; waiting for shipwrecked folk or anyone else to land and e up to him out of the sea。 And when they do; he likes to whistle up his demons。 And the victims are dragged by demons down into the grotto; where for the rest of time and eternity they wish that they could die … why; what's the matter; big man; seasickness e back on you? … that's the Emperor's idea of a joke。。。 oh; you don't believe me; lass?〃
   Mark glanced curiously at Ben; who did indeed appear to be upset about something。 But Ariane certainly did not。 Far from being upset or even impressed by Hubert's tale; she had burst out laughing。
   It made Hubert angry to be laughed at; and his ears reddened。 〃Funny; is it? And if anyone resists; or tries to run away; all the Emperor has to do is throw open his gray cloak。 Underneath it; his body's so twisted away from human shape that anyone who sees it will go mad。。。〃
   The girl's laughter did not sound to Mark as if it sprang from madness; but from a healthy sense of the ridiculous。 Hubert was glaring at her; and his fingers worked。 But Mark and Ben were one on each side of her; and watching him; and Doon had spoken his warning。 The short man turned and retreated quickly to the stern。 And Golok still hovered nearby; watching。
   Presently Doon was back on deck; Indosuaros with him。 Shortly afterwards the ship changed course; and was bearing in toward land; though not toward the cliffs where the Emperor was said to lie in wait。 The wizard was now muttering almost continuous instructions to the djinn。 The other humans stood out of the way as much as possible; as the vessel was maneuvered by the invisible power; in through breakers to a small scrap of sandy beach。 The ship was brought to a stop just before it ran aground; in water so shallow that it was possible to disembark with no worse effect than a wetting。
   Ariane; with her hair already tied up neatly; took part as one of the crew in passing packs and weapons safe to shore。
   In a few moments they all stood on the beach; dripping … all but Indosuaros; whose robes had refused to absorb any water even when immersed。 The wizard stood conferring cryptically with his djinn; which was visible only as a small cloud of troubled air above the ship。
   Meanwhile Doon; gazing up at the towering cliffs; asked Ben: 〃This is where you climbed down?〃
   Ben had not yet told anyone; even Mark; the details of his escape after getting away from the dragon and starting down the cliff。 And; with Hubert's lurid story still fresh in his mind; he felt reluctant to start talking about them now。 He looked at the cliffs uncertainly; and then to right and left。 〃A little farther south; I think it was。 It's hard for me to tell; it was night then; of course。 All this cliff looks much the same。〃
   〃Aye。〃 Doon studied the face of it to north and south。 〃Then you worked your way south along the shoreline; I suppose。。。 how'd you get across the fjord?〃
   〃Swam。 Where it was narrower。〃
   Doon nodded his acceptance。 And now; like some infantry mander about to set out on a dangerous patrol; he ordered all packs opened and the contents spread out。 In addition he checked the water bottles and skins; making sure all were full and fresh。 There was a coil of rope for each member of the expedition。 Food supplies were in order … Ben had heard the tale of the feast magically provided by Indosuaros at his headquarters; but there had been no indication of any such service being available on the road。 There were weapons; climbing and stonecutting tools。 Hubert appropriated a crossbow from Indosuaros' armory。 Ariane was given a pack as a matter of course; and; when she spoke to Doon; a knife and a sling to wear at her belt。 The magician and his aide had their own inventory to take; and Indosuaros certified that they were ready。
   The ship; relieved of its passengers and their modest cargo; bobbed in the water a few score meters offshore; remaining in one spot just as if it had been anchored。
   Dobn waded out a few steps; to question his magician; who was standing in calf…deep water; gesturing。 〃What about the djinn?〃
   〃It must stay with the ship; to protect it; move it about as needed; and bring it back to us here when we call。〃
   At another gesture from Indosuaros; the sails emptied; flapped; then bellied as they refilled themselves。 The vessel turned away from shore and toward the open sea。
   〃Wait!〃 called Doon sharply。 When the ship's progress had been stayed by another gesture from the wizard; the Baron added: 〃I want to know something first; magician。 Suppose that when we return to this shore; loaded with treasure; neither you nor your worthy assistant happen to be with us。 How do we get the boat to e to us then? And where will it be in the meantime? We may well be gone for days。〃
   〃It will be at sea;〃 said Indosuaros; looking down with dignity at the smaller man。 〃But close enough to be brought back here quickly。 And the djinn will maintain enough fog in the area to keep the ship from being very easily observed。〃
   〃That's fine。 And how do we get it back? There is some small chance; you know; that you will not be here。 The place we are going to visit is not without its dangers。〃
   Tension held in the air for a long moment。 Then Indosuaros said; mildly enough: 〃I will give you some words to use for a summoning。 And your men should hear them too; just in case you are not here; when they e back。〃
   If Doon had any objection; he bit it back。 The wizard devised a four…word mand; and let them; all repeat it aloud to be sure they had it memorized。 After a trial; in which Ariane successfully summoned the vessel back toward shore; it was dispatched at last; and disappeared into a looming patch of fog。
   Doon drew Wayfinder。 To no ones surprise; it pointed the way for them straight up the cliff。
   The climb began。 Doon led the way; as usual; with the monkbird fluttering on ahead and ing back frequently to Golok to report。
   Once Doon turned to Ben; who was climbing just behind him。 〃This cliffside is more irregular than I thought; looking up at it from below。 There might be a dozen cave…mouths concealed around here。 Do you suppose there could be one; a side entrance to the cave we seek? That would save us from having to face the dragon on the top。〃
   〃There might indeed be a dozen such openings; for all I know。 It was night when I came down。 Your Sword should point out such an entrance if there is one。〃
   〃I don't know。。。 sometimes I think that there are two ways; and it picks the way of higher risk deliberately。〃 And they climbed on。
   At the brink they paused; peering cautiously over; while once more the monkbird was sent ahead to scout。 Wayfinder now pointed directly inland。
   Across the rocky headland; a hundred stony hillocks rose; looking like choppy waves frozen in a sea of lava。 The thorny vegetation looked even sparser now to Ben than it had on the night of his great escape; when i

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