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 wearer's hands free。 〃For these; again; we have our wizard to thank。 We'll see to it; Indosuaros; that your years of preparation were not wasted。〃 He took the helmet off to demonstrate its function。 〃Press here; and it gives light。 Press again and it goes dark。 Turn this to make it brighter or dimmer。 Twist and push like this; and you can focus the light into a beam。 Twist and draw back again; and the glow spreads out to light a room。〃
   〃How long will they keep burning?〃 asked Hubert; who was obviously fascinated。 He had probably; Ben thought; never seen the like before。
   Doon shrugged。 〃They're already nearly as old as the world itself。 I suppose they may keep burning until its end; so don't fear to use them。〃
   The actual entry into the cave seemed to Ben almost an anticlimax。 With the new light shining from his forehead; he noted the old wax candle drippings still on the floor。 There was no visible trace of the six men he had shut in here with his own hands。 But now the memory of that night came back … more sharply than ever; for the cave looked no different now than it had looked then in the beam of the Old World light carried by Radulescu。
   Indosuaros; standing by the large opening in the floor; again reported that he could detect no guardian magic。 〃Not here。。。 but far down; yes。 There's magic moiling in the earth; well below us。 Magic; and。。。〃
   〃And what?〃 Doon asked him sharply。
   The magician sighed。 〃I think。。。 there is something down there of the Old World; also。 Something large。〃
   〃Is that all you can tell us?〃
   〃Old World technology。〃 Indosuaros curled his lip。 〃Who can tell about technology?〃
   〃The magic that you sense; then … are you going to be able to deal with it; when we reach it?〃
   The wizard appeared for a moment to be taking some kind of inward inventory。 He stared hard at his assistant。 Then he answered; firmly enough: 〃I can。〃
   〃Then;〃 said Doon briskly; 〃the next order of business is to make sure we can open the outer door here; when we e back。〃 And he trotted back up the crooked stair to scrutinize the great rock carefully。 Ben had already explained to everyone how he had used that door to get away。
   Now Doon sighed; dissatisfied。 He scowled at the rock as if it offended him。 〃Ben; tell me this。 The priests must e here on inspection tours from time to time; to see that their treasure's safe。 Don't they?〃
   〃I suppose they must;〃 Ben answered; climbing the stairs too。 〃But I never heard anything about it。〃
   〃Well; you say it can't be opened from the inside。 That officer would have opened it if he could; and pursued you。 Right?〃
   〃I don't think;〃 said Ben; 〃that I could lift it alone; from inside; if my life depended on it。 And only one person can get at it from inside; there's room only for one。〃
   〃I doubt that the priests leave this open behind them when they e。 And I doubt they e with half a dozen slaves each time; to wait outside and lift this for them when they want to leave。〃 Again Doon sighed。 〃Once we are well down and in; of course; we may discover some alternate way out。 Or we may not。 Now I have stonecutting tools; but。。。 〃 Just looking at the rock; Doon shook his head。 Then he made a gesture of giving up。 〃Indosuaros? I know our plan was not to leave any magic traces of our passage; so near the surface anyway。 But to seal ourselves into this cave without a known way out would be even worse。〃
   The wizard had to agree; gloomily。 〃I fear that you are right。〃 Then Indosuaros held a hurried; whispered conference with Mitspieler; after which the two of them drew objects from a pack。 Soon they were standing just outside the upper doorway; rubbing at the huge rock with what looked to Ben like raw slices of some kind of vegetable。
   All this time Ariane was content to remain in the lower cave; occupying her time by petting the monkbird and whispering to it soothingly。 She showed little or no sign of fear。
   When the magicians had finished their treatment of the rock; Doon summoned Ben to pull it down and close the door。 It felt to Ben as if the mass of the stone were now greatly diminished; when he tried; he was able to catch it falling; halfway closed; and push it up again very easily。 One after another; all the members of the party now tried lifting it open from inside; and all could manage it。
   With everyone inside the cave at last; and the outer door closed; Doon gathered his party around the large slot in the lower floor。
   〃This is where we put the treasure down;〃 said Ben。 〃And where I saw the Whitehands reach for it。〃
   The wizard Indosuaros smiled; as if he were now determined to be reassuring。 〃They e this close to the surface only to receive treasure; as they did on the night when you were here。〃
   〃How do you know?〃
   Ben's answer was an arrogant look; that said the sources of the wizard's knowledge were doubtless beyond Ben's grasp; and were not really any of his business anyway。
   〃It would be a neat trick;〃 offered Hubert; 〃if we could capture one of those to serve us as a guide。 They must know a quick way to the treasure。 Trust those who have to carry it to know the shortest way。〃
   〃If we meet one of them;〃 muttered Doon abstractedly; 〃we'll ask him。〃 The Baron had braced his body directly above the aperture; and was looking intently down into it with the aid of a beam from his headlamp。 〃There are steps carved into the side here;〃 he announced。 〃And it doesn't look far down。 I don't think I'll need a rope … but let me have one; just in case。 Two of you hold it up here。〃
   Mark and Ben gripped one of the thin; supple coils; and paid out an end。 Doon sheathed Wayfinder and in a moment had vanished; sliding down。
   The line went slack in their hands almost at once。 〃I'm down;〃 the Baron's voice called up to them softly。 〃e ahead。〃 Ben; looking down through the aperture; could see the Baron's headlamp moving about just a short distance below。 In the augmented light; the series of niches for steps and grips; carved in the side of the short shaft; stood out plainly。 One side of the shaft joined with a wall of the chamber below; and the steps went down nearly to that lower floor。
   Ben followed his leader; and soon the whole party was down。 The chamber in which they now found themselves was about the same size and shape as the one they had just descended from; and again there was a single lower exit。 This time; though; the exit was a tunnel mouth; cut in the side of the cave approximately opposite the entrance shaft。 The tunnel was narrow; and just about high enough for a moderately tall man to walk into it erect。 Ben expected that Mark would have to watch his head。
   Again Doon led the way; the others following necessarily in single file。 After first twisting to the right; the tunnel bent back to the left; while continuously and ever more steeply descending。 As the steepness increased; carved grips and steps appeared again in sides and floor。
   They had followed this passage for no more than a few score meters; when Doon stopped; calling softly back to the others that the tunnel ahead turned into a perfectly vertical shaft。
   The Baron refused the suggestion of a rope; and simply continued to work his way lower; by means of the plentiful niches provided in the shaft's sides。 Ben followed cautiously。 Above and behind him; Indosuaros looked down and ahead with eyes half…closed; as if he were groping his way along by the use of senses beyond the normal。 After Indosuaros was Ariane; the monkbird riding unhooded on her shoulder; clinging tightly to her shirt。 Hubert was next; then Mark; with Mitspieler bringing up the rear。
   Again there was an easy egress from the lower end of the shaft。 It ended a little more than a meter above a circular dais that was two or three meters wide; and raised perhaps a meter above the floor of the surrounding room。
   The lower end of the shaft was finished in what looked like ancient masonry; with hairline gaps showing between blocks; so that Ben marveled as he let go of the last grip that it had not all e crashing down with his weight on it。
   But soon all seven members of the expe

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