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r a long time。。。 〃Give me the password!〃
   〃In a moment〃 Doon called back; quite calmly。 〃I have it here in hand。〃 He brandished Wayfinder。 In the near darkness at Mark's right; Ariane's sling had begun whining its dull song of warning; and the hope passed briefly through his mind that she might be as good as Barbara with that weapon。 Mark had his bow in hand already; and had dropped his pack。 Now he reached back to draw an arrow from his quiver。 He saw Ben's Sword e out。 And from the corner of his eye he saw Mitspieler start to raise one hand; and disappear。
   The opposing leader snapped out another mand; and his ragged rank of followers charged to the attack。 They made their move with evident good discipline and determination; though not with overwhelming energy or speed。 Mark was able to get off two shots; scoring hits with both; before he had to drop his bow and defend himself at close quarters with his long knife。 A moment later the spearman who was menacing him had his thin legs cut out from under him by Ben's Dragonslicer。
   Two more of the enemy had already been chopped down by the Baron; and the two struck by Mark's arrows were out of action。 From the hands of one of these Ariane had seized a mace; and she was making the air perilous around her with inexpert swings。
   The first clash was over; and Doon's party had managed to get through it without injury。 Six or eight of the enemy were still on their feet … they must; thought Mark; have received some reinforcement that he had not noticed during the skirmish … and they had retreated now to some little distance; dragging wounded with them。 Even as they were trying to reform their rank; some invisible force began to strike at them。 One after another were felled; as by blows from an unseen hand。 As the third man went down; the rest scattered in fear and confusion。 They cried out alarms as they dispersed back into the shadowed depths of the enormous cave; among the rows of couches。
   In the area that they had just quitted; a human form now seemed to materialize out of the air。 It was Mitspieler; the wizard was holding a bloodied dagger in one hand as he came strolling back to his panions。
   〃I think;〃 he called to them; 〃that the help they cry for may be some little time in arriving。 But it will e in great numbers when it does; so we should waste no time。 Baron … and the rest of you as well; I now hold you to your pledge。 Loan me the Sword again; or else bend your own will upon it; to help me find what I am looking for。〃
   The Baron; like his followers; was picking up the backpack he had dropped to fight。 He hesitated only briefly before answering。 〃And what is that?〃
   〃I am trying to locate a certain member of the garrison; who came here as a robber like ourselves; but more than a century ago。 Most likely he is in one of these barracks…beds; but the rows of them look endless; and it could take a long time to find him without the Sword。〃
   〃Very well;〃 said Doon resignedly; and gripped Wayfinder with both hands; as if preparing to deal some mighty blow。 He stared at the Sword。 〃Let Wayfinder lead us to him; whoever and wherever he is … and then on to the gold。〃 And he swung the blade's point in an arc; until the power in it signaled to him。
   Headlamps probing ahead; the five raced in the indicated direction; between long rows of coffin…couches; and into dim regions that were farther from the torch…flames on the receding walls。 Gradually the enormous size of this cavern was being more apparent。 The bed…pedestals; some of which bore the dead or sleeping forms of warriors; when seen close at hand were not quite like normal beds and not like biers … Mark was suddenly reminded of the worm…addicts' couches in the basement of the Red Temple。
   〃The garrison is enormous;〃 he mented as they trotted through it。 〃Where did they all e from?〃
   Mitspieler; panting as he kept pace; answered。 〃From parties like our own。 Some large; some small; all ing; like us; to pillage the Blue Temple。〃
   〃So many?〃
   〃It's been going on for centuries; since before any of us were born。。。 They are bound by strong magic in this portion of the cave; till death releases them。 Or until someone brings a stronger magic to their rescue … as I mean to do for one of them today。〃
   〃A garrison of enormous numbers;〃 agreed Doon。 〃But the ones we fought just now did not seem all that tough。〃
   〃Some will be tougher。〃 Mitspieler; trotting; panting; shook his head。 〃Those were only the first pickets。 There may well be shock troops here somewhere; an elite cadre。。。 though when folk are kept here for centuries; their bodies and minds both must at least begin to deteriorate。 That's why I fear what we may find。。。 ah; this row now。〃
   They were approaching another angle of the cave wall; where torch flames flared closer and as a result the light was better。 Somewhere in the distance the long drum…alarm continued; and Mark could faintly hear the warning cries of the survivors of the first skirmish。
   〃Too bad;〃 said Ariane; 〃that our wizard can't make us all invisible。〃 She had discarded her captured mace; and was easily keeping up with the pace set by the trotting men。
   〃I can do that only for myself;〃 said Mitspieler; 〃and not for very long。〃 Mark did not think that the strain in the wizard's voice and face was only a result of running。 〃And it is doubly hard to do when Swords are out。 Today I am squandering the saved capital of a hundred years of sorcery。。。 Do not expect more of me in the way of tricks; for I am near the limit of my powers now。〃
   Still the somewhat irregular ranks and files of the couches of the garrison flowed past。 The rows seemed to stretch out into a dream…like infinity of gloom; the individual units spaced on the average only two or three meters apart。 The pattern of occupation was even more irregular; with whole ranks of unoccupied beds followed by areas wherein most were tenanted。 How far could it go on? Mark; tuning his headlamp's beam to a sharp focus; projected it as far as possible into the distance。 But it was muffled there by what appeared to be rolling clouds of mist; leaving the far wall still undiscovered。
   Doon ordered: 〃Turn off your lamps! There's some firelight here; we can see well enough without them。 No use showing everyone just where we are。〃
   Lamps went off。 And then; just as it seemed to Mark that the search might be going to last indefinitely; prolonged by magic like the trek through the forest above; Doon came to an abrupt halt。 〃Here。 This bed。 Whoever he is。。。 〃
   A head of curly hair gleamed darkly in the glow of Mitspieler's lamp when the magician briefly switched it on again。 The wizard's hand tore back the rough blanket covering the rest of the recumbent form。 The face of the man revealed was very young…looking; and handsome as a god's。 The youth's uncovered upper body was pact and muscular; clad in worn clothing that did not appear to be a uniform; and in a few fragments of armor as well。
   Mitspieler bent oven the young man and took him by the hand。 〃Dmitry;〃 the magician murmured; in a changed and tender voice。 In another moment he had dropped the hand; pulled off his own backpack; and was rummaging in it for magical equipment。
   The ritual that Mitspieler chanted now was very brief; and it appeared to have been intensely practiced。 The power of it was obvious; for at the concluding words even Mark's dull sense of magic could perceive a passing shock。 A convulsion ran through the body of the youth; and in a moment he was sitting bolt upright and blinking blue eyes in the soft glow of Mitspieler's dimmed headlamp。
   〃Father?〃 the young man murmured; looking at the wizard。 〃What are you doing here? And who are these?〃
   〃Dmitry; I'm getting you out of here; bringing you back to the world above。 These are my friends; they're helping。 The bonds that held you here have been broken。 Get up quickly; we must leave。。。 Dmitry; it's been so long。 Very long。 But you haven't changed。〃
   〃Leave? Back to the world? But。。。〃 Half supported by the older man; Dmitry was already on his feet。 In another moment he had pushed the support away and stood 

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