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   〃Leave? Back to the world? But。。。〃 Half supported by the older man; Dmitry was already on his feet。 In another moment he had pushed the support away and stood alone; though swaying a little on his feet。 Like his father he was of low…average height and sturdily built; though otherwise they looked little enough alike。 〃Wait; I can't leave。 Not without my friends。〃 〃What friends? e on; hurry。〃
   Dmitry lurched back; pulling his arm free again from Mitspieler's grasp。 From blankness and confusion; the youth's face had settled into a childish scowl。 〃They're my friends; I said! I'm not going anywhere without them。〃
   The wizard; his own look of tenderness already gone; glared back at him。 〃If you mean people from that bandit gang you came here with; forget it。 I'm not going to waste。。。〃
   〃Then I'm not leaving。 I mean two men in my squad here; Father; Willem and Daghur。 They're both great pals of mine and I can't go without。。。 well; hello there。〃 His eye had at last fallen upon Ariane。
   Doon had had more than enough。 In a fierce muted roar he ripped out an oath。 〃Who doesn't get moving in the next instant; I'll run him through。 Now move!〃
   Dmitry had by now regained his full balance。 He used it to vault back over the bed that he had just left。 His weapons; sword and dagger; had been stashed on that side of the couch and he grabbed them up。 Smiling happily; he told Doon: 〃Just who in all the hells do you think you are? I'll mode on when I am ready。〃
   Mitspieler; with more than a century of experience to draw on; found gesture and speech to quell them both … at least for the moment。 〃Put down your weapons; the two of you。 Put them down; I say! It would be madness to fight here among ourselves。 Dmitry; where are these other two? I'll wake them swiftly if I can。〃 He turned to Doon and added: 〃It'll mean two more men with us。 Two more fighters。〃 〃All right then。 But be quick; demons blast you!〃
   Dmitry indicated to his father the two nearby couches。 The following rituals were if anything quicker than the first had been; but Mark thought that when Mitspieler straightened up from the last one he looked notably weaker than before。 〃No more;〃 the magician murmured in a drained whisper。 〃e; we must move on。〃
   Two loutish…looking men; the latest fruit of his endeavors; had sprung up stumbling to their feet。 They recognized Dmitry grinning at them; and pleaded in loud bawling voices to be let in on what was going on。 He thumped their backs; and swore at them joyfully。 〃We're going on to pillage the treasure after all!〃
   Willem was tall and black; his face a whitened mass of scars as from some old ill…treated wound or wounds。 He roared out now in a jumble of oaths that he was ready to follow Dmitry anywhere。 〃Best squad leader in the whole damned garrison!〃
   Daghur concurred with this; expressing himself with an eloquent grunt。 He was short and pale; with good muscles burdened under a thick layer of unhealthy…looking fat。 A horned helmet with one horn broken off sat slightly sideways on his head。 His gross arms were heavily tatooed; and many of his teeth were broken。
   〃But where'd you get the rest of this scum?〃 he demanded of paltry; meanwhile glaring at Mark and Ben and Doon。 〃What made you think they could keep up?〃
   〃The best I could find on short notice!〃 Dmitry shouted; hugging the two around their necks。 〃Never mind them; e on。〃
   〃And who's the old one here?〃 Willem wanted to know。
   〃Never mind; he'll keep up too!〃
   〃So; it's a revolt; hey; Dimmy? I'm for it; what the hell; let's go。〃 Then Willem broke off suddenly; staring at Ariane。 It was as if he had deliberately kept her the last to notice。 〃Wow。 This's yours already; I suppose?〃
   Mark had observed some time ago that Doon could control his temper very neatly whenever its unleashing or display would not advance his purpose。 So it was now。 The Baron spoke very quickly and earnestly to Mitspieler; and the wizard; his brow now even a little paler than before; spoke solemnly to his son。 Dmitry; with a look and a nod; managed to convey much information quickly to his otherwise obtuse friends。 Immediately the little army of intruders and escapees began to move in the direction that Doon wanted them to go; following the Sword。 Mark; close behind the Baron now; could hear him murmuring to it as to a woman: 〃Bring us to the treasure now; my beauty!〃
   Doon's band was now eight strong; and it followed him at a quick pace。 But before the group had gone a hundred strides; muttered warnings were exchanged among its members。 Looking off to the right; Mark could now discern another band of people; some forty or fifty meters distant; trotting at parable speed along a parallel course。 The headlamps of Doon's party were turned off; and they could not make out the other group very clearly; but undoubtedly it was there。
   Mark trusted strongly in the Sword; and he tended to trust Doon's leadership as well。 Mark ran now; keeping up with the Baron; who had accelerated his own strides。 But already Daghur and Willem were panting; starting to lag; swearing away in protests what little wind they had。 Dmitry too was falling behind; declaring in gasps that he was bound to stay with his two panions … it sounded like a transparent excuse; meant to hide his own poor condition。
   Even so they had gained a little on the party running to their right。 But now Mark could see yet another force; at about the same distance to the left and also speeding along a parallel course; with torchlight glinting on its weapons。 The garrison appeared to be rousing itself piecemeal to meet the incursion。 Now someone in the group to the left called out; and Mark realized that those were women。
   〃Amazons;〃 a voice beside him panted。 〃Bandits and warriors just like the rest of the garrison。 I'd rather face the men。〃
   Doon was not disposed to loiter for the benefit of stragglers; and Dmitry and his two friends kept falling farther back。 Mark looking over his shoulder saw that there was now pursuit to the rear as well; whatever they might encounter up ahead; doubling back did not appear to be an option。
   And now; directly ahead; another armed; torchbearing contingent was assembling; soldiers moving into position to block the way。
   Doon halted; his people stopped around him; all gasping with the effort of the futile run。 The enemy array blocking their path was already solidly in place behind its leveled spears; and in itself had some advantage in numbers over the intruders。 Certainly the other forces on both flanks and in the rear would have time to close in before any breakthrough could be made。
   Now for a little time there was silence in the cave; except for the less and less distant shuffle of many feet; a sound that gradually shuffled into silence; and for the faint sizzle and drip of the torches that a number of the enemy were carrying; and for the slowly quieting breathing of hard…worked lungs。
   Now; from the very center of the opposing front line; a grotesquely squat; thick…bodied figure detached itself; and waddled a few paces forward。 This man wore an elongated helmet; as if in some preposterous effort to achieve impressive height。 His strange; waddling gait made Mark look at his feet; and these also appeared lengthened; by oddly thick soled boots。 Torches on either side of him cast a flickering red light upon his bulbous; red…nosed face。 In a hoarse voice this figure bellowed: 〃Surrender; you scurvy sons of loadbeasts! We have you surrounded!〃 The sentences were punctuated with waves of a short sword。
   Dmitry for once was quiet; Mark from the corner of his eye observed that the youth appeared sullenly downcast。 But Doon was equal to the occasion; and put on his best mander's voice and manner: 〃Who speaks? Where's your captain?〃
   The squat one bellowed back at him: 〃I'm captain here! mander of the bloody garrison of the Blue Temple Main Depository。 Field Marshall d'Albarno … ever hear of me?〃 He rolled a few paces farther forward; into somewhat brighter light; as if he took pride in his bizarre appearance。 His face; now more clearly visible; was bloated and spectacularly ugly。

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