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bloated and spectacularly ugly。
   〃There's elfin blood in him; I'll bet。〃 The tense whisper came from Ariane; at Mark's side。 He looked at her。 Elves were only superstition; or so he thought that all well educated people believed。
   Field Marshal d'Albarno … Mark; at least; had never heard of either the rank or the name before … was raw roaring at them: 〃So; are you all going to surrender; you bloody lumps of demon…dung? Or are we going to have to hack you all to bits and get our weapons dirty?〃
   〃Aphrodite's armpits!〃 Doon's answering blast was equally; hearteningly loud。 He too knew how to swear; and with some artistry。 〃Shut your mouth for a moment; wormcast…brain; and listen to me。 What's the most important thing there is in life; to you; to me; to any soldier?〃
   D'Albarno blinked。 His almost bestial visage gave evidence of trying to register surprise。 〃Oh。〃 The enemy mander's voice had diminished to something like mere thunder。 〃Oh; we're getting to that soon。 It's our due whenever we're called up to active duty here; our pay for beating back your damned attack。〃 Again he raised the level of his voice to an inhuman bawling。 〃Do you surrender; or。。?〃
   〃Vulcan's vomit; man; of course we're going to surrender!〃 No matter how loud the other got; the Baron so far had been able to measure up。 〃The only point is this … do we get to keep our weapons; and join you like good rades in your frolic first? Or do we have to mow down half your pany to make you meet our terms? That won't leave you with much strength to enjoy your carousal; will it? And maybe not much time for it either。〃 The last sentence was added in a knowing way; as if to hint at inside knowledge。
   The self…proclaimed Field Marshal … he did seem to wear a number of decorations on his chest…planted his ham…sized fists upon his bulbous and unmilitary hips。 He turned his head from right to left and back again; as if calling upon witnesses。
   〃Now;〃 he mumbled; in a voice again reduced almost to human volume; 〃there's a man who understands what soldiering's about。 It ought to be a joy to have him in the garrison。 A rade I can damned well drink with。 I might even be able to endure his stories of his wars and battles。 I might even … ho there; put down your bloody bow!〃 This last injunction was directed at a decrepit…looking archer in d'Albarno's own pany who; after much effort with trembling fingers; had gotten an arrow nocked and was not disposed to waste the effort but seemed clearly intent upon shooting into the group with Doon。
   〃Put it down; I say!〃 the Field Marshal repeated。 〃And you; you bloody invaders; fall in with us quickly and e along。 I'll send a bloody formal announcement of our victory on to the civilians … but not just yet。 The damned joyless slugs have gone into hiding; as they do whenever there's an alert; and for all they know; or need to know; were still locked in bloody bat。 As soon as they realize that you've surrendered; they'll e out of their holes and start preaching to us all; and close the party down。 We who have faced death to guard their metal will have our fun restricted; and we'll all be stuffed back into our shells until the next excitement starts。 Are you with me?〃
   Doon pressed him to make sure。 〃We keep our weapons; then? Until the victory party's over?〃
   〃Aye; all right; until the bloody surrender is made official。 But try to use them; and we'll chop you into bloody hash!〃
   Doon signed to his own people to put down their slings and bows; and sheathe their blades。 He put Wayfinder back into its sheath himself。 D'Albarno gave the same orders; and with a flourish put his own sword away。 Ranks melted。 Slowly; suspiciously at first; the confrontation turned into an awkward; then a less awkward; march。
   What is this? thought Mark。 Have we surrendered or not? He caught Ben's eye; but got no help from the big man's expression of bewilderment。 Doon was marching beside d'Albarno; the two already conversing as if on terms of old acquaintance。 And Mitspieler seemed to have disappeared again。
   The hard…faced Amazon warriors rushed to encircle Ariane; and wele her as a new recruit。 Mark caught a last frightened look from her as she was swept away。
   At least they were all going in the same direction。
   On to the party!
Chapter 14
   The place of revelry was not pletely walled off from the surrounding cave with its gloomy appearance of half barracks and half cemetery。 Instead it was only partially separated by head…high partitions; constructed of stacked barracks…beds; and of piled…up barrels; crates; and kegs。 These containers; Mark deduced; held the supplies necessary for proper celebration。 D'Albarno had evidently already sent ahead this far at least the word of his triumph in the field; for the bar was almost ready to open when his bined force of troops and prisoners; now mingled almost indistinguishably; arrived。 The bar itself was a crude three…sided enclosure; built up of barracks…beds; some upside down; stacked lower than the walls。 Smaller stacks made tables nearby; and single beds simply uncovered served as benches。 The scene was lit by mounted torches。 The only halfway permanent…looking 。structure in sight was a crude stone fireplace; its sides so low that it was not much more than an open pit。 One of the garrison; who was either a minor conjuror or thought he was; was waving his arms to create a spell in hopes of making the smoke rise straight up into the unfathomed darkness overhead。 There was a pile of ordinary…looking wood for fuel; brought perhaps from the magic forest on the level above。 Over some newly kindled flames a large four…legged beast of some kind was being roasted virtually whole。 Turning the spit; and bustling around on various other lowly tasks; were a few of the scroungier and weaker…looking members of the garrison。
   Inside the three…sided enclosure of the bar; and setting about more prestigious work; were three beings of a type that Mark recognized at once from Ben's description; though he himself had never seen the like before。
   Ben nudged him。 〃Whitehands;〃 the big man murmured。 Indeed the main distinguishing feature of the beings leaped to the eye at once: the huge; pale hands; now at work setting out kegs probably of ale; bottles of wine; crocks of something that might be mead; to judge by the sudden sweetish smell in the air。 The strength of those large hands was being demonstrated; yet they looked soft。 The rest of the beings' physical appearance also varied from that of mon humanity。 They had large; staring eyes … the better; Mark supposed; to see in darkness … set in pallid faces。 Large ears as well; and worried; thin…lipped mouths。 Hair was mostly worn or withered away; and skin was wrinkled。 Stature varied; among the three now present; but the average of this small sample was on the short side for humanity。 All were in uniform; wearing highnecked blue shirts and smooth short golden capes。 Their clothing was immaculate; as pared to the scruffy patchwork garb worn by the military garrison。
   The mander of that garrison; the conductor of its most recent successful defense; waddled straight up to the bar。 Before he could speak; the tallest of the creatures behind it pounced upon him verbally; asking whether the fighting had been extensive。 〃It sounded bad; from here。 Was there much damage? Costly?〃
   The Field Marshal roared back at him: 〃With me and my best people on the job? Not bloody likely! Now bring on the booze; we've earned it。 And start the food。 And how about some music?〃
   A shout of approval for this speech went up from d'Albarno's followers; who were already massing just behind him and along the bar。 This noise left audible only the last words of the next anxious question from the Whitehand leader: 〃。。。 the prisoners?〃
   〃Of course I've got the prisoners under control! Who's mander of the garrison here; anyway? Not you; you damned white…handed; white…livered blob of money…fat!〃
   The one who stood behind the bar looked perfectly secure in his own superiority to such behavior; and only distantly offended。 〃As soon as First Chairman Benambra shows up; I'm going to speak to him about this。〃

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