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ooked up as if they were glad to see him; but said nothing。 Ben saw in Mark's familiar eye that there was some news … something important; but not to be told now。 For right now; only a warning to play dumb。
   And there; sitting in another shadow; were Dmitry; yes; and Daghur and Willem too。 Ben thought that he understood now。 All the members of Doon's party were being transferred to some special lockup。 Their break…in had been relatively successful; and he; Ben; was involved in it; and now the priests were going to conduct an investigation into the whole mess。
   Right now; he couldn't help weling as a relief anything that took him out of basic training。
   What was happening now? Ben looked round; and realized that Radulescu was in the process of dismissing the Whitehands; all four of them evidently。
   〃I can manage well enough from here on。 I have the beasts。〃
   One of the pale attendants looked worried。 〃But sir。。。〃
   〃You heard my order。〃
   〃Yes sir。〃
   The warbeasts no longer looked ready to pounce on Ben immediately。 He risked a cautious step; that brought him close enough to Ariane to whisper to her。 〃Are you all right?〃
   〃Right enough;〃 she whispered back。 He thought her tone was somewhat sprightlier than it had a right to be; as if she possessed some encouraging secret。 Or; he supposed; she might still be drugged。
   She added: 〃How are you?〃 The way she asked the question indicated that she cared about the answer。
   Ben thought about how he was。 He felt of his unkempt beard; brushed back his filthy hair。 He was a mess; hungry and weary; but basically he still felt able to function。 〃By Ardneh; how long have we been here?〃
   〃Many days。〃 Still her voice was lively。
   〃How many?〃 She picked up the real meaning of his question。 〃No; it's been days only; not months or years。 It could
 have been that。 It would have been; except。。。〃
   Ariane let it trail away there; but not unhappily。 Smiling faintly; she looked up past Ben。 Radulescu; a torch in one hand; was approaching; while behind him the four Whitehands and their other torches were receding into darkness; going back toward the central cave。
   Radulescu with a gesture made his two warbeasts lie down and relax。 Grinning crookedly at Ariane; he pointed at Ben and said: 〃Here he is。〃
   〃Thank you;〃 she answered calmly; and got to her feet; brushing mechanically at her filthy trousers as if to dust them off。 〃Now I am ready to go on。〃
   For Ben; the last to be set free; there were still some moments of confusion。 He didn't really understand what was happening until Doon; after a quick talk with Radulescu; had begun to harangue the others again in his old fiery way:
   〃You all look so astonished! Why? Did you think I was dim enough to e seeking treasure in a place like this without being able to expect help along the way? I'd have had to be as stupid as the rest of you to take a chance like that。 The colonel here's been planning with me for more than a year now on how to rob the treasury。 He's able to get in by himself; of course; but not to get away again with a proper load。〃
   As Doon spoke; he squatted down and began to unwrap a large bundle that Ben only now took notice of。 It had been lying at Radulescu's feet。 There were weapons in it … Ben observed dully; and backpacks; and headlamps too。 People began to crowd around to help themselves。
   Ben took a step forward; and Radulescu was standing just in front of him with a Sword。。。 unbelievably; the officer was handing Dragonslicer back to him。
   Radulescu said: 〃I'd not part from this so readily; you understand; if I didn't know there's even better down below。 And you and I are rades; partners now。〃 It almost sounded as if Radulescu himself believed the words。 〃We are in this enterprise together。〃
   〃Aye。〃 Ben swallowed。 〃It seems we are。 I had no wish to hurt you; that time; throwing you into the cave and down the stairs。 It was just that I had to get away。〃
   The officer nodded。 〃I must concede that; the necessity of it from your viewpoint; I mean。 Well; I hold no grudge。〃 But it was still an officer speaking to an enlisted man; thought Ben; there had been no offer to shake hands。
   Doon; looking large and whole again with Wayfinder back in his grip; was trying out its powers。 He conferred briefly with Mitspieler … getting; Ben supposed; confirmation that this was the genuine article that he now held; and not another phantom。
   Then the Baron approached Radulescu; and with something of his old testiness wanted to know why Radulescu hadn't warned him about the step…trap in the maze。 〃I lost a man there; and it came near pitching me into the underworld; in more ways than one。 I can understand about the password for the magicsealing; it would have been changed; and you had no chance to give me the new one。 But that step。。。〃
   Radulescu waved an authoritative hand。 〃I would have cautioned you on all the traps; of course; could we have held our final meeting as we planned。 But I've spent most of the last three months in what amounted to house arrest。 I had no hope of getting word out to you。 It would have been suicide to try。〃
   Doon nodded。 〃That's what I hoped。 I mean; that nothing worse had happened to you。 When the big man here told me the name of the officer he'd thrown down into the upper cave; well。。。 but even then I couldn't think of giving the attempt up。 Not really。〃
   〃I didn't suppose you would。 I wasn't really terribly surprised to find you where you were just now。〃
   Suddenly Doon was looking more sharply at Radulescu。 〃What're you supposed to be doing down here now?〃
   The other chuckled。 〃Why; I'm thinking up new ways to protect the treasure; naturally。 The Chairman told me to spend some time down here and study the problem thoroughly。 He has proven to his own satisfaction; after lengthy investigation; that Ben of Purkinje here and I are not involved in any robbery plot together … ergo; I am not involved in any robbery plot at all; and am therefore the most freshly proven innocent of all his trusted lieutenants。 Ergo again; I am the one to be trusted with this job。 Hyrcanus wants results; he has virtually put me on probation until I can think up some real improvements for the security system。 Maybe I'll leave a list for him when we depart。〃 Now it was Radulescu's turn to ask a sudden pointed question。 〃Do you have some means of hauling away the treasure? Did you bring a ship?〃 ;
   〃There's a vessel; magically concealed; standing by for us … I hope。〃 Doon glanced toward Mitspieler。 〃Nay; I'm sure it will be there。 But if we have to haul the gold on our backs all the way up from the lowest level; back through the six sealings; I don't know how much。。。 〃
   Radulescu smiled mysteriously。 〃As to that; we may be able to find some better way; when we get down below。〃
   Ben; wondering what that might mean; exchanged a look with Mark。 But they could hear no more of the dialogue。 The co…leaders had turned away; to conduct the next part in muffled privacy。
   Ben sighed。 He noted how Dmitry and his father were glaring at each other。 And how Willem and Daghur; giggling together about something; sat waiting to be told what to do next so they could try to make a joke of it。
Chapter 15
   Armed again; with headlamps glowing and the two warbeasts loping peacefully alongside; the party pushed on。 Mark was sure now that they were retracing the path that had previously led to capture。 They were moving quickly。 Divided into small groups; they were united at least in the wish to leave this level of the cave before Benambra or someone else awoke to the fact that they were again escaping。 Radulescu had said that there was a good place to rest not far past the entrance to the next lower level; they would reach it soon; and before entering the area where the demon was usually encountered。
   Mark; in hurried conversation with Ben and Ariane; soon learned that their experience in captivity had been much like his own: drug… and sorcery…induced drill and marching。 Looking back on their capture; they discussed what they might have done to avoid it; but could e up with no

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