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 back on their capture; they discussed what they might have done to avoid it; but could e up with no really good ideas。
   〃At least we have an experienced guide this time;〃 Mark murmured to Ben; who walked beside him。
   〃Aye。 And trustworthy … at least until he gets the use he wants out of us。〃 Ben paused。 〃He would rather have left me where I was; just now。〃 He looked at Ariane; walking on his other side。 〃I thank you; for refusing to go on until I was released。 That's what happened; isn't it?〃
   〃She did the same for me;〃 said Mark。 〃And I'll thank her again now。 Ben; neither of us was really wanted on this part of the trip … unless Doon's Sword pointed to us again; before he lost it。。。 anyway they must have decided that we'd be useful to carry treasure; and use weapons when needed。 But they definitely wanted the young lady here; so much so that they brought us along just to please her。 They'll take great pains to get her to cooperate。 And they seemed much relieved when Mitspieler's magic gave assurance that her virginity had not been lost。〃
   Ariane observed; 〃They still think that I have powers that are going to help them somehow。〃 She looked to her right and left。 〃I may require more in the way of thanks; from both of you; before we're done。〃
   〃You'll have it。〃 And Ben took her; briefly by the hand。
   They were passing now under the high shelves; from which; this time; no ambush sprang。 The sides of the passage narrowed in on them and the floor turned down。 Now they were entering territory that was unfamiliar to all of them save Radulescu。 Doon; as if he had some reservations about blindly following the priest's guidance; had now drawn Wayfinder and was using it to make sure he was on the right path; even though the chance of going wrong here seemed remote。
   The descent of the passage steepened; and its floor became a stair。 The tunnel was fairly well lighted here; by small gas flames set at intervals along the neatly finished stonework of its walls。 They might; Mark thought; almost have been inside some fort or military guardhouse on the surface。 The walls here showed a different workmanship than that of the maze or the other; upper regions of the cave plex。 Of course there was no reason to assume that the whole place had been dug out or finished at one time; or under the direction of a single planner。
   The stair was forty or fifty meters long; with most of its length in one smooth descending curve。 At its bottom the passage leveled out; and then ran for another forty or fifty meters before branching into two。 Here Radulescu with a small gesture directed them to the right。
   Doon's Sword must have indicated otherwise; for instead of turning at once he paused; looking at the other questioningly。
   〃The place of rest;〃 said Radulescu patiently。 〃Looking at you; I can well believe that you all need it。
   The right…hand way led through a constricted doorway into a rough cave chamber; perhaps fifteen meters broad and twenty deep。 Large rocks made an irregular litter around the sides; there was a clear area of sandy floor in the center; and a sloping ceiling。 Mark could hear water running; and when he turned the beam of his headlamp toward the rear of the room he saw the pool。 It was fed by a small stream that leapt from a crevice in the upper rocks; then gurgled away on the other side of the cave to provide drainage。 Probably it was the same stream; here somewhat diminished; that they had encountered earlier on the higher levels of the plex。
   The warbeasts went immediately to the pool; and began lapping at it thirstily。 Most of the human members of the party hung back a little; watching without ment as Mitspieler went to the water。 First he touched it; then tasted it; and at last drank some of it himself。 Soon the whole party except Radulescu were drinking; filling water bottles; and making an effort to wash up。 Mark; able at last to rinse what he hoped was the last taste of messhall garbage from his mouth; began to feel more like the person he had been when he first followed Doon into the upper cave。
   After drinking; Mitspieler washed himself minimally。 A few seconds later he was stretched out sound asleep; his head pillowed on his pack。 His face in repose wore a look of total exhaustion; that brought to it a resemblance to the countenance of Indosuaros in that wizard's last hours。 Mark's imagination worked briefly on the question of what kind of basic training a captured wizard might be given in the garrison; but he got nowhere with it and soon gave up。
   Everywhere people were opening their packs; in search of real food。 Nothing seemed to have been stolen from the packs; or spoiled。 To people who had subsisted on prisoners' fare for many days; the field rations seemed like a banquet。 Dmitry; who had never had a pack; rifled his father's; taking deft care not to disturb its owner。 He shared his loot with Daghur and Willem; but only on demand; and somewhat petulantly。
   Mark; sitting on a rock and chewing on some dried fruit from his own supply; found himself gazing into the eyes of Radulescu。 The officer; sitting nearby; was wearing an air of patience … rather; thought Mark; like a man allowing his herd of beasts to drink and graze a while before he whipped them on。
   Obeying an impulse; Mark asked the officer suddenly: 〃What made you decide to rob what you were guarding; and join forces with the Baron?〃
   Probably Radulescu was surprised by what must have struck him as impertinence。 But he made no objection; and answered promptly enough。 〃Have you seen Benambra?〃
   〃Aye。 It was he who led the Whitehands who took us prisoners。〃
   〃Well; I have seen him too。 And it was my first look at him; about a year ago; that made me decide to rob what I was guarding; as you put it。 Seeing just what I had to look forward to; if I worked diligently as a good officer; and was clever; devoted; fanatical; and lucky enough to rise to the very top of the Blue Temple hierarchy。〃
   The rest stop went on longer than the leaders really wanted。 Doon and Radulescu were soon sighing and fidgeting; walking about nervously。 But Mitspieler continued in a deep sleep; and Doon when he looked at the wizard's face decided not to wake him; despite what were evidently the Colonel's whispered urgings that he do so。 The others meanwhile were ready to take advantage of whatever time for rest they were allowed。
   When Mitspieler did awaken; it was suddenly。 And perhaps of himself; Mark; who happened to be watching; thought it was as if some unseen power had whispered into the wizard's ear。 The man sat up; alert from the start。 His first look; a grim one; was aimed at his son。 Then he cast a speculative glance toward Ariane。
   Getting to his feet; Mitspieler asked Radulescu: 〃Have you the password that we'll need to get past the demon?〃
   〃I have; of course。 I would not have e down into the caves without it。〃
   〃And you're sure it's not been changed since you came down? Hyrcanus on the surface can change it at any time; can't he?〃
   Radulescu frowned at this。 〃Of course he can。 But he won't; he knows I'm down here。 If he had wanted to get rid of me; he wouldn't have done it that way。〃
   〃I'm not so sure。〃 Mitspieler looked at the officer meditatively。 〃The Whitehands don't need a password; naturally。〃
   〃Naturally not。 The demon is magically pelled to ignore their ings and goings。 The only ones who need a password are normal human visitors。〃 Radulescu smiled。 〃Like us。〃
   Mitspieler sighed; and seemed to discard his misgivings; whatever they had been。 〃Well and good then。 Let's get on。〃
   In a matter of moments everyone had packed up; and the party was moving on; with headlamps lighted against the darkness that Radulescu warned was just ahead。 Mark felt uneasy at the thought of his first encounter with a demon; now soon to e; even though he was basically confident of Radulescu's magical protection。
   They had only just left the cave of rest; and were passing the place there; the tunnel branched; when a faint sound like a distant yell came drifting down the tunnel that led to the level above。
   The leaders muttered 

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