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distant yell came drifting down the tunnel that led to the level above。
   The leaders muttered briefly to each other; then ignored the sound and moved right on。
   Ben asked Mark: 〃What was that? An alarm?〃
   〃If it was; we're past it now。 We might as well move on。〃
   〃If they're looking for us up there; we'll run into trouble ing back。〃
   Radulescu had heard this; and turned his head long enough to be reassuring。 〃There will be ways。 I know the caves; backward and forward and inside out。〃
   〃But maybe someone besides you has discovered that the dragon's missing。 And the entrance stone's been enchanted; so it can be lifted from the inside。〃
   The Colonel frowned。 He dropped back a little to walk with them。 〃Of course; I discovered those things。 That's why I felt sure I'd find you all down here somewhere。 But I was alone。 There are no regular patrols on the surface; Hyrcanus is dozing; as usual; in blissful ignorance。 And Benambra; if he's been given any report at all on my taking you away; thinks I'm marching you off to interrogation somewhere。 He's fairly bright; but he'll be kept busy for a while yet; disciplining the Field Marshall and his merry men; or trying to do so。 Trust me; I know the workings of this place。〃 The party advanced; but more slowly now; the leaders proceeding with caution。 The tunnel they were following soon opened up on the top and one side; to bee a mere ledge that clung to the face of an underground cliff。 The cliff's smooth face rose vertically here for about ten meters; and grew higher as the path continued its gradual descent。
   The outer edge of the winding path was protected by a knee…high stone wall; and beyond this wall a slope went steeply down into the dismal darkness of a dry ravine。 A few meters beyond the ravine; another cliff went up to meet the roof。 The slopes were littered with fallen rocks。 Mark expected to see more bones among them; but discovered something else。 When he turned his light fully on one strange object he realized that it was either a grotesque doll; or a human body; clothes and all shrunken to the size of a withered child。 But once it had been bearded like a man。
   〃One of Dactylartha's victims;〃 said Ariane; walking beside him。 Her voice was more dreamy than afraid。
   〃That is the demon's name。〃
   〃How do you know?〃
   She didn't answer。 The two warbeasts were unfortable now; prowling first ahead of the human party; then hanging back。 Radulescu had to call them frequently to keep them close to his side。 The air in here smelled strange; thought Mark。 No; it was not so much a smell as it was a feeling; as if the temperature were unfortably high。 Or perhaps low。。。
   〃He leaves his victims so?〃
   〃Some demons do。 Others。。。 do other things; perhaps even uglier。〃 Her abstracted voice perturbed him。
   〃What do you know of demons? Where have you ever met one?〃 This was from Ben。
   Again Ariane did not answer。 She walked on; moving steadily and smoothly enough; yet almost as if entranced。 Mark and Ben exchanged a momentarily helpless look behind her back。
   The。。。 wrongness。。。 in the air increased。 Mark had heard that demons sometimes advertised their proximity so; but he had not felt the effect before。 Looking at the others; he thought that now it was bothering them all。 Except for Radulescu; who might be used to it; and perhaps Doon; whose pride probably refused to let a feeling of illness show。 Even Mitspieler; who presumably could defend himself to some extent; looked paler than before。
   Now the officer stopped and turned。 With a gesture he stopped the others; who were now all following him at a distance of a few paces。 〃Wizard; you e forward with me; if you will … just in case; as you suggested; there is some difficulty about the password:〃
   〃Why should there be?〃 demanded Doon。
   Radulescu doubtless would have liked to ignore him; but knew better than to try。 〃I don't know。 But just in case。 The rest of you wait here。 Imp; e with me; lad。〃 This last was addressed to the grayer and larger of the warbeasts; which whined at the mand but reluctantly obeyed。
   Seven humans and one warbeast waited; while Radulescu; Mitspieler; and Imp went on; following the ledge around the next bulge of the cliff。 Mark did not know exactly what he was expecting to happen next; but what did happen surprised him。 It began with a show of multicolored lights; playing on the far wall of the cave; thirty meters beyond the ravine。
   For a moment there was little to hear。 Then some words; indistinguishable; cried out in Radulescu's voice。 Then a frightening bass tremor; and screams in animal and human voices。
   The animal did not reappear; but the two men came into sight; reeling and staggering back along the path。 Mitspieler turned once; gesturing behind him; as if he might be hurling invisible weapons from his fingertips。
   Those who had been waiting needed no urgings; no spoken warning; to turn and run。 Ben dragged Ariane; who was screaming something and seemed for a moment hesitant; along with him。 Mark; taking one final look over his shoulder as he fled; saw Mitspieler with gestures erecting a haze of magic on the path; then turning to run also; with Radulescu。 Beyond the two running men Mark saw the figure of the demon; looking itself like a tall man clad in dark armor。 And the strangest thing of all about the sight was that the very rock of the path seemed to be stretching and sagging beneath the demon's feet。
   Doon; running unabashedly in the lead as ever; had his Sword out; held in front of him。 And Mark was sure that he was not willing it to find him treasure now; but refuge。
   〃The cave!〃 someone shouted。 Mark saw Doon turn hard to his left; and leap into the room in which they had just been resting。 The others went pounding after him; in headlong flight。 Mark; running right after Ben and Ariane; was the last one in before the wizards。 Just before he entered; he was almost knocked off his feet by the remaining warbeast; which was running about insanely; across the path and up and down the slope。
   The two wizards; sobbing for breath; made it somehow; and threw themselves down just inside the narrow doorway。 They grabbed implements of magic from their sleeves and pockets; and from Mitspieler's pack。 Gripping these; their four hands wove across the opening a fine net of magic; whose substance seemed to be drawn into being right out of the air itself。 They pleted it none too soon。 There sounded heavy footfalls; right outside the door; and the feeling of sickness and wrongness that heralded the demon reached in insidiously to grip them all。
   But the pressure remained bearable。 〃We are safe; but only for the moment;〃 Mitspieler gasped。
   〃The password;〃 Radulescu panted; 〃must have been changed。〃 And he dug yet one more object from his pocket; and used it as if in afterthought to strengthen the defenses of the doorway。 What filled the doorway now had the look of translucent paper; or thin cloth; but it was evidently stronger than it looked。 Dactylartha was trying to do something to it from the outside; but so far it gave no sign of yielding。
   〃Of course it has;〃 said Doon coldly。 〃So Hyrcanus must be out to kill you after all。 That means he's aware of the whole plot; now。〃
   Radulescu stared at him。 〃Even so; we can still get away; if that ship you promised is truly waiting for us。〃
   〃And if we can get out of this room without being devoured。 Tell me; you who know the caves forward and backward; how do we do that?〃
   The Colonel was saved from having to answer; at least for the moment。 For now the demon's voice boomed forth from beyond the door; smothering all other sounds。 〃e out; humans; e out。 A pair of warbeasts make but a small meal; and I am starved。 My hunger cries for human minds and bodies。〃
   Inside the cave all was silence for a few moments。 Then Ariane in her little girl's voice offered: 〃I was taught a charm of old white magic; once; when I was small。〃 No one bothered to reply to her。 All eyes were on the wizard; and the priest of the Blue Temple。
   Mitspieler let out a small sigh。 〃We have don

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