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 the wizard; and the priest of the Blue Temple。
   Mitspieler let out a small sigh。 〃We have done all we can to seal the door。 It will not be enough; for very long。〃 Then he turned to Doon and spoke deliberately: 〃I think it is time now。〃
   〃Time for what?〃 Mark wanted to know。
   But Doon understood; and he was ready to explain。 His manner; as much as his words; served at first to calm the others。
   〃The failure of the password need not be fatal。 Mitspieler and I … and Indosuaros … considered the possibility of something of the kind happening; before we ever came near the cave。 We knew we needed some other method of getting past the demon; to fall back on。 And Wayfinder found us what we needed。〃
   The Baron's eyes turned now toward Ariane。 But it was to Mitspieler that he spoke。 〃Wizard; are you ready? Can we do it?〃
   Mitspieler's answer came in a changed voice; tones harder and more powerful。 〃Yes; I'm reasonably sure we can。 Not only is she a virgin; but the daughter of a queen as well。 I've now made sure of that。 But we must waste no time。 Our defenses are not going to hold this doorway for long。〃
   As if to underscore this point; a raging though muffled demonstration by the demon now took place outside。 The light filtering in from the passage changed; and rage and hatred and choked noise oozed in as well。
   Inside the cave a silent pause stretched on。 It was long enough for a multiple exchange of looks; for calculation; for a sudden tightening of muscles; and shifting of weapons。
   Then Ariane leaped to her feet with a sudden shriek。 〃They mean to kill me!〃 The terror in her voice now; like the wistfulness of a moment ago; was that of a young girl。 And; recoiling from the reaching arm of Doon; she scrambled across the cave; and got herself into a position between Ben and Mark。
   〃What is this?〃 Ben was on his feet and roaring。 And his Sword; like Doon's; was out already。
   Doon was smiling at him from across a few paces of sandy floor。 Now that blades were drawn in anger; the Baron looked vastly more cheerful; and even at his ease。
   But he was in no hurry to attack。 〃I don't want to kill you; lad;〃 he said to Ben; his voice quite calm and reasonable。 〃Look you … and you too; Mark; if you stand with him。 We all of us now have only two choices。 First; we can stay here; and wait for the demon to break in upon us。 That'll happen soon; and we'll all perish … nay; perish is too good a word。 You saw; out there; what Dactylartha likes to do to those he takes。 We'll face what's worse than dying … unless we kill each other first; or kill ourselves。
   〃But there's a second choice; and that's the one I'm going to take。 So are the rest of us。 To sacrifice one now。。。〃 At these words the shouting of the three across the cave rose up in opposition; but Doon only raised his own voice and went on; 〃。。。the daughter of a queen; a virgin girl。 Her death properly offered will bind any demon for a time … at least it will bind this one; and for long enough。
   〃And then the rest of us can go on freely。 On to the gold。 Have you forgotten?〃
   Here the Baron paused again; long enough to make sure that the silence from across the cave still represented stubborn refusal; and not a sullen wavering toward assent。 〃Ben; your own girl on the outside; have you forgotten her? What will you choose; your little shop somewhere with her; or withering for a century in Dactylartha's gut?
   〃And Mark。 Those Swords Sir Andrew needs so badly are down below; waiting for us。 How many lives of his people can they save? You've already killed to get them。 Now one more small life stands in the way。 That of someone you hardly know。。。 hey?〃
   Again Doon halted briefly。 When he went on; his voice was still calm。 〃I'll say one thing more; before we e to kill you。 This demon is the last sealing that we'll have to face。。。 six is the true number; and the old song lies。 Am I right; Radulescu?〃
   But the Colonel clumsily chose this moment to attempt to assert an officer's authority。 〃You three; lay down your arms; at once!〃
   He was ignored; of course。 Mark had an arrow already nocked; to draw and loose it would take an eyeblink only。 I must get Doon with my first shot; he told himself。 Get him; get him certainly; before he can e within a blade's length of any of us。 We none of us can match him with a blade; and none of the others over there are likely to be half so dangerous。
   Mitspieler; standing with hands half…raised in front of him; made an incoherent sound。 He looked almost ready to collapse。 A physical fight within this chamber would only weaken the barrier at the doorway; and bring the demon ravening in upon them all; so it seemed he might have pleaded; if he could have found clear speech。
   Again the demon stirred outside。 Mark could hear and feel it passing the doorway; like a bad wind; like a vicious dog; like the hunter who is ing back。
   At last Mitspieler managed to find words。 〃Mark; lay down your bow。 Make your friend see sense!〃
   Mark had noticed meanwhile that Dmitry; having no regular missile weapon; had picked up a small rock; as if he were getting ready to throw it。 Mitspieler's son was looking across the cave at Mark。 He was perhaps clever enough to follow Mark's thought on the ing fight; and take the plan one step farther。 If the rebellious three were to be pacified without too much; damage to the stronger side; then Mark must be prevented from shooting Doon in the first moments of the brawl。 Dmitry; while ready to attack with a small rock; was also prudently sheltering most of his own body behind one of the larger ones。。。
   And Willem and Daghur had disappeared altogether; but Mark doubted that they were attempting any kind of a flanking movement; and doubted even more that the configuration of this cave would lend itself to such a try。
   Afterwards; Mark was never able to say just whose sudden movement had triggered the outbreak of the fight。 One moment; all were statues; limned in the different headlamps' light。 Next moment all were blurring in violent motion。
   Mark loosed his arrow; aimed at Doon; but missed。 Dmitry's rock; flung with unexpected speed and skill; missed Mark but at the last instant just grazed the bow held in Mark's hands。 The shaft flew wide; to break against a rock。
   Some headlamps went off; others flashed on; beams dancing crazily about the cave; as different people tried different strategies。 It was hopeless now to try to use the bow; and Mark dropped it along with his quiver; he had already slipped out of the straps of his backpack。 Switching his own headlamp off; he drew his long knife and crouched down waiting。
   Darkness was conquering the cave as that strategy became unanimous。 Mark thought he could hear Ariane's sling; a short distance to his right; whine softly; one spin; two; and then unload itself at high velocity。 Amid the faint staccato of scrambling sounds within the cave the result was impossible to distinguish。
   Now the darkness was total; except for the strained glow from the besieged doorway。 Outside; the demon still mumbled in his wrath and tried to paw his way in through the spells。 Inside the room; rocks continued to click gently; as furtive feet and crawling knees disturbed them。 Some people were repositioning themselves; while others waited listening。 Those on the other side would be trying to close in on Ariane。 She had Ben as one defender to her right; Mark to her left。 And she herself; even if her voice did sometimes turn childish; was no timid; helpless。。。
   Mark started; as Mitspieler's voice cried out; shouting at full volume into darkness: 〃Stop it; you fools; all of you!〃 There was a momentary pause; then the wizard's voice came back; a notch lower: 〃Ben; Mark; isn't it better for one to die than。。。〃
   He cut off there; abruptly。 It was as if he had heard or sensed something that stopped him。 Now to Mark all was utter silence in the cave; except for the muted rush of the small stream。 Whatever Mitspieler had sensed had probably been perceptible to him alone。
   Now there were stumbling footsteps in the darkness; those of one person moving; careless of b

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