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小说: fs.thesecondbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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our of the gold came on to absorb his thoughts。
   Down here long hallways were lined with shelves displaying gold。 Niches and alcoves and entire rooms were filled with the yellow hoard。 As far as Ben could see it was all unguarded; open; free to their touch whenever they wished to reach out and touch it。 There were neat piles of bars and ingots; heavy baskets filled with ore and nuggets。 Wordlessly the three walked past stack after stack of coin; cases of jewelry; shelves crammed with artifacts of gold。 Some of these were simple; some were ugly; some were of intricate workmanship whose origin and purpose Ben could not identify。
   In the rooms of the treasure cave nearest to the entrance; many of the stacks of coin were toppled; many of the shelves were disarranged; as if intruders' hands had already played and sported with them greedily。 Doon and Radulescu; Dmitry and Willem; must have passed this way only a little earlier。
   The rock ceiling here was relatively low; only a meter or two above the wooden walls and partitions and stacked shelves that held the treasure。 In the ceiling Old World lights were mounted somehow; lights in individual rooms and halls and alcoves came on individually ahead of Mark and Ben and Ariane as they approached; and lights behind them darkened again as soon as they had passed。 Ben; looking very far ahead … this cavern like those above it went on for a great distance … could see that there; too; lights in other rooms were going on and off。 He assumed that Doon and the three others were probably there; had probably by now ceased marveling and were busy stuffing their pockets and their packs。。。 e to think of it; he doubted that anyone still had a pack; after that last chase。 Neither he nor Mark nor Ariane had one now; though Mark had somehow retained his bow and quiver。
   And there continued ever more piles of bullion to marvel at; more stacks of coin; more shelves of golden ornaments; all yellowing the light。 High shelves of stored gold lined the passages between rooms; and made up the partitions between rooms; and covered the walls of the rooms themselves。 There had to be; Ben supposed; some overall plan of organization to the hoard; but so far he could not tell what it was。
   They walked on and on; saying nothing to each other; discovering more and more。 Their wonder at the vastness of the treasure grew; until it blurred into a sense of unreality。 This was too much。 This must be some enchantment; or some joke。。。
   At an intersection of long aisles; or galleries; Ben looked down a long vista … a hundred meters? two hundred? … to a rock wall at the end。 About halfway down; he glimpsed an end to gold; if not to treasure。 Another light had just e on there; where someone else must be moving through the hoard; and it illumined a kind of borderline where it seemed that yellow metal might give way to silver。 And might that starry detail be the twinkle of distant diamonds?
   It was all too much。 It somehow carried matters beyond the enjoyment or appreciation even of successful robbers that there should be this much。
   Then; without warning; turning a corner into a room that had just lighted itself ahead of them; the three of them encountered Doon。 The little man; who had probably just entered from the other side; recoiled at first; as startled as they were。 He said nothing。 Dirty and disheveled as were they all; he appeared somehow shrunken without his Sword。 There was a dagger still at his belt; but he made no move to draw it。 After staring wildly at the three of them for a moment; he mumbled something; but it was evidently addressed only to himself。
   Ben had automatically drawn his own remaining weapon; which was a simple dagger also。 But in spite of their recent fight; he felt no urge to strike the man in front of him。 At the moment the Baron seemed more pitiful than dangerous。
   〃Where's Radulescu?〃 Mark demanded sharply of their former leader。 〃Where are the Swords … the ones kept here in the treasury?〃
   At mention of the Swords; a gleam of purpose came into Doon's eyes。 He again mumbled indistinguishable words; and stumbling past the three who confronted him; he ran on; searching his own search。 They could follow his progress for some little distance; by the lights that went on ahead of him; and winked off again when he had passed。 If the irregularity of his path indicated anything; he did not know where he was going。
   〃Hermes has undone him;〃 Ben said。
   Mark asked: 〃What are the three of us going to do? Separate and search? I assume that the Swords here are kept together in one place。〃
   Ben briefly and silently considered his own plan; the plan that had brought him here; for enriching himself。 In the midst of all this it somehow now seemed almost inconsequential; a detail that he could take care of at any time by simply stretching out his arm。 But the Swords。。。 yes; they were indeed important。
   He looked at Ariane; and almost forgot about the Swords。 She looked bad; not right yet by a long way; far from being out of the fog from that blow she'd taken on the head。 She gave him a weak smile in return for his look; but did not speak。
   〃No;〃 said Ben。 〃Let's stick together。〃
   They moved on。 Now; just around another corner ahead; lights were on。 And now a crash sounded from that direction; and then another; like pieces of pottery being smashed; one at a time。 They moved on; Mark with an arrow nocked; Ben with dagger drawn。
   Rounding the corner; they beheld a room crammed with small statuary。 Dmitry and Willem had located it already。 The two of them were standing there; the pockets of their ragged clothing bulging; spilling gold coins。 Each had a sword in hand; and they were playing a game of smash among the statues。
   Willem and Dmitry looked up with animal wariness as the three appeared; and paused in their game。 They smiled vaguely at the bow and dagger; but said nothing。 They swords they played with were only their own ordinary blades。
   Mark; with a small motion of his head; signaled his two panions。 The three of them moved on; watching with a wariness of their own。
   Some distance farther; in a room along one of the main aisles; another light was on。 When they peered in cautiously through the doorway; they discovered Radulescu; quite alone。 This room was filled with statues too。 These were all of fine clear crystal; and the Colonel was holding a small example carefully in his hands。 As the three came in; he looked up at them almost indifferently; certainly without enmity; and went on fondling his prize; his mind was clearly somewhere else。 It was as if the effort to sacrifice Ariane had happened twenty years ago; or in another lifetime。
   He looked down at his little statue again; then held it up for their inspection。 〃This was my first theft;〃 he explained。 〃Pretty; isn't she?〃 Then he gazed at his visitors with more awareness。 〃You can relax now。 We can all take our time; rest a little。 Gather what treasure you want; and then I'll show you the way out。〃
   〃Show us now;〃 said Mark。 〃Didn't you hear those yells?〃
   〃There's time;〃 said Radulescu。 〃Enough time now for everything。〃 He gazed again at his little figure。 It was of a woman dancing。 〃。。。 my first theft。 I took it out of here once before; you know。 Smuggled it back to my quarters; wrapped up in my cloak; enfolded against detection in protective spells that I had devised myself I took it to my quarters guiltily; as if it had been a real woman; and I some kind of acolyte sworn to celibacy。 Of course she is more real; more vital; than any woman I have ever seen in flesh。 But。。。 there was no way for me to keep it; without discovery。 I knew even when I took it that I couldn't keep it; that I'd have to bring it back before the next formal inventory。〃 〃Show us the way out now;〃 said Ben。
   Radulescu looked up; startled; as if he had forgotten that they were there。 〃We'll take it shortly。 Rest a little first。〃
   Mark demanded: 〃Where are the Swords kept?〃
   〃Ah。〃 Radulescu thought a moment; then pointed。 〃You'll find them down that way。。。 if you should be planning to kill me when you have them; remember that I haven

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