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小说: p&c.icelimit 字数: 每页4000字

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 The captain stared at him。 〃In this weather?〃
 Banks stepped back out of the radio room。 〃They're requesting permission to land; ma'am。〃
 〃I don't believe it;〃 Howell cried。 〃We're in the middle of a Force 8 gale。〃
 〃I don't believe you have a choice;〃 Glinn said。
 Over the next ten minutes; there was an explosion of activity as preparations were made for a landing。 When McFarlane arrived at the hatchway leading out onto the fantail; Glinn at his side; a stern…looking crewman wordlessly issued them safety harnesses。 McFarlane tugged the bulky thing on and snapped it into place。 The crewman gave it a quick tug; grunted his approval; then undogged the hatch。
 As McFarlane stepped through; the blast of wind threatened to carry him over the railing。 With an effort; he snapped his harness to the external railing and moved toward the landing pad。 Crewmen were stationed along the deck; their harnesses securely strapped to the metal railings。 Even though the ship had throttled back her engines to just enough power to claw a steerageway through the seas; the deck pitched。 A dozen flares were snapped on and placed around the perimeter; fitful sprays of crimson against the driving sleet and snow。
 〃There it is!〃 somebody cried。
 McFarlane squinted into the storm。 In the distance; the huge form of a Chinook helicopter hung in the air; running lights glowing。 As he watched; the helicopter approached; yawing from left to right as gusts of wind hit it。 An alarm suddenly screamed nearby; and a series of orange warning lights lit up the Rolvaag's superstructure。 McFarlane could hear the beat of the chopper's engines straining against the fury of the storm。 Howell shouted directions through a bullhorn even as he kept the radio plastered to his face。
 Now the chopper was banking into hover position。 McFarlane could see the pilot in the nose; struggling with the controls。 The sleet pelted them with the redoubled blast from the blades。 The chopper's belly bucked from side to side as it gingerly approached the swaying deck。 A violent gust sent it shearing to one side; and the pilot quickly banked away; ing around for a second attempt。 There was a desperate moment where McFarlane felt sure the pilot would lose control; but then its tires settled onto the pad and crewmen rushed to place wooden chocks beneath its wheels。 The cargo door rolled open。 A flurry of men; women; machines; and equipment tumbled out。
 And then McFarlane saw the unmistakable figure of Lloyd drop to the wet surface of the pad; larger than life in foul…weather gear and boots。 He jogged from the underside of the aircraft; the sou'wester on his head whipping back in the storm。 Catching sight of McFarlane and Glinn; he gave an enthusiastic wave。 A crewman raced to secure a safety belt and harness to him; but Lloyd motioned him away。 He walked up; wiping the rain from his face; and grasped McFarlane and Glinn by the hands。
 〃Gentlemen;〃 he boomed over the storm; a huge smile on his face。 〃The coffee's on me。〃
 11:15 A。M。
 GLANCING AT his watch; McFarlane entered the elevator and punched a button for the middle bridge deck。 He'd passed this empty deck many times; wondering why Glinn had always kept it off…limits。 Now; as the elevator rose smoothly; he realized what it had been reserved for。 It was as if Glinn had known all along that Lloyd would be dropping in。
 The elevator doors opened to a scene of frantic activity: the ringing of phones; the whirr of faxes and printers; and the bustle of people。 There were several secretaries at desks ranged along one wall; men and women taking calls; typing at workstations; scuttling about on Lloyd Holdings business。
 A man in a light…colored suit approached him; threading his way through the hubbub。 McFarlane recognized the oversized ears; drooping mouth; and fat pursed lips as belonging to Penfold; Lloyd's personal assistant。 Penfold never seemed to walk toward anything; but instead approached from an angle; as if a direct approach would be too brazen。
 〃Dr。 McFarlane?〃 Penfold said in his high; nervous voice。 〃This way; please。〃
 He led McFarlane through a door; down a corridor; and into a small sitting room; with black leather sofas arranged around a glass… and gold…leafed table。 A door opened into yet another office; and from it McFarlane could hear Lloyd's basso profundo voice。
 〃Please sit down;〃 said Penfold。 〃Mr。 Lloyd will be with you shortly。〃 He vanished; and McFarlane settled back into the creaking leather sofa。 There was a wall of television sets tuned to various news channels from around the world。 The latest magazines lay on the table: Scientific American; the New Yorker; and the New Republic。 McFarlane picked one up; began flipping through it absently; then put it down again。 Why had Lloyd e down so abruptly? Had something gone wrong?
 〃Sam!〃 Looking up; he saw the huge man standing in the doorway; filling it with his bulk; radiating power; good humor; and boundless self…confidence。
 McFarlane rose。 Lloyd moved toward him; beaming; arms outstretched。 〃Sam; it's fine to see you again。〃 He squeezed McFarlane's shoulders between his beefy palms and examined him; still gripping his shoulders。 〃I can't tell you how exciting it is to be here。 e in。〃
 McFarlane followed Lloyd's broad back; beautifully draped in Valentino。 Lloyd's inner office was spare: a row of windows; the cold light of the Antarctic regions flooding in; two simple wing chairs; a desk with a phone; a laptop puter … and two wineglasses beside a freshly opened bottle of Chateau Margaux。
 Lloyd gestured at the wine。 〃Care for a glass?〃
 McFarlane grinned; and nodded。 Lloyd poured the ruby liquid into a glass; filling another for himself。 He settled his bulk into a chair; and held his glass up。 〃Cheers。〃
 They clinked and McFarlane sipped the exquisite wine。 He wasn't much of a connoisseur; but even the grossest palate could appreciate this。
 〃I hate Glinn's habit of keeping me in the dark;〃 Lloyd said。 〃Why wasn't I told about this being a dry ship; Sam? Or about Britton's history? I can't fathom Glinn's thinking on this one。 He should have briefed me back in Elizabeth。 Thank God there's been no problem。〃
 〃She's an excellent captain;〃 McFarlane said。 〃She's handled the ship with great skill。 Knows it inside and out。 Crew respects the hell out of her。 Doesn't take guff from anybody; either。〃
 Lloyd listened; frowning。 〃That's good to know。〃 The phone buzzed。 Lloyd picked it up。 〃Yes?〃 he said impatiently。 〃I'm in a meeting。〃
 There was a pause while Lloyd listened。 McFarlane watched him; thinking that what Lloyd had said about Glinn was true。 Secretiveness was a habit with Glinn … or; perhaps; an instinct。
 〃I'll call the senator back;〃 Lloyd said after a moment。 〃And no more calls。〃 He strode over to the window and stood; hands clasped behind his back。 Although the worst of the storm had passed; the panoramic windows remained streaked with sleet。 〃Magnificent;〃 Lloyd breathed; something like reverence in his voice。 〃To think we'll be at the island within the hour。 Christ; Sam; we're almost there!〃
 He swiveled away from the window。 The frown was gone; replaced by a look of elation。 〃I've made a decision。 Eli needs to hear it; too; but I wanted you to know first。〃 He paused; exhaled。 〃I'm going to plant the flag; Sam。〃
 McFarlane looked at Lloyd。 〃You're going to what?〃
 〃This afternoon; I'm taking the launch to Isla Desolacion。〃
 〃Just you?〃 McFarlane felt a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach。
 〃Just me。 And that crazy old Puppup; of course; to guide me to the meteorite。〃
 〃But the weather … 〃
 〃The weather couldn't be better!〃 Lloyd stepped away from the windows and paced restlessly between the wing chairs。 This kind of moment; Sam; isn't given to many。〃
 McFarlane sat in his chair; the strange feeling growing。 〃Just you?〃 he repeated。 〃You won't share the discovery?〃
 〃No; I won't。 Why the hell should I? Peary did the same thing on his last dash to the Pole。 Glinn's got to understand。 He may not like it; but it's my expedition。 I'm going in alone。〃
 〃No;〃 McFarlane said quietly。 〃No; you're not。〃
 Lloyd stopped pacing。
 〃You're not leaving me behind。〃
 Lloyd tu

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