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小说: p&c.icelimit 字数: 每页4000字

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er one hundred feet; and they were moving as powerfully as a freight train。 These were the waves that circled the globe; pushed by the winds; never hitting shore; building; ever building。 These were the waves of the Screaming Sixties; the biggest seas on earth。 Only the sheer size of the Rolvaag was saving it now。 As the ship rose on each wave; the winds climbed to a gibbering wail。 At the peak of the wave the whole superstructure would vibrate and hum; as if the winds were attempting to decapitate the ship。 Then there would be a shudder; and the ship would heel; slowly; achingly。 The wave…by…wave battle was recorded by the inclinometer: ten; twenty; twenty…five degrees。 As the angle became critical; all eyes stared at this normally insignificant instrument。 Then the crest of the wave would pass and Britton would wait for the ship to recover: the most terrible moment of all。 But each time the ship did recover; first imperceptibly; then more quickly; gradually righting into an equally unnerving overcorrection; as its great inertia caused it to lean momentarily against the wave。 It would slide into the next trough; shielded by the surrounding mountains of water; into an eerie stillness almost more frightening than the storm above。 The process would repeat again; and again; in an endless; cruel cadence。 Throughout all this; there was nothing she … or any of them … could do。
 Britton turned on the forward superstructure spotlights to check the Rolvaag's maindeck。 Most of the containers and several davits had been torn from their moorings and swept overboard; but the mechanical door and the tank hatches were solid。 The vessel was still taking in water from the shell hole near the king posts; but the bilge pumps were pensating。 The Rolvaag was a well…built; seaworthy vessel; it would be weathering the storm nicely … were it not for the monstrous weight in her belly。
 By seven; the storm had reached Force 15; with gusts up to one hundred knots。 When the ship topped a wave; the force of the wind ing through the bridge threatened to suck them out into the darkness。 No storm could keep up this kind of violence for long。 Soon; Britton hoped; it would begin to break。 It had to。
 She kept checking the surface scopes; irrationally; looking for a contact that might indicate a rescue。 But they were streaked with grass; giving mostly sea return。 At the crest of each wave; they cleared long enough to show a growler field … small bergs … about eight miles ahead。 Between the ship and the growler field lay a single ice island; smaller than those they had passed but several miles long nevertheless。 As the ship was pushed deeper into the ice; the waves would mitigate; but; of course; then there would be more ice to deal with。
 The GPS; at least; was steady and clear。 They were about one hundred and fifty miles northwest of the South Shetland Islands; an uninhabited row of fanglike mountains sticking up from the Antarctic seas; surrounded by reefs and ripping currents。 Beyond lay the Bransfield Strait; and; beyond that; pack ice and the brutal coast of Antarctica。 As they drew closer to the coast; the seas would drop but the currents would get worse。 One hundred and fifty miles。。。 if South Georgia could launch a rescue at 6 A。M。。。。 It all depended on that thing down in the hold。
 She thought of asking Glinn for a progress report。 But then she realized she did not want a report。 Glinn had been as silent as she; and she wondered just what was going through his mind。 She; at least; could read the movement of the ship。 For the others it must be simple; sheer terror。
 The ship rolled; a frightening roll。 But as the roll approached the apex; she felt an odd hitch; a catch; to it。 At the same time; Glinn raised his radio to his ear; listening intently。 He saw her look。
 〃It's Garza;〃 he said。 〃I can't hear him over the storm。〃
 She turned to Howell。 〃Patch him through。 Maximum gain。〃
 Suddenly Garza's voice boomed through the bridge。 〃Eli!〃 he was calling。 The amplification gave the panic in his voice a ragged; desperate edge。 In the background; Britton could hear the groan and screech of tortured metal。
 〃We're losing the primary crosspieces!〃
 〃Stick with it。〃
 Britton wondered at Glinn's calm; steady voice。
 The ship began to heel again。
 〃Eli; the whole thing's unraveling faster than we can keep up with … 〃 The ship heeled farther; and another scream of metal drowned out Garza's voice。
 〃Manuel;〃 said Glinn。 〃Rochefort knew what he was doing when he designed that web。 It's much stronger than you think。 Take it one step at a time。〃
 Still the ship slanted。
 〃Eli; the rock … It's moving! I can't … 〃 The radio went dead。
 The ship paused; shuddered throughout its frame; then slowly began to right itself。 Britton felt that little hitch again; like a pause; almost as if the ship had caught on something for a moment。
 Glinn kept his eyes to the speaker。 After a moment; it crackled once again。 Garza's voice came back on。 〃Eli? Are you there?〃
 〃I think the thing shifted slightly; but it came back into place。〃
 Glinn almost smiled。 〃Manuel; do you see how you're overreacting? Don't panic。 Focus on the critical points and let the others go。 Triage the situation。 There's a tremendous amount of redundancy built into that web。 Double overage。 Remember that。〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 The ship began another roll; a slow; screeching; agonizing motion。 Again she felt the pause; and then she felt something new; different in the motion。。。 Something ugly。 Britton looked at Glinn; then at Lloyd。 She could see that they hadn't noticed。 When the meteorite had moved; she could feel how it affected the entire ship。 The massive Rolvaag had almost pivoted on the crest of that last wave。 She wondered if it was her imagination。 She waited while the ship sank down into the unnatural peace of the trough; then began to rise again。 She turned on the maindeck lights and sealights: she wanted to see the conformation of the ship on the water。 It was rising; shuddering as if to shake off its burden; the heavy black water surging off its sides and out the scuppers。 As they came up the thing in the hold began to groan again; slowly; the ship reared up the long face of the wave; shivering as it rose into the wind。 The bow broke through the topmost b of water; and the groaning became a shriek of protesting metal and timber; echoing through the bones of the ship。 There it was: the Rolvaag made that same ugly motion at the top; a yaw that almost became a pivot; then a lying back down in the water。 There was a hesitation before it recovered … and that was the worst of all。
 Once; on a terrible storm off the Grand Banks; she had seen a ship break its back。 The hull had e apart with a horrific noise; black water had boiled in; instantly flooding the ship's deepest partments。 Nobody had a chance to get off: all were sucked down into the deep。 It was a sight that still disturbed her sleep to this day。
 She glanced at Howell。 He had noticed the slow recovery; too: he was staring at her; frame rigid; round eyes white in a deathly pale face。 She had never seen him so frightened。 〃Captain。。。〃 he began; his voice breaking。
 She gestured him silent。 She knew what he was going to say。 It was her duty to say it。
 She glanced at Glinn。 His face remained strangely confident and serene。 She had to look away。 For all his knowledge; the man did not know the feel of a ship。
 The Rolvaag was on the verge of breaking up。
 They began to subside into another trough; the wind abruptly dropping to zero。 She took the opportunity to look around the bridge: Lloyd; McFarlane; Amira; Glinn; Howell; Banks; the other officers of the watch。 All silent。 All watching her。 All waiting for her to do something; to keep them alive。
 〃Mr。 Lloyd;〃 she said。
 〃Yes?〃 He stepped over; eager to help。
 This was going to be hard。
 A hideous shudder rattled the consoles and windows as the ship took a major cross…swell。 When the sound eased as the ship slipped back down; Britton could breathe again。
 〃Mr。 Lloyd;〃 she said again。 〃The meteorite must go。〃
 7:00 P。M。
 ON THESE words; McFarlane felt a queer feeling in his gut。 A galvanic charge seemed to

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