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小说: p&c.icelimit 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Mr。 Lloyd;〃 she said again。 〃The meteorite must go。〃
 7:00 P。M。
 ON THESE words; McFarlane felt a queer feeling in his gut。 A galvanic charge seemed to spread through his body。 Never。 It was impossible。 He tried to shake off the seasickness and fear of the last harrowing minutes。
 〃Absolutely not;〃 he heard Lloyd say。 The words were quiet; barely audible above the roar of the sea。 Nevertheless; they carried a tremendous force of conviction。 A hush fell on the bridge as the ship went deeper into the preternatural calm of the trough。
 〃I am the captain of this ship;〃 Britton said quietly。 〃The lives of my crew depend on it。 Mr。 Glinn; I order you to trigger the dead man's switch。 I order it。〃
 After the briefest of hesitations; Glinn turned toward the EES console。 
 〃No!〃 screamed Lloyd; seizing Glinn's arm in a powerful grip。 〃You touch that puter and I'll kill you with my bare hands。〃
 With a short; sharp motion; Glinn twisted out of the grip; throwing Lloyd off balance。 The big man stumbled; then drew himself up; panting。 The ship slanted again and a metallic groan ran through the length of the hull。 All movement stopped as everyone clung to the nearest handhold。
 〃You hear that; Mr。 Lloyd?〃 Britton cried over the sound of protesting metal。 〃That son of a bitch down there is killing my ship!〃
 〃Glinn; stay away from that keyboard。〃
 〃The captain has given an order;〃 Howell shouted; his voice high。 
 〃No! Only Glinn has the key; and he won't do it! He can't; not without my permission! Eli; do you hear me? I order you not to initiate the dead man's switch。〃 Lloyd moved suddenly to the EES puter; blocking it with his body。
 Howell turned。 〃Security! Seize this man and remove him from the bridge。〃
 But Britton held up a hand。 〃Mr。 Lloyd; step away from the puter。 Mr。 Glinn; execute my mand。〃 The vessel had begun to heel still farther; and a terrifying crackle shot through the ship's steel; rising in pitch to a muffled howl of tearing metal; abruptly cut off as they began to right。
 Lloyd gripped the puter; his eyes wild。 〃Sam!〃 he cried; his wild eyes seizing on McFarlane。
 McFarlane had been watching; dumbstruck; almost paralyzed with conflicting emotions: terror for his life; desire for the rock and its boundless mysteries。 He would rather go down with it than give it up now。 Almost。
 〃Sam!〃 Lloyd was almost pleading now。 〃You're the scientist here。 Tell them about all the research you did; the island of stability; the new element。。。〃 He was being incoherent。 〃Tell them why it's so important。 Tell them why they can't dump the rock!〃
 McFarlane felt his throat constrict … and realized; for the first time; how utterly irresponsible it had been to take the rock to sea。 If it sank now; it would drive itself deep into the abyssal mud of the ocean bottom; two miles down; never to be seen again。 The loss to science would be catastrophic。 It was unthinkable。
 He found his voice。 〃Lloyd's right。 It might be the most important scientific discovery ever made。 You can't let it go。〃
 Britton turned to him。 〃We no longer have a choice。 The meteorite is going to the bottom … no matter what we do。 So that leaves us with only one question。 Are we going to let it take us with it?〃
 7:10 P。M。
 MCFARLANE LOOKED at the faces around him: Lloyd; tense and expectant; Glinn; veiled and unreadable; Rachel; clearly as conflicted as he was; Britton; an expression of utter conviction on her face。 It was a haggard group; ice crystallizing in their hair; faces raw and bleeding with the cuts of the flying ice。
 〃We can abandon ship instead;〃 Lloyd said; his voice panicky。 〃Hell; let the ship drift without us。 It's drifting anyway。 Maybe it'll survive on its own。 We don't have to jettison the rock。〃
 〃It's close to suicide to launch lifeboats in this sea;〃 Britton replied。 〃It's below zero out there; for God's sake。〃 〃We can't just drop it;〃 Lloyd continued; desperate now。 〃It would be a crime against science。 This is all an overreaction。 We've already been through so much。 Glinn; for God's sake; tell her she's overreacting。〃
 But Glinn said nothing。
 〃I know my ship;〃 was all Britton said。
 Lloyd veered wildly between threats and pleas。 Now he turned back to McFarlane。 〃There must be something。 Some way; Sam! Tell them again about the value to science; about the irreplaceable。。。〃
 McFarlane looked at Lloyd's face。 It was ghastly in the orange emergency lights。 He struggled against his own nausea; fear; and cold。 They couldn't let it go。 He seemed suspended: he thought of Nestor; and what it meant to die; and he thought of sinking in the cold dark bottomless water … and suddenly he was very; very afraid of death。 The fear surged over him; temporarily usurping the intellectual functioning of his brain。
 〃Sam! Jesus Christ; tell them!〃
 McFarlane tried to speak; but the wind had risen and his words were lost in the howl。
 〃What?〃 Lloyd cried。 〃Everyone; listen to Sam! Sam … 〃
 〃Let it go;〃 McFarlane said。
 An incredulous look filled Lloyd's face; and he was temporarily speechless。
 〃You heard her;〃 McFarlane said。 〃It's going to the bottom regardless。 The fight's over。〃 A feeling of hopelessness swept over him。 He felt a warmth at the corners of his eyes and realized it was tears。 Such a waste; such a waste。。。
 Abruptly; Lloyd turned; abandoning McFarlane for Glinn。 〃Eli? Eli! You've never failed me before; there's always been something in that bag of tricks。 Help me here; I beg you。 Don't let them drop the rock。〃
 His voice had taken on a pathetic; beseeching tone。 The man was unraveling before their eyes。
 Glinn said nothing as the ship began to roll again。 McFarlane followed Britton's eyes to the inclinometer。 All talk ceased as the wind shrieked through the broken bridge windows。 Then the terrible sound began again。 The Rolvaag hesitated; thirty degrees on its side; everyone clinging desperately; the vessel wallowing broadside to。 McFarlane gripped a bulkhead rail。 The terror he felt was now helping to clear his mind; sweeping away his regret。 All he wanted to do was get rid of it。
 〃Recover;〃 he heard Britton murmur。 〃Recover。〃 
 The ship remained heeled stubbornly to port。 The bridge hung so far out over the side of the ship that McFarlane could see nothing but black water below the windows。 He was swept with a feeling of vertigo。 And then; with an immense shudder; it gradually began to right。
 As soon as the deck leveled; Lloyd let go of the puter; his face torn with a mixture of horror; rage; and frustration。 McFarlane could see the same terror working in him; clearing his mind as well; illuminating the sole rational course left them。
 〃All right;〃 Lloyd finally said。 〃Let it go。〃 He buried his face in his hands。
 Britton spoke to Glinn。 〃You heard him。 Get rid of it; now。〃 Relief sounded clearly through the tension in her voice。
 Slowly; almost mechanically; Glinn sat down at the EES console。 He placed his fingers on the keyboard。 Then he glanced at McFarlane。 〃Tell me; Sam。 If the meteorite reacts to salinity; what will happen when it hits the open ocean underneath the ship?〃
 McFarlane started。 In all the mayhem; he had not stopped to consider this。 He thought quickly。
 〃Seawater is a conductor;〃 he replied。 〃The meteorite's discharge will be attenuated through it。〃
 〃Are you sure it won't blow up the ship?〃
 McFarlane hesitated。 〃No。〃
 Glinn nodded。 〃I see。〃
 They waited。 There was no sound of typing。 Glinn sat hunched over the keyboard; motionless。
 Silence fell again as the ship subsided into another trough。
 Glinn half turned his head; fingers still poised over the keys。 〃This is an unnecessary step;〃 he said quietly。 〃And it is also too dangerous。〃
 His long white hands fell away from the keys; and he stood up slowly to face them。 〃The ship will survive。 Rochefort's work has never failed。 There is no need to use the dead man's switch。 In this instance; I am in agreement with Mr。 Lloyd。〃
 There was a moment of shocked silence。
 〃When the meteorite es into contact with seawater; the explosion could sink the ship;〃 Glinn went on。
 〃I told you; the charge will be dispersed through the seawater;〃 said McFarlane

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