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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃How?〃 Waving his empty hands in Bannor's face; he cried; 〃With these?〃
 〃Yes!〃 The Bloodguard caught Covenant's left hand; forced him to look at it。
 On his wedding finger; his ring throbbed ferrule; pulsed with power and light like a potent instrument panting to be used。
 For an instant; he gaped at the argent band as if it had betrayed him。 Then forgetting escape; forgetting himself; forgetting even that he did not know how to exert wild magic; he pulled despairingly away from Bannor and stumbled toward the crevice。 Like a man battering himself in armless impotence against a blank doom; he leaped after the High Lord。
 TWENTY…SIX: Gallows Howe
 BUT be failed before he began。 He did not know how to brace himself for the kind of battle which raged below him。 As he passed the rim of the crevice; he was hit by a blast of force like an eruption from within the rift。 He was defenseless against it;。 it snuffed out his consciousness like a frail flame。
 Then for a time he rolled in darkness…ran in a blind; caterwauling void which pitched and broke over him until he staggered like a ship with sprung timbers。 He was aware of nothing but the force which thrashed him。 But something caught his hand; anchored him。 At first he thought that the grip on his hand was Elena's…that she held him now as she had held him and kept him during the night after his summoning。 But when he shook clear of the darkness; he saw Bannor。 The Bloodguard was pulling him out of the crevice。
 That sight…that perception of his failure…undid him。 When Bannor set him on his feet; he stood listing amid the riot of battle…detonations; deep; groaning creaks of tormented stone; loud rockfalls…like an empty hulk; a cargoes hull sucking in death through a wound below its waterline。 He did not resist or question as Bannor half carried him from the cave of the EarthBlood。
 The tunnel was unlit except by the reflected glares of bat; but Bannor moved surely over the black rock。 In moments; he brought his shambling charge to the waterfall。 There he lifted the Unbeliever in his arms; and bore him like a child through the weight of the falls。
 In the rocklight of Earthroot; Bannor moved even
 more urgently。' He hastened to the waiting boat; installed  Covenant on one of the seats; then leaped aboard as he shoved out into the burnished lake。 Without hesitation; he began to recite something in the native tongue of the Haruchai。 Smoothly; the boat made its way among the cloistral columns。
 But his efforts did not carry the craft far。 Within a few hundred yards; its prow began to tug against its intended direction。 He stopped speaking; and at once the boat swung off to one side。 Gradually; it gained speed。
 It was in the grip of a current。 Standing in the center of Covenant's sightless gaze; Bannor cocked one eyebrow slightly; as if he perceived an ordeal ahead。 For long moments; he waited for the slow increase of the current to reveal its destination。
 Then in the distance he saw what caused the current。 Far ahead of the craft; rocklight flared along a line in the lake like a cleft which stretched out of sight on both sides。 Into this cleft Earthroot rushed and poured in silent cataracts。
 He reacted with smooth efficiency; as if he had been preparing for this test throughout the long centuries of his service。 First he snatched a coil of clingor from his pack; with it; he lashed Covenant to the boat。 In answer to the vague question in Covenant's face; he replied; 〃The battle of Kevin and the High Lord has opened a crevice in the floor of Earthroot。 We must ride the water down; and seek an outlet… below。〃 He did not wait for a response。 Turning; he braced his feet; gripped one of the gilt gunwales; and tore it loose。 With this long; curved piece of wood balanced in his hands for a steering pole; he swung around to gauge the boat's distance from the cataract。
 The hot line of the crevice was less than a hundred yards away now; and the boat slipped rapidly toward it; caught in the mounting suction。 But Bannor made one more preparation。 Bending toward Covenant; he said quietly; 〃Ur…Lord; you must use the orcrest。〃 His voice echoed with authority through the silence。
 Covenant stared at him without prehension。
 〃You must。 It is in your pocket。 Bring it out。〃
 For a moment; Covenant continued to stare。 But at last the Bloodguard's mand reached through his numbness。 Slowly; he dug into his pocket; pulled out the smooth lucid stone。 He held it awkwardly in his right hand; as if he could not properly grip it with only two fingers and a thumb。
 The cataract loomed directly before the boat now; but Bannor spoke calmly; firmly。 〃Hold the stone in your left hand。 Hold it above your head; so that it will light our way。〃
 As Covenant placed the orcrest in contact with his troubled ring; a piercing silver light burst from the core of the stone。 It flared along the gunwale in Bannor's hands; paled the surrounding rocklight。 When Covenant numbly raised his fist; held the stone up like a torch; the Bloodguard nodded his approval。 His face wore a look of satisfaction; as if all the conditions of his Vow had been fulfilled。
 Then the prow of the boat dropped。 Bannor and Covenant rode the torrent of Earthroot into the dark depths。
 The water boiled and heaved wildly。 But one end of the crevice opened into other caverns。 The cataracts turned as they fell; and thrashed through the crevice as if it were an immense chute or channel。 By the orcrest light; Bannor saw in time which way the water poured。 He poled the boat so that it shot downward along the torrent。
  After that; the craft hurtled down the frenetic watercourse in a long nightmare of tumult; jagged rocks; narrows; sudden; heart…stopping falls; close death。 The current tumbled; thundered; raced from cavern to cavern through labyrinthian gaps and tunnels and clefts in the fathomless bowels of Melenkurion Skyweir。 Many times the craft disappeared under the fierce roil of the rush; but each time its potent wood capable of withstanding Earthroot bore it to the surface again。 And many times Bannor and Covenant foundered in cascades that crashed onto them from above; but the water did not harm them…either it had lost its strength in the fall; or it was already diluted by other buried springs and lakes。
 Through it all; Covenant held his orcrest high。 Some last unconscious capacity for endurance kept his forgers locked and his arm raised。 And the stone's unfaltering fire lighted the boat's way; so that; even in the sharpest hysteria of the current; Bannor was able to steer; avoid rocks and backwaters; fend around curves…preserve himself and the Unbeliever。 The torrent's violence soon splintered his pole; but he replaced it with the other gunwale。 When that was gone; he used a seat board as a rudder。
 Straining and undaunted; he brought the voyage through to its final crisis。
 Without warning; the boat shot down a huge flow into a cavern that showed no exit。 The water frothed viciously; seeking release; and the air pressure mounted; became more savage every instant。 A swift eddy caught the craft; swung it around and under the massive pour of water。
 Helplessly; the boat was driven down。
 Bannor clawed his way to Covenant。 He wrapped his legs around Covenant's waist; snatched the orcrest from him。 Clutching the stone as if to sustain himself with it; Bannor clamped his other hand over Covenant's nose and mouth。
 He held that position as the boat sank。
 The plunging weight of water thrust them straight under。 Pressure squeezed them until Bannor's eyes pounded in their sockets; and his ears yowled as if they were about to rupture。 He could feel Covenant screaming in his grasp。 But he held his grip in the extremity of the last faithfulness…clung to the bright strength of the orcrest with one hand; and kept Covenant from breathing with the other。
 Then they were sucked into a side tunnel; an outlet。 Immediately; all the pressure of the trapped air and water hurled them upward。 Covenant went limp; Bannor's lungs burned。 But he retained enough alertness to swing himself upright as the water burst free。 In a high; arching spout; it carried the two men into the cleft of Rivenrock; and sent them sh

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