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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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d Foul。 Yet it may be that all such helps or hopes will fail。 It may be…〃
 〃Foamfollower;〃 Covenant interrupted。 He fumbled at the laces of his boots。 A keen concern made him impatient; urgent。 〃What about him? Is he…? What happened to him…after the Quest?〃
 The Lord's tone became still more careful。 〃When the Quest for the Staff of Law made its way homeward; it found that Saltheart Foamfollower was alive and unharmed。 He had gained the safety of Andelain; and so had escaped the Fire…Lions。 He returned to his people; and since that time he has e twice to Revelstone to help in the shaping of the Gildenlode and to share knowledge。 Many Giants came and went; full of hope。
 〃But now; ur…Lord…〃 Hyrim stopped。 There was sorrow and grimness in his voice。 〃Ah; now。〃
 Covenant strode back into the sitting room; faced the Lord。 〃Now?〃 His own voice was unsteady。
 〃Now for three years a silence has lain over Seareach。 No Giant has e to Revelstone…no
 Giant has set foot on the Upper Land。〃 To answer the sudden flaring of Covenant's gaze; he continued; 〃Oh; we have not been idle。 For a year we did nothing…Seareach is near to four hundred leagues distant; and a silence of a year is not unusual。 But after a year; we became concerned。 Then for a year we sent messengers。 None have ever returned。 During the spring; we sent an entire Eoman。 Twenty warriors and their Warhaft did not return。
 〃Therefore the Council decided to risk no more warriors。 In the summer; Lord Callindrill and Lord Amatin rode eastward with their Bloodguard; seeking passage。 They were thrown back by a dark and nameless power in Sarangrave Flat。 Sister Amatin would have died when her horse fell; but the Ranyhyn of Callindrill bore them both to safety。 Thus a shadow has e between us and our ancient Rockbrothers; and the fate of the Giants is unknown。〃
 Covenant groaned inwardly。 Foamfollower had been his friend…and yet he had not even said goodbye to the Giant when they had parted。 He felt an acute regret。 He wanted to see Foamfollower again; wanted to apologize。
 But at the same time he was conscious of Hyrim's gaze on him。 The Lord's naturally gay eyes held a look of painful somberness。 Clearly; he had some reason for awakening Covenant before dawn like this。 With a jerk of his shoulders; Covenant pushed down his regret; and said; 〃I still don't understand。〃
 At first Lord Hyrim did not falter。 〃Then I will speak plainly。 During the night after your summoning; Lord Mhoram was called from your side by a vision。 The hand of his power came upon him; and he saw sights which turned his blood to dread in his veins。 He saw…〃 Then abruptly he turned away。 〃Ah; Hyrim;〃 he sighed; 〃you are a fat; thistle…brained fool。 What business had you to dream of Lords and Lore; of Giants and bold undertakings? When such thoughts first entered your childish head; you should have been severely punished and sent to tend sheep。 Your thick; inept self does scant honor to Hoole Gren…mate your father; who trusted that your foolish fancies would not lead you astray。〃 Over his shoulder; he said softly; 〃Lord Mhoram saw the death of the Giants marching toward them。 He could not make out the face of that death。 But he saw that if they are not aided soon…soon; perhaps in a score of days!…they will surely be destroyed。〃
 Destroyed? Covenant echoed silently。 Destroyed? Then he went a step further。 Is that my fault; tool 〃Why;〃 he began; then swallowed roughly。 〃Why are you telling me? What do you expect me to do?〃
 〃Because of brother Mhoram's vision; the Council has decided that it must send a mission to Seareach at once…now。 Because of the war; we cannot spare much of our strength…but Mhoram says that speed is needed more than strength。 Therefore High Lord 。 Elena has chosen two Lords…two Lords who have been accepted by the Ranyhyn…Shetra Verementmate; whose knowledge of Sarangrave Flat is greater than any other's; and Hyrim son of Hoole; who has a passing acquaintance with the lore of the Giants。 To acpany us; First Mark Morin has chosen fifteen Bloodguard led by Korik; Cernn; and Sill。 The High Lord has given the mission to them as well as to us; so that if we fall they will go on to the Giants' aid。
 〃Korik is among the most senior of the Bloodguard。〃 The Lord seemed to be digressing; avoiding something that he hesitated to say。 〃With Tuvor; Morin; Bannor; and Terrel; he manded the original Haruchai army which marched against the Land …marched; and met High Lord Kevin; with the Ranyhyn and the Giants; and was moved by love and wonder and gratitude to swear the Vow of service which began the Bloodguard。 Sill is the Bloodguard who holds me in his especial care; just as Cerrin holds Lord Shetra。 I will require them to hold us well;〃 Hyrim growled with a return to humor。 〃I do not wish to lose all this flesh which I have so joyfully gained。〃
 In frustration; Covenant repeated sharply; 〃What do you expect me to do?〃
 Slowly; Hyrim turned to face him squarely。 〃You have known Saltheart Foamfollower;〃 he said。 〃I wish you to e with us。〃
 Covenant gaped at the Lord in astonishment。 He felt suddenly faint。 From a distance; he heard himself  asking weakly; 〃Does the High Lord know about  this?〃
 Hyrim grinned。 〃Her anger will blister the skin of my face when she hears what I have said to you。〃 But a moment later; he was sober again。 〃Ur…Lord; I do not say that you should acpany us。 Perhaps I am greatly wrong in my asking。 There is much that we do not know concerning the Despiser's intent for this war…and of these one of the greatest is our ignorance of the direction from which he will attack。 Will he move south of Andelain。 as he has in past ages; and then strike northward through the Center Plains; or will he march north along Landsdrop to approach us from the east? This ignorance paralyzes our defense。 The Warward cannot move until we know the answer。 Warmark Troy is much concerned。 But if Lord Foul chooses to assail us from the east; then our mission to Seareach will ride straight into his strength。 For that reason; it would be unsurpassable folly for the white gold to acpany us。
 〃No; if it were wise for you to ride with us; Lord Mhoram would have spoken of it with you。 Nevertheless I ask。 I love the Giants deeply; ur…Lord。 They are precious to all the Land。 I would brave even High Lord Elena's wrath to give them any aid。〃
 The simple sincerity of the Lord's appeal touched Covenant。 Though he had just met the man; he found that he liked Hyrim son of Hoole…liked him and wanted to help him。 And the Giants were a powerful argument。 He could not bear to …think that Foamfollower; so full of life and laughter and prehension; might be killed if he were not given aid。 But that argument reminded Covenant bitterly that he was less capable of help than anyone in the Land。 And Elena's influence was still strong on him。 He did not want to do anything to anger her; anything that would give her additional cause to hate him。 He was torn; he could not answer the candid question in Hyrim's gaze。
 Abruptly; the Lord's eyes filled with tears。 He looked away; blinking rapidly。 〃I have given you pain; ur…Lord;〃 he said softly。 〃Forgive me。〃 Covenant expected to hear irony; criticism; in the words; but Hyrim's tone expressed only an unplex sorrow。 When he faced Covenant again; his lips wore a lame smile。 〃Well; then。 Will you not at least e with me to the courtyard? The mission will soon meet there to depart。 Your presence will say to all Revelstone that you act from choice rather than from ignorance。〃
 That Covenant could not refuse; he was too ashamed of his essential impotence; too angry。 Kicking himself vehemently into motion; he strode out of his suite。
 At once; he found Bannor at his elbow。 Between the Bloodguard and the Lord; he stalked downward through the halls and passages toward the gates of Revelstone。
 There was only one entrance to Lord's Keep; and the Giants had designed it well to defend the city。 At the wedge tip of the plateau; they had hollowed out the stone to form a courtyard between the main Keep and the watchtower which protected the outer gates。 Those gates…huge; interlocking stone slabs which could close inward to seal the entrance pletely led to a tunnel under the tow

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