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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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 Yet Covenant heard something deeper in Bannor's voice。 Despite its monotone; it seemed to articulate a glimpse of the hidden and unanswerable passion which bound the Bloodguard to the Lords。 But Covenant did not pursue it; did not intrude on it。
 From among the first columns; he was drawn to a large; thick arras hanging on one of the walls。 He recognized it。 It was the same work he had once tried to destroy。 He had thrown it out of his room in the watchtower in a fit of outrage at the fable of Berek's life…and at the blindness which saw himself as Berek reborn。 He could not be mistaken。 The arras was tattered around the edges; and had a carefully repaired rent down its center halfway through the striving; irenic figure of Berek Halfhand。 In scenes around the central figure; it showed the hero's soul…journey to his despair on Mount Thunder; and to his discovery of the Earthpower。 From it; Berek gazed out at the Unbeliever with portents in his eyes。
 Roughly; Covenant turned away; and a moment later he saw High Lord Elena walking toward him from the opposite side of the hall。 He remained where he was; watched her。 The Staff of Law in her right hand increased the stateliness and authority of her step; but her left hand was open in wele。 Her robe covered her without disguising either the suppleness or the strength of her movements。 Her hair hung loosely about her shoulders; and her sandals made a whispering noise on the stone。
 Quietly; she said; 〃Thomas Covenant; be wele to the Hall of Gifts。 I thank you for ing。〃
 She was smiling as if she were glad to see him。
 That smile contradicted his expectations; and he distrusted it。 He studied her face; trying to discern her true feelings。 Her eyes invited study。 Even while they regarded him; they seemed to look beyond him or into him or through him; as if the space he occupied were shared by something entirely different。 He thought fleetingly that perhaps she did not actually; concretely; see him at all。
 As she approached; she said; 〃Do you like the Hall? The people of the Land are fine artists; are they not?〃 But when she neared him; she stopped short with a look of concern; and asked; 〃Thomas Covenant; are you in pain?〃
 He found that he was breathing rapidly again。 The air in the Hall seemed too rarefied for him。 When he shrugged his shoulders; he could not keep the ache of the movement off his face。
 Elena reached her hand toward his chest。 He half winced; thinking that she meant to strike him。 But she only touched his bruised ribs gently with her palm for a moment; then turned away toward Bannor。 〃Bloodguard;〃 she said sharply; 〃the ur…Lord has been hurt。 Why was he not taken to a Healer?〃
 〃He did not ask;〃 Bannor replied stolidly。
 〃Ask? Should help wait for asking?〃
 Bannor met her gaze flatly and said nothing; as if he considered his rectitude to be self…evident。 But the reproach in her tone gave Covenant an unexpected pang。 In Bannor's defense; he said; 〃I don't need didn't need it。 He kept me alive。〃
 She sighed without taking her eyes off the Bloodguard。 〃Well; that may be。 But I do not like to see you harmed。〃 Then; relenting; she said; 〃Bannor; the ur…Lord and I will go upland。 Send for us at once if there is any need。〃
 Bannor nodded; bowed slightly; and left the Hall。
 When the hidden door was closed behind him; Elena turned back to Covenant。 He tensed instinctively。 Now; he muttered to himself。 Now she'll do it。 But to all appearances her irritation was gone。 And she made no reference to the arras; she seemed unaware of the connection between him and that work。 With nothing but innocence in her face; she said; 〃Well; Thomas Covenant。 Do you like the Hall? You have not told me。〃
 He hardly heard her。 Despite her pleasant expression; he could not believe that she did not intend to task him for his encounter with Trell。 But then he saw concern mounting in her cheeks again; and he hurried to cover himself。
 〃What? Oh; the Hall。 I like it fine。 But isn't it a little out of the way? What good is a museum if people can't get to it?〃
 〃All Revelstone knows the way。 Now we are alone; but in times of peace…or in times when war is more distant…there are always people here。 And the children in the schools spend much time here; learning of the crafts of the Land。 Craftmasters e from all the Land to share and increase their skills。 The Hall of Gifts is thus deep and concealed because the Giants who wrought the Keep deemed such a place fitting and because if ever Revelstone is whelmed the Hall may be hidden and preserved; in hope of the future。〃
 For an instant; the focus of her gaze seemed to swing closer to him; and her vision tensed as if she meant to burn her way through his skull to find out what he was thinking。 But then she turned away with
 a gentle smile; and walked toward another wall of the cavern。 〃Let me show you another work;〃 she said。 〃It is by one of our rarest Craftmasters; Ahanna daughter of Hanna。 Here。〃
 He followed; and stopped with her before a large picture in a burnished ebony frame。 It was a dark work; but glowing bravely near its center was a figure that he recognized immediately: Lord Mhoram。 The Lord stood alone in a hollow tightly surrounded by black fiendish shapes which were about to fall on him like a flood; deluge him utterly。 His only weapon was his staff; but he wielded it defiantly; and in his eyes was a hot; potent look of extremity and triumph; as if he had discovered within himself some capacity for peril that made him unconquerable。
 Elena said respectfully; 〃Ahanna names this ‘Lord Mhoram's Victory。' She is a prophet; I think。〃 。
 The sight of Mhoram in such straits hurt Covenant; and he took it as a reproach。 〃Listen;〃 he said。 〃Stop playing around with me like this。 If you've got something to say; say it。 Or take Troy's advice; and lock me up。 But don't do this to me。〃
 〃Playing around? I do not understand〃
 〃Hellfire! Stop looking so innocent。 You got me down here to let me have it for that run…in with Trell。 Well; get it over with。 I can't stand the suspense。〃
 The High Lord met his glare with such openness that he turned away; muttering under his breath to steady himself。
 〃Ur…Lord。〃 She placed an appealing hand on his arm。 〃Thomas Covenant。 How can you believe such thoughts? How can you understand us so little? Look at me。 Look at me!〃 She pulled his arm until he turned back to her; faced the sincerity she expressed with every line of her face。 〃I did not ask you here to torment you。 I wished to share my last hour in the Hall of Gifts with you。 This war is near…near…and I will not soon stand here again。 As for the Warmark …I do not take counsel from him concerning you。 If there is any blame in your meeting with Trell; it is mine。 I did not give you clear warning of my fears。 And I did not see the extent of the danger…else I would have told all the Bloodguard to prevent your meeting。
 〃No; ur…Lord。 I have no hard words to speak to you。 You should reproach me。 I have endangered your life; and cost Trell Atiaran…mate my grandfather his last self…respect。 He was helpless to heal his daughter and his wife。 Now he will believe that he is helpless to heal himself。〃
 Looking at her; Covenant's distrust fell into dust。 He took a deep breath to clean stale air from his lungs。 But the movement hurt his ribs。 The pain made him fear that she would reach toward him; and he mumbled quickly; 〃Don't touch me。〃
 For an instant; she misunderstood him。 Her fingers leaped from his arm; and the otherness of her vision flicked across him with a virulence that made him flinch; amazed and baffled。 But what she saw corrected her misapprehension。 The focus of her gaze left him; she extended her hand slowly to place her palm on his chest。
 〃I hear you;〃 she said。 〃But I must touch you。 You have been my hope for too long。 I cannot give you up。 He took her wrist with the two fingers and thumb of his right hand; but he hesitated a moment before he removed her palm。 Then he said; 〃What happens to Trell now? He broke his Oath。 Is anything done to him?〃
 〃Alas; there is little we can do。 It lies with him。 We will try to teach him that an Oath which has been broken may still be kept。 But it was not his intent to ha

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