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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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ut to ride around the Sarangrave will take too long also。〃
 〃Therefore we must ride through。 We must fight。〃
 〃Ride through; forsooth;〃 Shetra snapped。 〃We do not know how to fight such a thing…or we would have given it battle already。 I tell you plainly; Korik…if we encounter that forbidding again; we will lose more than Ranyhyn。 No! We must go another way。〃
 〃What way?〃
 For a moment; the Lords gazed into each other。 Then Lord Shetra said; 〃We will build a raft; and ride the Defiles Course。〃
 The Bloodguard were surprised。 Even the boat loving Giants chose to walk Sarangrave Flat rather than to put themselves in the hands of that river。 Korik said; 〃Can it be done?〃
 〃We will do it;〃 Shetra replied。
 Seeing the strength of her purpose; the Bloodguard responded to themselves; 〃We will do it。〃 And Korik said; 〃Then we must make great haste while the Ranyhyn are yet with us。〃
 So began the great run of the Ranyhyn; in which the horses of Ra redeemed their shame。 When all the riders had remounted; they moved cautiously back to the true path of the Giantway。 But then the Ranyhyn cast all but the simplest caution to the wind。 First at a canter; then galloping; they ran westward out of the peril of the Sarangrave。
 This was no gait for distance; no easy; strength conserving pace。 It was a gallop to surpass the best fleetness of ordinary horses。 And it did not slow or falter。 At full stretch; the Ranyhyn came out 。of Sarangrave Flat under the eaves of Landsdrop before moonrise。 Then they veered away just east of southward along the line of the cliff。
 On the open ground; their running became harder。 The rough foothills of Landsdrop cut across their way like rumpled folds in the earth; forced them to plummet down and then labor up uncertain slopes twenty times a league。 And southward the terrain worsened。 The grass slowly failed from the hillsides; so that the Ranyhyn pounded over bare rock and shale and scree。
 The moon was nearly full; and in its light Mount Thunder; ancient Gravin Threndor; was visible against the sky。 Already it dominated the southern horizon; and as the mission traveled; it lifted its crown higher and higher。
 Under its shadow; the Ranyhyn mastered both the night and the foothills。 Breathing hoarsely; blowing foam; sweating and straining extremely; but never faltering; they struck daylight no more than five leagues from the Defiles Course。 Now they began to stumble and slip on the hillsides; scattering froth from their lips; tearing the skin of their knees。 Yet they refused to fail。
 In the middle of the morning on the tenth day; they lumbered over the crest of one ankle and dropped down into the narrow valley between Mount Thunder's legs…the valley of the Defiles Course。
 To their right at the base of the mountain was the head of the river。 There rank black water erupted roaring from under a sheer cliff。 This was the Soulsease River of Andelain transformed。 That fair river entered Mount Thunder through Treacher's Gorge; then plunged into the depths of the earth; where it ran through abandoned Wightwarrens and Demondim breeding dens; Cavewightish slag and refuse pits; charnels and offal grounds and lakes of acid; the excreta of the buried banes。 When it broke out thick; oily; and fetid at the base of Gravin Threndor; it carried the sewage of the catabs; the pollution of ages of filthy use。
 From Mount Thunder to Lifeswallower; the Great Swamp; nothing lived along the banks of the Defiles Course except Sarangrave Flat; which grew thickest on either side of the Course; flourishing on the black water。 But high in the sides of the valley were two or three thin streams of clean water; which nourished grass and shrubs and some trees; so that only the bottom of the valley was barren。 There the Ranyhyn rested at last。 Quivering and blowing; they put their noses in a stream to drink。
 The Lords disregarded their own weariness; went immediately in search of amanibhavam。 Shortly Shetra returned with a double handful of the horsehealing grass。 With it she tended the Ranyhyn while Hyrim 'brought more of it to her。 Only when all the great horses had eaten some of the amanibhavam did the Lords allow themselves to rest。
 Then the Bloodguard turned their attention to the task of building a raft。 The only trees hardy enough to grow in the valley were teaks; and in one stand nearby three of the tallest were dead。 Their ironwood trunks showed what had happened to them; when they had grown above a certain size; their roots had reached down deep enough to touch soil soaked by the river; and so they had died。
 Using hatchets and clingor ropes; the Bloodguard were able to bring down these three trees。 Each they sectioned into four logs of roughly equal length。 When they had rolled the logs down to the dead bank of the Course; they began lashing them together with clingor thongs。
 The task was slow because of the size and weight of the ironwood logs; and the Bloodguard worked carefully to make sure that the raft was secure。 But they were fifteen; and made steady progress。 Shortly after noon; the raft was plete。 After they had prepared several steering poles; they were ready to continue on their way。
 The Lords readied themselves also。 After a moment of melding; they bid ceremonious farewell to the
 Ranyhyn。 Then they came down to the banks of the Defiles Course and bid Korik launch the raft。
 Two of the Bloodguard fastened ropes to the raft while the others positioned themselves along its sides。 Together; they lifted the massive ironwood logs; heaved the raft into the river。 It bucked in the stiff current; but the two ropes secured it。 Cerrin and Sill leaped out onto it to see how it held together。 When they gave their approval; Korik signed for the Lords to precede him。
 Lord Shetra sprang down to the raft; and at once set about wedging her staff between the center logs so that she could use its power for a rudder。 Lord Hyrim followed her; as did the other Bloodguard; until only the two who held the ropes remained on the bank。 Lord Shetra began to sing quietly; calling up the Earthpower through her staff。 When she was ready; she nodded to Korik。
 At his mand; the last two Bloodguard sprang for the raft as the current ripped it away。
 The raft plunged; swirled; the boiling water spun it out into the middle of the river。
 But then Lord Shetra caught her balance。 The power of her staff took hold like a Gildenlode rudder in the hands of a Giant。 The raft resisted her; but slowly it became steady。 She piloted it down the torrent of the stream; and in moments the mission rushed out of the valley back into the grasp of Sarangrave Flat。
 Free of the constriction of the valley; the Defiles Course gradually widened; slowed。 Then it began to wind and spill out into the waterways of the Sarangrave; and the worst of the current was past。
 For the rest of the afternoon; Lord Shetra remained in the stern of the raft; guided it along the black water。 The riverbed bent and twisted as the Defiles Course became more and more woven into the fabric of Sarangrave Flat。 Side currents ran into and away from the main stream; and rocky eyots topped with tufts of jungle began to dot the river。 When the pace of the Course grew sluggish; she used her staff to
 propel the raft; she needed headway to navigate the channels。 By evening she was greatly weary。
 Then four of the Bloodguard took up the poles and began thrusting the raft through twilight into night; where only their dark…familiar eyes could see well enough to keep the raft moving safely。 Lord Shetra ate the meal Hyrim prepared for her over a small lillianrill fire; then dropped into slumber despite the stink and spreading dampness of the river。
 But at dawn she returned to work; plying the Defiles Course with her staff。
 However; Lord Hyrin soon came to her aid。 Alternately they propelled the raft throughout the day; and at night they rested while the Bloodguard used their poles。 In this way; the mission traveled down the Defiles Course until the evening of the twelfth day。 During the days; the sky was clear; and the sunlight was full of butterflies。 The raft made good progress。
 But that night dark clouds hid the moon; and rain soaked the Lords; da

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