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小说: srdonaldson.theillearthwar 字数: 每页4000字

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 It was an immense and expansive banyan。 Invoked and strengthened by the new knowledge of the Second Ward; and by the Staff of Law; it grew to the height of a mighty oak; sent down roots as thick as hawsers from boughs as broad as walkways…roots which formed new trunks with new boughs and new roots…and spread out in the valley until the central core of the first tree was surrounded by six others; all intergrown; part of each other; the fruit of one seed。
 Once these seven trunks were established; the shapers of the tree prevented any more of the hanging roots from reaching the ground; and instead wove the thick bundles into chambers and rooms…homes and places of study for the students and teachers of the Loresraat。 Three of the outer trees had been similarly woven before their roots found the soil; and so now their trunks contained cavities large enough for meeting halls and libraries。 On the sheltered acres of ground beneath the trees were gardens and practice fields; training areas for the students of both Staff and Sword。 And above the main massive limbs of the
 trees; the lesser branches had been trained and shaped for leaf…roofed dwellings and open platforms。
 Revelwood was a thriving city; amply supplied by the fertile lowlands of Trothgard; and the Loresraat was busier now than at any other time in its history。 The Lorewardens and apprentices of the Sword and Staff did all the work of the city…all the cooking; farming; herding; cleaning…but they were not its only inhabitants。 A band of lillianrill lived there to care for the tree itself。 Visitors came from all over the Land。 Villages sent emissaries to seek knowledge from the Lorewardens; Hirebrands came to study the Tree; and Gravelingases used Revelwood as a dwelling from which to visit the rock gardens。 And the Lords worked there to keep their promises to the Land。
 As the riders looked down at it; its broad; glossy leaves caught the orange…red fire of the sun; so that it appeared to burn proudly above the shadows spreading down the valley。 The pany responded to the sight with a glad hail。 Clapping their heels to their mounts; they galloped down the slope toward the ford of the Llurallin。
 In the time when Revelwood was being grown; the Lords had been mindful of its defense。 They had made only two fords for the valley; one across each river。 And the ford beds were submerged; they had to be raised before they could be used。 All the High Lord's pany except Covenant had the necessary knowledge and skill; so Troy was vaguely surprised when Elena halted on the riverbank; and gravely asked Trell to open the ford。 Troy understood that she was doing the Gravelingas an honor; but he did not know why。 Her gesture deepened the mystery of Trell。
 Without meeting her gaze; Trell dismounted; and walked to the Llurallin's edge。 At first; he did not appear to know the ford's secret。 Troy had learned a few quick words in a strange language and two gestures to raise the bed; but Trell used none of them。 He stood on the bank as if he were presenting himself to the deep current; and began to sing a rumbling; cryptic song。 The rest of the pany watched him in hushed stillness。 Troy could not grasp the
 words of the song; but he felt their effect。 They had an old; buried; cavernous sound; as if they were being sung by the bedrock of the valley。 For a moment; they made him want to weep。
 But soon Trell's singing stopped。 In silence; he lifted his arms…and the flat rock of the ford stood up out of the river bottom。 It broke water in sections with channels between them so that it did not dam the current。 By the time it was ready for crossing; it was as dry as if it had never been submerged。
 With his head bowed; ; Trell walked back to his mount。
 When the last horse had crossed the river; and all the pany was within the valley; the ford closed itself without any of the usual signals。
 Troy was impressed。 Remembering Trell's attack on Covenant; he thought that the Unbeliever was lucky to be alive。 And he began to feel that he would be well advised to solve the riddle of Trell before he left Trothgard。
 But he could do nothing immediately。 The last twilight was ebbing out of the valley as if the river currents carried the light away; and he had to concentrate to keep a grip on his own location。 The Lorewardens lit torches; but torchlight could not take the place of the sun。 Focusing himself sternly; he rode between Lord Mhoram and Ruel across the valley toward Revelwood。
 The High Lord's pany was met on the ground near the Tree by a weling group of Lorewardens。 They greeted the Lords with solemn dignity; and embraced their rades who returned from visiting Lord's Keep。 To Warmark Troy; whom they knew well; they gave a special wele。 But when they caught sight of Covenant; they all turned toward him。 Squaring their; shoulders as if to meet an inspection; they saluted him; and said together; 〃Hail; white gold wielder!…you who are named ur…Lord Thomas Covenant; Unbeliever and Ringthane。 Be wele in Revelwood! You are the crux and pivot of our age in the Land…the keeper of the wild magic which destroys peace。 Honor us by accepting our hospitality。〃
 Troy expected some disforting sarcasm from Covenant。 But the Unbeliever replied in a gruff; embarrassed voice; 〃Your hospitality honors me。〃
 The Lorewardens bowed in answer; and their leader stepped forward。 He was an old; wrinkled man with hooded eyes and a stooped posture…the result of decades of back…bending study。 His voice had a slight tremor of age。 〃I am Corimini;〃 he said; 〃the Eldest of the Loresraat。 I speak for all the seekers of the Lore; both Sword and Staff。 The accepting of a gift returns honor to the giver。 Be wele。〃 As he spoke; he held out his hand to help Covenant dismount。
 But Covenant either misunderstood the gesture or went beyond it intuitively。 Instead of swinging off his mount; he brusquely pulled his wedding band from his left hand and dropped it into Corimini's extended palm。
 The Eldest caught his breath; a look of astonishment widened his eyes。 Almost at once; he turned to show the ring to the other Lorewardens。 With muted awed murmurings of invocation like low snatches of prayer; they crowded around Corimini to gaze at the white gold; and to handle it with fingers that trembled。
 But their touches were brief。 Shortly Corimini returned to Covenant。 The Eldest's eyes were damp with emotion; and his hand shook as he passed the ring back up to the Unbeliever。 〃Ur…Lord Covenant;〃 he said with a pronounced quaver; 〃you exceed us。 We will need many generations to repay this honor。 mand us; so that we may serve you。〃
 〃I don't need service;〃 Covenant replied bluntly。 〃I need an alternative。 Find some way to save the Land without me。〃
 〃I do not wholly understand you;〃 said Corimini。 〃All our strength is bent toward the preservation of the Land。 If that may aid you also; we will be pleased。〃 Facing the pany of the Lords more generally; he went on; 〃Will you now enter Revelwood with us? We have prepared food and pleasure for you。〃
 High Lord Elena made a gracious answer; and dropped lightly from Myrha's back。 The rest of the
 riders promptly dismounted。 At once; a group of Students hurried out of the shadows of the Tree to take charge of the horses。 Then the pany was escorted through the ring of trunks toward the central tree。 Many lights had appeared throughout Revelwood; and their bined illumination ameliorated the dimness of Troy's sight。 He was able to walk confidently with the Lords; and to look up with fondness into the branches of the familiar city。 In some ways; he felt more at home here than in Lord's Keep。 In Revelwood he had learned to see。 。
 And he felt that Revelwood also suited the High Lord。 The two were inextricably linked for him。 He was gratified by her just preeminence; her glow of gentle authority; and her easy grace as she swung up the wide ladder of the central trunk。 Under her influence; he found the fortitude to give Covenant a word of encouragement when the Unbeliever balked at climbing into the Tree。
 〃You don't understand;〃 Covenant responded vaguely。 〃I'm afraid of heights。〃 With a look of rigid trepidation; he forced his hands to the rungs of the ladder。

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