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小说: alistairmaclean.icestationzebra 字数: 每页4000字

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spheric pressure。 All the oxygen in the world was going to be of little avail as long as the level of carbon dioxide given off by our anguished breathing mounted steadily with the passing of each minute。 Normally; the air in the Dolphin was cleaned and circulated throughout the ship every two minutes; but the giant 200…ton air conditioner responsible for this was a glutton for the electric power that drove it; and the electricians' estimate was that the reserve of power in the standby battery; which alone could reactivate the nuclear power plant; was already dangerously low。 So the concentration of carbon dioxide increased steadily toward lethal levels; and there was nothing we could do about it。
  Increasing; too; in what passed now for air; were the Freon fumes from the refrigerating machinery and the hydrogen fumes from the batteries。 Worse still; the smoke was now so thick that visibility; even in the for'ard parts of the ship; was down to a few feet; but that smoke had to remain also; there was no power to operate the electrostatic precipitators; and even when those had been briefly tried; they had proved totally inadequate to cope with the concentration of billions of carbon particles held in suspension in the air。 Each time the door to the engine room was openedand that was progressively oftener as the strength of the fire fighters ebbed fresh clouds of that evil acrid smoke rolled through the submarine。 The fire in the engine room had stopped burning over two hours previously; but now what remained of the redly smoldering insulation around the starboard high…pressure turbine gave off far more smoke and fumes than flames ever could have。
  But the greatest enemy of all lay in the mounting count of carbon monoxide; that deadly; insidious; colorless; tasteless; odorless gas with its murderous affinity for the red blood cells500 times that of oxygen。 On board the Dolphin the normal permissible tolerance of carbon monoxide in the air was thirty parts in a million。 Now the reading was somewhere between 400 and 500 parts in a million。 When it reached a thousand parts; none of us would have more than minutes to live。
  And then there was the cold。 As mander Swanson had grimly prophesied; the 〃Dolphin〃; with the steam pipes cooled down and all heaters switched off; had chilled down to the sub…freezing temperature of the sea outside; and was ice cold。 In terms of absolute cold; it was nothinga mere two degrees below zero on the centigrade scale。 But in terms of cold as it reacted on the human body; it was very cold indeed。 Most of the crew were without warm clothing of any kind。 In normal operating conditions the temperature inside the 〃Dolphin〃 was maintained at a steady 22°C。 regardless of the temperature outside。 The men were forbidden to move around; but even if they were allowed to; they now lacked the energy to counteract the effects of the cold; and what little energy was left in their rapidly weakening bodies was so wholly occupied in forcing their laboring chest muscles to gulp in more and ever more of that foul and steadily worsening air that they had none at all left to generate sufficient animal heat to ward off that dank and bitter cold。 You could actually hear men shivering; could listen to their violently shaking limbs knocking and rat…tat…tatting helplessly against bulkheads and deck; could hear the chattering of their teeth; the sound of some of them; far gone in weakness; whimpering softly with the cold: but always the dominant sound was that harsh; strangled moaning; a rasping and frightening sound; as men sought to suck air down into starving lungs。
  With the exception of Hansen and myselfboth of whom were virtually one…handedand the sick patients; every man in the 〃Dolphin〃 had taken his turn that night in descending into the machinery space and fighting that red demon that threatened to slay us all。 The number in each fire…fighting group had been increased from four to eight and the time spent down there shortened to three or four minutes; so that efforts could be concentrated and more energy expended in a given length of time; but because of the increasingly Stygian darkness in the machinery space; the ever…thickening coils of oily black smoke; and the wickedly cramped and confined space in which the men had to work; progress had been frustratingly; maddeningly slow: and entered into it now; of course; was the factor of that dreadful weakness that now assailed us all; so that men with the strength only of little children were tugging and tearing at the 'smoldering insulation in desperate near…futility and seemingly making no progress at all。
  I'd been down again in the machinery space; just once; at 5:30 a。m。 to attend to Jolly; who had himself slipped; fallen; and laid himself out while helping an injured crewman up the ladder; and I knew I would never forget what I had seen there: dark and spectral figures in a dark and spectral and swirling world; lurching and staggering around like zombies in some half…forgotten nightmare; swaying and stumbling and falling to the deck or down into the bilges now deep…covered in great snow drifts of carbon…dioxide foam and huge; smoking; blackened chunks of torn…off sheathing。 Men on the rack; men in the last stages of exhaustion; One little spark of fire; one little spark of an element as old as time itself; and all the brilliant technological progress of the twentieth century was set at nothing; the frontiers of man's striving translated in a moment from the nuclear age to the dark unknown of pre…history。
  Every dark hour brings forth its man; and there was no doubt in the minds of the crew of the 〃Dolphin〃 that that dark night had produced its own hero: Dr。 Jolly。 He had made a swift recovery from the effects of his first disastrous entry into the engine room that night; appearing back in the control center only seconds after I had finished setting Ringman's broken leg。 He had taken the news of Bolton's death pretty badly; but never; either by word or direct look; did he indicate to either Swanson or myself that the fault lay with us for insisting against his better judgment on bringing on board the ship a man whose life had been hanging in the balance even under the best of conditions。 I think Swanson was pretty grateful for that and might even have got around to apologizing to Jolly had not a fire fighter e through from the engine room and told us that one of his team had slipped and either twisted or broken an anklethe second of many minor accidents and injuries that were to happen down in the machinery space that night。 Jolly had reached for the nearest closed…circuit breathing apparatus before we could try to stop him and was gone in a minute。
  We eventually lost count of the number of trips he made down there that night。 Fifteen at least; perhaps many more; by the time six o'clock had e around; my mind was beginning to get pretty fuzzy around the edges。 He certainly had no lack of customers for his medical skill。 Paradoxically enough; the two main types of injury that night were diametrically opposite in' nature: burning and freezing; burning from the red…hot sheathingand; earlier; the steam pipes and freezing from a carelessly directed jet of carbon dioxide against exposed areas of face or hands。 Jolly never failed to answer a call; not even after the time he'd given his own head a pretty nasty crack。 He would plain bitterly to the captain; old boy; for rescuing him from the relative safety and fort of Drift Ice Station Zebra; crack some dry joke; pull on his mask; and leave。 A dozen speeches to Congress or Parliament couldn't have done what Jolly did that night in cementing Anglo…American friendship。
  About 6:45 a。m。 chief torpedoman Patterson came into the control center。 I suppose he walked through the doorway; but that was only assumption; from where I sat on the deck between Swanson and Hansen; you couldn't see halfway to the door: but when he came up to Swanson he was crawling on his hands and knees;; head swaying from side to side; whooping painfully; his respiration rate at least fifty to the minute。 He was wearing no mask of any kind and was shivering constantly。
  〃We must do something; Captain;〃 he said hoarsely。 He spoke as much whe

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