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小说: alistairmaclean.icestationzebra 字数: 每页4000字

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iles。 Then; ten years later; came what they called the Perkin…Elmer Roti satellite missile tracker; with a focal length of five hundred inchesequivalent to a barrel…type camera forty feet long。 This one could pick up a cube of sugar at ten miles。〃
  I looked inquiringly around the audience for signs of inattention。 There were no signs of inattention。 No lecturer ever had a keener audience than I had there。
  〃Three years later;〃 I went on; 〃another American firm had developed this missile tracker into a fantastic camera that could be mounted in even a small…size satellite。 Three years round…the…clock work to create this camera; but they thought it worth it。 We don't know the focal length; it's never been revealed: we do know that; given the right 'atmospheric conditions; a white saucer on dark surface will show up clearly from three hundred miles up in space。 This on a relatively tiny negative capable of almost infinite enlargement; for the scientists have also e up with a pletely new film emulsion; still super…secret and a hundred times as sensitive as the finest films available on the mercial market today。
  〃This was to be fitted to the two…ton satellite the Americans called 'Samos III''Samos' for 'Satellite and Missile Observation System。' It never was。 This; the only camera of its kind in the world; vanished; hijacked in broad daylight; and; as we later learned; dismantled; flown from New York to Havana by a Polish jet…liner which had cleared for Miami and so avoided customs inspection。
  〃Four months ago this camera was launched in a Soviet satellite on a polar orbit; crossing the U。S。 Middle West seven times a day。 Those satellites can stay up indefinitely; but in just three days; with perfect weather conditions; the Soviets had all the pictures they ever wantedpictures of every American missile…launching base west of the Mississippi。 Every time this camera took a picture of a small section of the United States; another; smaller camera in the satellite; pointing vertically upward; took a fix on the stars。 Then it was only a matter of checking map coordinates and they could have a Soviet intercontinental ballistics missile ranged in on every launching pad in America。 But first they had to have the pictures。
  〃Radio transmission is no good; there's far too much quality and detail lost in the processand you must remember that this was a relatively; tiny negative in the first place。 So they had to have the actual films。 There are two ways of doing this: bring the satellite back to earth; or have it eject a capsule with the films。 The Americans; with their Discoverer tests; have perfected the art of using planes to snatch falling capsules from the sky。 The Russians haven't; although we do know they have a technique for ejecting capsules should a satellite run amuck。 So they had to bring the satellite down。 They planned to bring it down some two hundred miles east of the Caspian。 But something went wrong。 Precisely what; we don't know; but our experts say that it could only have been due to the fact that the retro rockets on one side of the capsule failed to fire when given the radio signal to do so。 You are beginning to understand; gentlemen?〃
  〃We are beginning to understand indeed。〃 It was Jeremy who spoke; his voice very soft。 〃The satellite took up a different orbit。〃
  〃That's what happened。 The rockets firing on one side didn't slow her up any that mattered: they just knocked her far off course。 A new and wobbly orbit that passed through Alaska; south over the Pacific; across Grahamland in Antarctica and directly south of South America; up over Africa and western Europe; then around the North Pole in a shallow curve; maybe two hundred miles distant from it at the nearest point。
  〃Now; the only way the Russians could get the films was by ejecting the capsule; for with retro rockets firing on one side only; they knew that even if they did manage to slow up the satellite sufficiently for it to leave orbit; they had no idea where it would go。 But the damnably awkward part of it from the Russians' viewpoint was that nowhere in its orbit of the earth did the satellite pass over the Soviet Union or any sphere of munist influence whatsoever。 Worse; ninety per cent of its travel was travel over open sea; and if they brought it down there they would never see their films again as the capsule is so heavily coated with aluminum and Pyroceram to withstand the heat of re…entry into the atmosphere that it was much heavier than water。 And; as I said; they had never developed the American know…how of snatching falling capsules out of the airand you will appreciate that they couldn't very well ask the Americans to do the job for them。
  〃So they decided to bring it down in the only safe place open to themeither the polar ice cap in the north; or the Antarctic in the south。 You will remember; Captain; that I told you I had just returned from the Antarctic。 The Russians have a couple of geophysical stations there; and; up until a few days ago; we thought that there was a fifty…fifty chance that the capsule might be brought down there。 But we were wrong。 Their nearest station in the Antarctic was three hundred miles from the path of orbitand no field parties were stirring from home。〃
  〃So they decided to bring it down in the vicinity of Drift Ice Station Zebra?〃 Jolly asked quietly。 It was a sign of his perturbation that he didn't even call me 〃old boy。〃
  〃Drift Ice Station Zebra wasn't even in existence at the time the satellite' went haywire; although all preparations were plete。 We had arranged for Canada to lend us a St。 Lawrence ice breaker to set up the station; but the Russians; in a burst of friendly goodwill and international cooperation; offered us the atomic…powered 〃Lenin〃; the finest ice breaker in the world。 They wanted to make good and sure that Zebra was set up in good time。 It was。 The eastwest drift of the ice cap was unusually slow this year; and almost eight weeks elapsed after the setting…up of the station until it was directly beneath the 'flight trajectory of the satellite。〃
  〃You 〃knew〃 what the Russians had in mind?〃 Hansen asked。
  〃We knew。 But the Russians had no idea whatsoever that we were on to them。 They had no idea that one of the pieces of equipment which was landed at Zebra was a satellite monitor which would tell Major Halliwell when the satellite received the radio signal to eject the capsule。〃 I looked slowly around the Zebra survivors。 〃I'll wager none of you knew that。 But Major Halliwell didand the three other men who slept in his hut where this machine was located。
  〃What we did not know was the identity of the member of Zebra's pany who had been suborned by the Russians。 We were certain someone 〃must〃 have been; but we had no idea who it was。 Every one of you had first…class security clearances。 But someone was subornedand that someone; when he arrived back in Britain; would have been a wealthy man for the rest of his life。 In addition to leaving what was in effect an enemy agent planted in Zebra; the Soviets also left a portable monitoran electronic device for tuning…in on a particular radio signal which would be activated inside the capsule at the moment of its ejection from the satellite。 A capsule can be so accurately ejected three hundred miles up that it will land within a mile of its target; but the ice cap is pretty rough territory and dark most of the time; so this monitor would enable our friend to locate the capsule; which would keep on emitting its signal for at least; I suppose; twenty…four hours after landing。 Our friend took the monitor and went out looking for the capsule。 He found it; released it from its drogue; and brought it back to the station。 You are still with me; gentlemen? Especially one particular gentleman?〃
  〃I think we are all with you; Dr。 Carpenter;〃 mander Swanson said softly。 〃Every last one of us。〃
  〃Fine。 Well; unfortunately; Major Halliwell and his three panions also knew that the satellite had ejected its capsuledon't forget that they were monitoring this satellite twenty…four hours a day。 They knew that someone was going to go looking for it pretty soon; but who that someone would be they had no idea。 Anyway; Major Halliwall p

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