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lence on Diane; for whatever reason; was it likely that he would e back so soon; so smilingly?
  〃Who are you?〃 Hammersmith demanded。
  〃Richard Walden Lichfield。〃
  〃I'm none the wiser。〃
  〃I used to be a trustee of the Elysium。〃
  〃I make it my business…; 〃What do you want?〃 Hammersmith broke in; irritated by Lichfield's poise。
  〃I hear the production is in jeopardy;〃 Lichfield replied; unruffled。
  〃No jeopardy;〃 said Hammersmith; allowing himself a twitch at the corner of his mouth。 〃No jeopardy at all; because there's no show。 It's been cancelled。〃
  〃Oh?〃 Lichfield looked at Galloway。
  〃Is this with your consent?〃 he asked。
  〃He has no say in the matter; I have sole right of cancellation if circumstances dictate it; it's in his contract。 The theatre is closed as of today: it will not reopen。〃
  〃Yes it will;〃 said Lichfield。
  〃What?〃 Hammersmith stood up behind his desk; and Galloway realized he'd never seen the man standing before。 He was very short。
  〃We will play Twelfth Night as advertised;〃 Lichfield purred。 〃My wife has kindly agreed to understudy the part of Viola in place of Miss Duvall。〃 Hammersmith laughed; a coarse; butcher's laugh。 It died on his lips however; as the office was suffused with lavender; and Constantia Lichfield made her entrance; shimmering in silk and fur。 She looked as perfect as the day she died: even Hammersmith held his breath and his silence at the sight of her。
  〃Our new Viola;〃 Lichfield announced。
  After a moment Hammersmith found his voice。 〃This woman can't step in at half a day's notice。〃
  〃Why not?〃 said Galloway; not taking his eyes off the woman。 Lichfield was a lucky man; Constantia was an extraordinary beauty。 He scarcely dared draw breath in her presence for fear she'd vanish。
  Then she spoke。 The lines were from Act V; Scene I: 〃If nothing lets to make us happy both But this my masculine usurp'd attire; Do not embrace me till each circumstance Of place; time; fortune; do cohere and jump That I am Viola。〃 The voice was light and musical; but it seemed to resound in her body; filling each phrase with an undercurrent of suppressed passion。
  And that face。 It was wonderfully alive; the features playing the story of her speech with delicate economy。
  She was enchanting。
  〃I'm sorry;〃 said Hammersmith; 〃but there are rules and regulations about this sort of thing。 Is she Equity?〃
  〃No;〃 said Lichfield。
  〃Well you see; it's impossible。 The union strictly precludes this kind of thing。 They'd flay us alive。〃
  〃What's it to you; Hammersmith?〃 said Galloway。 〃What the fuck do you care? You'll never need set foot in a theatre again once this place is demolished。〃
  〃My wife has watched the rehearsals。 She is word perfect。〃
  〃It could be magic;〃 said Galloway; his enthusiasm firing up with every moment he looked at Constantia。
  〃You're risking the Union; Galloway;〃 Hammersmith chided。
  〃I'll take that risk。〃
  〃As you say; it's nothing to me。 But if a little bird was to tell them; you'd have egg on your face。〃
  〃Hammersmith: give her a chance。 Give all of us a chance。 If Equity blacks me; that's my look…out。〃 Hammersmith sat down again。
  〃Nobody'll e; you know that; don't you? Diane Duvall was a star; they would have sat through your turgid production to see her; Galloway。 But an unknown。。。 Well; it's your funeral。 Go ahead and do it; I wash my hands of the whole thing。 It's on your head Galloway; remember that。 I hope they flay you for it。〃
  〃Thank you;〃 said Lichfield。 〃Most kind。〃 Hammersmith began to rearrange his desk; to give more prominence to the bottle and the glass。 The interview was over: he wasn't interested in these butterifies any longer。
  〃Go away;〃 he said。 〃Just go away。〃
  〃I have one or two requests to make;〃 Lichfield told Galloway as they left the office。 〃Alterations to the production which would enhance my wife's performance。〃
  〃What are they?〃
  〃For Constantia's fort; I would ask that the lighting levels be taken down substantially。 She's simply not accustomed to performing under such hot; bright lights。〃
  〃Very well。〃
  〃I'd also request that we install a row of footlights。〃
  〃An odd requirement; I realize; but she feels much happier with footlights。〃
  〃They tend to dazzle the actors;〃 said Galloway。 〃It bees difficult to see the audience。〃
  〃Nevertheless。。。 I have to stipulate their installation。〃
  〃Thirdly…I would ask that all scenes involving kissing; embracing or otherwise touching Constantia be re…directed to remove every instance of physical contact whatsoever。〃
  〃For God's sake why?〃
  〃My wife needs no business to dramatize the working of the heart; Terence。〃 That curious intonation on the word 〃heart〃。 Working of the heart。
  Galloway caught Constantia's eye for the merest of moments。 It was like being blessed。
  〃Shall we introduce our new Viola to the pany?〃 Lichfield suggested。
  〃Why not?〃 The trio went into the theatre。
  The re…arranging of the blocking and the business to exclude any physical contact was simple。 And though the rest of the cast were initially wary of their new colleague; her unaffected manner and her natural grace soon had them at her feet。 Besides; her presence meant that the show would go on。
  At six; Galloway called a break; announcing that they'd begin the Dress at eight; and telling them to go out and enjoy themselves for an hour or so。 The pany went their ways; buzzing with a new…found enthusiasm for the production。 What had looked like a shambles half a day earlier now seemed to be shaping up quite well。 There were a thousand things to be sniped at; of course: technical shortings; costumes that fitted badly; directorial foibles。 All par for the course。 In fact; the actors were happier than they'd been in a good while。 Even Ed Cunningham was not above passing a pliment or two。
  Lichfield found Tallulah in the Green Room; tidying。
  〃Tonight。 。 〃Yes; sir。〃
  〃You must not be afraid。〃
  〃I'm not afraid;〃 Tallulah replied。 What a thought。 As if…'
  〃There may be some pain; which I regret。 For you; indeed for all of us。〃
  〃I understand。〃
  〃Of course you do。 You love the theatre as I love it: you know the paradox of this profession。 To play life。 ah; Tallulah; to play life。。。 what a curious thing it is。 Sometimes I wonder; you know; how long I can keep up the illusion。〃
  〃It's a wonderful performance;〃 she said。
  〃Do you think so? Do you really think so?〃 He was encouraged by her favourable review。 It was so gaffing; to have to pretend all the time; to fake the flesh; the breath; the look of life。 Grateful for Tallulah's opinion; he reached for her。
  〃Would you like to die; Tallulah?〃
  〃Does it hurt?〃
  〃Scarcely at all。〃
  〃It would make me very happy。〃
  〃And so it should。〃 His mouth covered her mouth; and she was dead in less than a minute; conceding happily to his inquiring tongue。 He laid her out on the threadbare couch and locked the door of the Green Room with her own key。 She'd cool easily in the chill of the room; and be up and about again by the time the audience arrived。
  At six…fifteen Diane Duvall got out of a taxi at the front of the Elysium。 It was well dark; a windy November night; but she felt fine; nothing could depress tonight。 Not the dark; not the cold。
  Unseen; she made her way past the posters that bore her face and name; and through the empty auditorium to her dressing…room。 There; smoking his way through a pack of cigarettes; she found the object of her affection。
  〃Terry。〃 She posed in the doorway for a moment; letting the fact of her reappearance sink in。 He went quite white at the sight of her; so she pouted a little。 It wasn't easy to pout。 There was a stiffness in the muscles of her face but she carried off the effect to her satisfaction。
  Galloway was lost for words。 Diane looked ill; no two ways about it; and if she'd left the hospital to take up her part in the Dress Rehearsal he was going to have to convince her otherwise。 She was wearing no make…up; and her ash…b

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