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小说: anner.bloodandgold(v2) 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃Blame you?〃 she said earnestly。 〃I hate you for it。〃
   〃The Elder was dead; Eudoxia;〃 I said quietly。 〃It was the Mother who slew the Elder。〃
   Her eyes suddenly; for all their tears; grew wide。
   〃You want me to believe this? That you didn't do it? 〃
   〃I? Slay a blood drinker who was a thousand years old; when I was just born?〃 I gave a short laugh。 〃No。 It was the Mother who did it。 And it was the Mother who asked me to take her out of Egypt。 I did only what she asked me to do。〃
   I stared into her eyes; determined that she must believe me; that she must weigh this final and all…important piece of evidence before she proceeded in her case of hatred against me。
   〃Look into my mind; Eudoxia;〃 I said。 〃See the pictures of this for yourself。〃
   I myself relived the grim moments when Akasha had crushed the evil Elder underfoot。 I myself remembered the lamp; brought magically from its stand; to pour its naming oil upon his remains。 How the mysterious blood had burnt。
   〃Yes;〃 Eudoxia whispered。 〃Fire is our enemy; always our enemy。 You are speaking the truth。〃
   〃With my heart and soul;〃 I said。 〃It's true。 And having been charged with this duty; and having seen the death of the Elder; how could I leave the books behind? I wanted them as you wanted them。 I read them when I was in Antioch。 I will tell you all they contained。〃
   She thought on this for a long time and then nodded。
   I rose to my feet。 I looked down at her。 She sat still; her head bowed; and then she drew a fine napkin from inside her robes; and she wiped at her blood tears。
   Once again; I pressed my promises。
   〃I'll write down all I remember;〃 I said。 〃I'll write down all that the Elder told me when first I came to the temple。 I'll spend my nights in this labor until everything is told。〃
   She didn't answer me; and I couldn't see her face unless I knelt down again。
   〃Eudoxia;〃 I said。 〃We know much that we can give to each other。 In Rome; I grew so weary that I lost the thread of life for a century。 I am eager to hear all you know。〃
   Was she weighing this? I couldn't tell。
   Then she spoke; without raising her face to me。
   〃My sleep this last day was feverish;〃 she said。 〃I dreamed of Rashid crying out to me。〃
   What could I say? I felt desperate。
   〃No; I don't ask for placating words from you;〃 she said。 〃I only mean to say; my sleep was miserable。 And then I was in the temple and the priests were all around me。 And I had an awful sense; the purest sense; of death and time。〃
   I went down on one knee before her。 〃We can conquer this;〃 I said。
   She looked into my eyes as though she were suspicious of me and I were trying to trick her。
   〃No;〃 she said softly。 〃We die too。 We die when it is right for us to die。〃
   〃I don't want to die;〃 I said。 〃To sleep; yes; and sometimes to sleep almost forever; yes; but not to die。〃
   She smiled。
   〃What would you write for me?〃 she asked; 〃if you could write anything at all? What would you choose to put down on parchment for me to read and know?〃
   〃Not what was in those old Egyptian texts;〃 I said forcefully; 〃but something finer; more truly universal; something full of hope and vitality that speaks of growth and triumph; that speaks…how shall I put it any other way?…of life。〃
   She nodded gravely; and once again she smiled。
   She looked at me for a long and seemingly affectionate moment。
   〃Take me down into the shrine;〃 she said。 She reached out and clasped my hand。
   〃Very well;〃 I said。
   As I rose; so did she; and then she went past me to lead the way。 This might have been to show me that she knew it; and; thank the gods; her retinue stayed behind so that I did not have to tell them to do so。
   I went down with her; and with the Mind Gift I opened the many doors without touching them。
   If this made an impression upon her she didn't acknowledge it。 But I didn't know if we were at war with each other any longer。 I couldn't gauge her frame of mind。
   When she saw the Mother and the Father in their fine linen and exquisite jewelry she let out a gasp。
   〃Oh; Blessed Parents;〃 she whispered。 〃I have e such a long way to this。〃
   I was moved by her voice。 Her tears were flowing again。
   〃Would that I had something to offer you;〃 she said; gazing up at the Queen。 She was trembling。 〃Would that I had some sacrifice; some gift…〃
   I didn't know why but something quickened in me when she said those words。 I looked at the Mother first and then at the Father; and I detected nothing; yet something had changed within the chapel; something which Eudoxia perhaps felt。
   I breathed in the heavy fragrance rising from the censers。 I looked at the shivering flowers in their vases。 I looked at the glistening eyes of my Queen。
   〃What gift can I give you?〃 Eudoxia pressed as she stepped forward。 〃What would you take from me that I could give with my whole soul?〃 She walked closer and closer to the steps; her arms out。 〃I am your slave。 I was your slave in Alexandria when first you gave me your blood; and I am your slave now。〃
   〃Step back;〃 I said suddenly; though why I didn't know。 〃Step back and be quiet;〃 I said quickly。
   But Eudoxia only moved forward; mounting the first step of the dais。
   〃Don't you see I mean what I say?〃 she said to me without turning her head away from the King and Queen。 〃Let me be your victim; most holy Akasha; let me be your blood sacrifice; most holy Queen。〃
   In a flash Akasha's right arm rose and pulled Eudoxia forward in a brutal and tight embrace。
   An awful groan rose from Eudoxia。
   Down came the reddened mouth of the Queen; with only the slightest move of her head; and I saw the sharp teeth only for an instant before they penetrated Eudoxia's neck。 Eudoxia was helpless; head wrenched to one side; as Akasha drank from her; Eudoxia's arms hanging limp as her legs; Akasha's face as blank as ever; as the grip tightened and the drinking went on。
   I stood horrified; not daring to challenge anything that I beheld。
   No more than a few seconds passed; perhaps half a minute before Eudoxia gave a raw and terrible scream。 She tried desperately to raise her arms。
   〃Stop; Mother; I beg you!〃 I cried out and with all my might I took hold of the body of Eudoxia。 〃Stop; I beg you; don't take her life! Spare her!〃 I pulled on the body。 〃Spare her; Mother!〃 I cried。 I felt the body shift in my grasp and quickly I drew it back from the curved arm which remained poised in space。
   Eudoxia still breathed; though she was livid; and groaning miserably; and we both fell back off the dais; as the arm of Akasha returned to its age…old position; at her side; fingers laid on her thigh as though nothing had occurred。
   Sprawled on the floor I lay with the gasping Eudoxia。
   〃Did you want to die!〃 I demanded。
   〃No;〃 she said desperately。 She lay there with her breast heaving; her hands shuddering; seemingly unable to rise to her feet。
   I looked up searchingly into the Queen's face。
   The sacrifice had given no blush to her cheeks。 And on her lips there was no red blood。
   I was stupefied。 I picked up Eudoxia and rushed to get her out of the shrine; up the steps; through the various tunnels; and finally into the house above ground。
   I ordered all the others out of the library; slamming tight the doors with the Mind Gift; and there I laid her down on my couch so that she might at least catch her breath。
   〃But how?〃 she asked me; 〃did you ever have the courage to take me from her? 〃 She clung to my neck。 〃Hold tight to me; Marius; don't let me go just yet。 I cannot。。。 I do not。。。 Hold tight to me。 Where did you get the courage to move against our own Queen?〃
   〃She was about to destroy you;〃 I said。 〃She was about to answer my prayer。〃
   〃And what prayer was that?〃 she asked。
   She let me go。 I brought up a chair to sit beside her。
   Her face was drawn and tragic; her eyes brilliant。 She reached out and clung to my sleeve。
   〃I asked for a sign of her pleasure;〃 I said。 〃Would she be given over to you or remain with me? She's spoken。 And you see how it is。〃
   She shook her head; but it was not a negation to

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