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小说: cw.blackalibi 字数: 每页4000字

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  Raul; unemotional for a South American; perhaps because he was so tense; stood waiting for him in the corridor outside。 〃e on; Manning; we'll never get there;〃 he urged in a matterof…fact voice; as though they were going to the corner for a drink。
  She had reseated herself at the glass; was touching a glass perfume rod behind each ear; as he closed the door after him。 〃See you back here later tonight…I hope;〃 was the last thing she said。
  〃See you back here later tonight…I know;〃 he answered confidently。
  The last glimpse he had of her face it was white as marble; even in the pink sunset glow; with the dread anticipation of what lay ahead of her。 She was staring tautly at her own reflection; as at a death's head。
  The lake was deepening in the twilight; from ultramarine to indigo to licorice black; as though ink were being poured into it little by little at some unseen source。 The Bosque was sinking into darkness all around it as silent and as lifeless as though it were an actual wilderness instead of a great natural park on the outskirts of a big city。 All the little harmless things that sounded in it in the daylight hours; the birds and insects; were stilled now。 A breathless hush hung over everything; awaiting the arrival of the greatest killer of them all: night; remorselessly tracking down day and slaughtering it; every twenty…four hours; over and over again。 The eternal murder; unpunished; unprevented。
  Manning squatted low on his haunches at the water's edge; invisible from the higher ground above; tossing small pebbles in while he waited for Belmonte to rejoin him。 They had separated to scout the perimeter of the lake; and he was the first one back at their point of departure。 A little rounded figure there in the twilight; unimpressive; an ex…beachber; a discharged press agent; a do…nothing from the downtown bars; e out of the city to this place to battle the forces of death。 No figure of a hero; no figure of a hero at all。 Any more than the man who first submitted to the bite of a yellow…fever mosquito。
  The swans hung motionless on the water; like dark floating clouds; heads tucked within their wings in sleep; disdainful of his pebble ripples after their first investigation had showed them it wasn't crumbs he was pitching in。
  Belmonte returned noiselessly along the water's edge; bent forward so that his form wouldn't show too much from above。 He dropped down beside Manning in a similar squat。
  〃Find one for yourself?〃 the latter breathed。
  〃See those reeds there? I've chosen them。 They seem to be growing out of the water; but there's actually a flat stone in the middle of them I can squat on。 I'll be hidden on all four sides; even the lake side。 How about you?〃
  〃I've found a low forked tree; a peach。 The trunk splits up into four elbow branches。 It's almost cup…shaped in the middle。 All I need to do is pull down a few of the outer leaves around me。 Made to order。〃
  〃Can you get down in a hurry?〃
  〃At a single bound。 It's low; it grows out crooked; slanting from the slope toward the lake。 See anyone just now?〃
  〃Not a living soul。 I went halfway around to the other side。〃
  〃No one around my way; either;〃 Manning answered guardedly。 〃I think we better get in now; without waiting any longer; while we have this in…between darkness before the moon es。〃
  〃Do you still think it's a good idea to separate?〃 Belmonte whispered。 〃Once we do; we won't be able to municate with each other again。〃
  〃It's the only sensible way。 We can protect her' that much more effectively if there's one of us on each side of her。 Here…midway between us…is where she will e down to the water's edge。 She is bound to。 It is the only place where the lake es within easy reach of the roadway above。 The road slowly curves off again from here on。 And finally; this is the only strip of the shore that is smooth and grassy and easily accessible。 It is where she and the other girl came the last time。 He knows that; and it is where he will expect her to e again; if he believes she will e back looking for something she lost。 We have her protected on three sides; this way。 You up that way; I down this way; and the lake itself all along the third side。 The waiting carriage up above seals up the fourth way。 To get to her at all; he has to e up from behind one of us and go past。 Probably from behind me; because the Madrid's over my way。 The thing to do is not jump him at sight; to let him get in between the two of us; and then we'll have him ing and going。
  〃So it's as important for us to be hidden from the back as from the front; where she is。 Otherwise he'll be frightened off before he es within reach; and we're liable to lose him。 Now don't leave anything on you or around you that will show。 Remember; there's going to be a moon in a little while; and one little glint in the wrong place and at the wrong time will give us away。 Fasten your coat lapels up under your chin; to black out the white of your shirt front。 Don't leave anything shiny exposed anywhere on you…a collar pin or cuff links or even the clip of a metal pencil fastened to the outside of your breast pocket。 Careful of any loose coins jangling in your clothes; too; at the wrong moment。〃
  They each took out a large; square pocket handkerchief and; without opening its folded layers; deposited their accumulated small change on top of it; twisting the ends over and repocketing it that way; in a sort of soundproof cornucopia。
  〃No smoking;〃 Manning warned。 〃Can you control yourself?〃
  〃Of course; this isn't a date with a girl。 I could wait forever; I could go without food or drink; if I thought it would bring this…〃
  〃Got your gun handy?〃
  Belmonte parted his coat with a single move and it peered out in his hand。
  〃Fast enough;〃 mented Manning。 He held his wrist nearly to his eye; peering at his watch。 〃Five to eight。 It's going to be a long pull。 She's only just about leaving the hotel now。 We'll have to give it a good two hours; maybe even three。〃 He unstrapped it and dipped it into his pocket。 〃The moon may catch the crystal。〃
  Belmonte took his own off; after first setting it back a minute。 〃I have four to; but I may as well go by yours。 One watch; one purpose; one hope between the two of us。〃
  〃Well; we'd better break。〃
  〃All right; so long;〃 Belmonte said curtly; gripping his hand。
  〃Take it easy;〃 the American breathed。
  They turned their backs on one another; sidled in opposite directions; blended at a yard or two into the impenetrable gloom。
  The reeds hissed a little; over one way; stilled again。 The leafy branches of a tree rustled a little; over the other way; as Manning hoisted himself up among them; shifted about for a moment or two; settling his weight。 Then they too became silent; motionless。
  There wasn't a sound about the shadowy lake。 The Bosque all around it was as silent and as lifeless as though it were an actual wilderness; instead of a great natural park on the outskirts of a big city。 A breathless hush hung over everything; awaiting the arrival of the greatest killer of them all…
  It was the going…out hour; when Ciudad Real answered the call of night life heart and soul。 She stepped out of the hotel entrance; looking so glittering; so frivolous; in her crystal…beaded white gown; a silver poppy in her hair; a looped silver evening pouch dangling from' her wrist; pulled a little out of shape by something heavy resting in it…perhaps opera glasses…that it was obvious there could be nothing more serious on her mind than dancing and champagne。 People passing on the sidewalk turned and smiled a little in sympathy as they saw her emerge; she looked so festive and so carefree。 They may have even envied her; some of them。
  Lights were flashing everywhere; and she was one with them; and with the mood they conjured up。 A fiery monkey high against the night sky kept disappearing and returning again; once with its eyes covered; the next time with its ears; the next with its mouth; proclaiming 〃Anis del Mono。〃 A rooster with green tail feathers; more steady; urged without interruption: 〃Cinzano Vermouth。〃 The sidewalks were like noon under this flash

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