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小说: fs.thethirdbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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 The Sword in its swift passage made a sound like a gasp of human breath。 Mark saw the wide; bright steel vanish into Kristin's back and emerge quite bloodlessly between her breasts; to plunge straight on into his own heart as he sat beside her。 He cried out once; with a pang more intense than that of any wound that he had ever felt; and then he fell back dead。
 But then he realized that he was only dreaming he was dead。
 Actually; he thought now; he was waking up。
 He was lying on his back; that much was real and certain。 And the endless pain in his head was gone at last。 It was too much trouble; his eyelids were much too heavy; to try to open his eyes to discover if he was asleep or dead。
 With a sigh of contentment; knowing the inexpressible fort of pain's cessation; he shifted his position slightly; and quickly fell into a natural sleep。
 When Mark awoke again; he thought that daylight was fading。 Had it really been dawn before; when the goddess and her Sword appeared? That might have been a dream。 But this; Kristin and himself; was real。 The hunting shirt was cast aside now; but she was here; inside the cloak that enfolded both of them。
 It was as if her blood flowed now in his veins; giving healing; and his blood crossed into her body too; giving and receiving life。
 Into her body。 His own life flowing 。。。
 It was morning again when he awoke; gently but at last pletely; at first accepting without wonder the pressure of the warm smooth body beside his own。 Then he began to remember things; and wonder rapidly unfolded。
 In an instant he was sitting upright; raising both hands to his head。 He was still caked with old; dried blood and dirtier even than he remembered; and he felt thirsty and ravenously hungry; but the pain and fever were entirely gone。 Kristin; as grimy and worn…looking as he felt; but alive and safe and warm; was snuggled naked beside him in an exhausted sleep。
 The sun was about an hour high。 Nearby were the ashes of a long…dead fire。 They were camped in a grove; with running water murmuring somewhere just out of sight。 Mark could not recognize the place at all or remember their arriving at it。
 A little distance away stood the two riding beasts; looking lean and hard…used; but at the moment contentedly munching grass。 Someone had taken off their saddles and tethered them for grazing。
 Mark stood up; the cape of black and gold that had been his only cover falling back。 Again he raised a hand to his forehead。 He dared to probe more firmly with a finger。 There was no longer any trace of a wound; except for the dried blood。
 Kristin stirred at his feet; and he looked down and saw that his movement had awakened her; her eyes were open; marveling at him。
 〃You have been healed;〃 she said。 It was as if she had been half…expecting such an oute; but still it surprised and almost frightened her。
 〃Yes。〃 He was almost frightened himself; at his own suddenly restored well…being。 He was almost reluctant to move; afraid to break the healing spell。 〃You did it for me。〃
 〃Mark。〃 It was as if she were trying out the name; speaking it for the first time。 Then she asked a question that to Mark; at the moment; did not seem in the least incongruous: 〃Do you love me?〃
 〃Yes。〃 He gave his reply at once; gravely certain without having to think about it。 But then he seriously considered the question and his answer。 He knelt beside Kristin; and looked at her and touched her with awe; as if she herself were the great; true question that required his best reply。
 〃Yes;〃 he repeated。 〃I love you more; I think; than my own life … if this that has happened to us es from some enchantment; still it is so。〃
 〃I love you more than life;〃 she said; and took his hand and kissed it; then held it to her breast。 〃I thought。。。〃 〃。。。What?〃
 She shook her head; as if dismissing something; and then sat up beside him。 〃I feared that my enchantment would not save you … though it was the best that I could do。 I thought we were both lost。〃
 They stared at each other。 Mark broke the short silence。 〃I dreamed that Aphrodite was here with us。〃
 Kristin for some reason thought it necessary to consider this statement very solemnly。 It struck Mark that they were gazing at each other like two children; just beginning to discover things about the world; and both gravely shocked at what they learned。 He had thought he knew something of the world before now; but evidently there was still much he did not know。
 Then what Kristin was saying seized his full attention。 〃I dreamed; too; that she was here。 And that she was about to kill both of us; with one of the Swords。〃
 Mark stared at her。 Then he jumped up out of the nest again; naked in the morning's chill; and went scrambling about to find Sightblinder。 The Sword lay nearby; in plain view。 In a moment he had it in his hands。
 And froze; staring at the hilt。 The little white symbol was not an eye。 It was an open human hand。
 Kristin was beside him; leaning on his shoulder in a certain way it was as trusting and intimate a contact as any that had gone before。 She whispered: 〃That's Woundhealer; isn't it?〃
 〃Yes。〃 〃She's left it with us。〃
 〃And taken Sightblinder in exchange。〃 They stared at each other in wonder; in something like panic。 He began a frantic search of the nearby area; but the Sword of Stealth was gone。 It was an alarming thought that Woundhealer was going to be useless if Vilkata's troops encountered them。
 Kristin was already pulling Mark's deteriorated shirt on over her head。 The garment was dirtier than she was; and beginning to show holes。 〃We've got to get moving。 All thanks to Aphrodite; but she's taken our protection with her。〃
 All the dressing and packing they could do took only moments。 And moments after that they had got the animals ready and were on their way。
 Kristin indicated a course。 〃Tasavalta lies in this direction。 We'll keep our eyes open as we go; and find some fruit。 I've been able to gather enough food here and there to keep us going so far。〃
 The country around them and its vegetation were changing as they progressed。 The season was advancing too; more wild fruits ing into ripeness。 Kristin appeared expert on the subject of what parts of what plants could be eaten; she had more lore in that subject than Mark did; particularly here close to her homeland。 He mented on the fact; while marveling silently to himself that it had taken him so long to realize how beautiful she was。
 〃I have been trained in the white magic。 Sorcery and enchantment were to have been my life。〃
 〃Were to have been?〃
 〃I have made a different disposition of my life now。〃 And suddenly she rode close beside him; very close; and leaned sideways in her saddle to kiss him fiercely。
 He said; 〃You were a virgin; before last night … yes; you were to have been consecrated to the white magic; weren't you? Or to Ardneh。〃
 Her expression told him that was so。
 〃I begin to understand。 You have given me what was to have gone to Ardneh。〃 prehension grew in him slowly。 〃That was why; how; Aphrodite came to heal me。 You summoned her。〃
 〃Goddesses go where they will。 I could only try。 What else could I do? I discovered that I loved you。〃
 Mark put his arm around her as they rode side by side。 The embrace at first was only tender。 But soon tenderness grew violent in its own way。 They stopped the animals beside a thicket and dismounted。
 When; after some little time; they were riding on again; solemnity had given way to silliness; again and again they had to reprove themselves for not watching what they were about; warn themselves to stay alert。 Love had granted a feeling of invulnerability。
 At about midday they came to a decent stream。 By now they had got pretty well beyond the worst damage done by Vilkata's foragers; though the countryside was still deserted; the visible houses abandoned as far as could be seen in passing。
 The stream; of clean; swift water; was a marvel; and washing at this stage almost as great a relief as being able to drink their fill。 Kristin's hair emerged from the worst of its covering of grime to reveal itself as naturally fair。 Whatever color had appeared would have been; in Mark's eyes; the only perfect one。

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