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perfect one。
 Bathing together soon led to other activities; self…limiting in duration; there was presently a pause for more varied conversation。
 Mark asked her; 〃How did you e to be a prisoner there?〃
 Kristin's blue…green eyes looked off into the distance。 〃A group of us were traveling; through country we thought was reasonably safe。〃 She shrugged。 〃We were attacked by a patrol of the Dark King's army。 What happened to the others in our party I do not know; I suppose they were all killed。 The enemy had a magician with them。 We had a contest; naturally; and he proved too strong for me。 Except that I was able to … to hide myself; in a fashion。 I knew little of what was happening to me; and my captors were able to tell little about me。 They brought me back to their main encampment。 What would have happened to me next。。。〃
 Mark put out a hand。 〃It won't happen now。 You're safe。〃
 〃Thanks to you。 But how did you e to be there?〃
 He explained his mission in broad terms; first as a diplomatic messenger for Sir Andrew; then on his own after his strange encounter with Draffut。 That was a well…nigh incredible tale; he realized; but Kristin watched him closely as he spoke and he thought that she believed him。 If she had ever heard of Mark; the despoiler of the Blue Temple; she did not appear to connect that person with the man before her。 He sometimes thought; hearing his own name in the song of some passing stranger; that he was famous。 But actually the name was mon enough。 And fortunately for his chances of avoiding the Blue Temple assassins; his face was not famous at all。
 Before they left the stream; he tried to study his own face in the quietest available pool。 〃How do I look?〃 His fingers searched his forehead。
 〃There's a scar。 No more than that。 A simple scar; you'll still be handsome。〃 She kissed it for him。
 He sat back。 〃So; as you see; I was on my way to Tasavalta anyway。 As a courier。〃
 〃How convenient。〃 She kissed him again。
 〃Yes。 What is the Princess like?〃
 〃A few years; older than I am。〃 Kristin paused。 〃I can hardly claim to know her。〃
 〃I suppose not。 We'd better get moving。〃
 They were dressed; in washed garments; and packed and back on their animals heading east; before Mark resumed the conversation。 〃I don't know Tasavaltan customs at all well。 Should I be asking you who your parents are? I mean; what is the customary way of taking a wife in your land? Who else must I talk to about it; if anyone?〃
 〃My parents are both dead。〃
 〃It was long ago。 Yes; there will be people we have to see。 Old Karel first; I suppose。 He's my uncle; and also my teacher in magic。 A rather well…known wizard。 You may have heard of him?〃
 〃No。 But I've known other magicians; they don't frighten me especially。 We'll see your Uncle Karel。。。 by the way; will you marry me?〃
 Kristin appeared vaguely disappointed。 〃You know I will。 But I am glad you thought to ask。〃
 〃Ah yes。〃 And again there was an interval in which no thoughtful planning could be acplished。
 The interval over; Mark said; 〃I gather you're not exactly looking forward to seeing your old uncle。 He was intent on consecrating you as a sorceress; is that it?〃
 He felt somewhat relieved; he could have imagined worse。 〃Well; not all the women who are good at magic are virgins; I can assure you of that。〃 He paused。 〃I mean。。。〃
 They cautiously approached and entered a deserted house; and then another; and helped themselves to a few items of clothing the inhabitants had not bothered to take with them when they fled。 Mark wondered whether to leave payment; and decided not … the arrival of Vilkata's looters seemed likely to occur before the return of the proper owners。 Feeling a shade more civilized; they rode on。
 It struck Mark that Kristin was resisting making plans for their own future。 She loved him; they were going to marry; that much was certain between them。 But she was reluctant to go into details at all。 A sense of mystery; of something withheld; persisted。 Mark put it down to exhaustion。 Though Woundhealer had restored them marvelously; still the journey was hard and their food meagre。
 Yet it was happy; despite continued difficulties and periods of fear。 And as they left the last fringes of the area already devastated by Vilkata's army; their own foraging became correspondingly easier。 Farms and houses were even fewer now; this was a region sparsely inhabited in the best of times。
 Mark tried to count up the days of their journey。 Watching the phases of the Moon; he decided it was now almost a month since he had approached and entered Vilkata's camp。
 At last there came the day when they rode into sight of a banner of blue and green; raised on a tall rustic pole。 The Tasavaltan flagpole stood atop a crag that overlooked the road; just where the road entered the first pass of mountain foothills。 Kristin shed tears at sight of the flag; Mark had to look at her closely to be sure that they were tears of joy。
 She assured Mark that what he had been told of Tasavalta was correct; that although it was not a huge land it was certainly spectacular。 In any event he could now begin to see that for himself。 Kristin explained the topography in a general way: there were two main mountain ranges; one right along the coastline to the east; the other a few kilometers inland; just inside the first long line of sheltered valleys。 Both these ranges were really southern extensions of the Ludus Mountains; now many kilometers to the north。
 〃I grew up in sight of the Ludus;〃 Mark said。 〃We could see them on a clear day; anyway; from home。〃
 Despite the southern latitude they had now reached; here in late summer there were still traces of ice and snow visible upon the highest Tasavaltan peaks ahead。 The coast was deeply cut with fjords here; and cold ocean currents kept this almost tropic land in a state of perpetual spring。
 Mark and Kristin pushed on; urging their tired riding beasts past that first frontier marking。 Mark kept glancing at his panion。 She was more often silent now; and looked more worried the farther they went。
 He asked Kristin suddenly; 〃Still worried about what your teacher in the white arts is going to say?〃 〃That's not it。 Or not altogether。〃
 Still the secrecy; and it annoyed him。 〃What; then?〃
 But she would not give him what he considered a straight answer; and his annoyance grew。 Something about her family; he supposed。 What they were going to say when she brought home an almost penniless foreign soldier as a prospective husband。 Mark was sure by now that Kristin's family were no peasants。 Well; the two of them had been traveling alone together for a month。 If her people were like most of the well…to…do families that Mark had known; that would be a powerful inducement for them to give their consent。 In any case he was going to marry her; he would entertain no doubt of that; and he kept reassuring himself that she showed no hesitation on that point either。
 She might; he sometimes thought; be withholding information about some plication or obstacle。 If she feared he might be influenced by anything like that … well; she didn't yet know him as well as she was going to。
 Once they had passed that first flagpole marking the frontier; the road immediately improved。 It also began a steeper climb; sometimes requiring long winding switchbacks。 For the first time on this journey Mark could glimpse the sea; chewing at the feet of the coastal mountains。 It was deep blue in the distance; then the color of Kristin's eyes; then as it met land frothed into white。 Now; on either side of the road; there were meadows; presently being harvested of hay by industrious…looking peasants who were not shy about exchanging waves at a distance with shabbily dressed wayfaring strangers。 The lifesaving cloak of Vilkata's colors had long since been rolled up into a tight black bundle and lodged behind Mark's saddle。
 Now Kristin pointed ahead; to where the sunspark of a heliograph could be seen winking intermittently from the top of a small mountain。 〃That may be some message about us。 In times like these; the lookouts tend to take notice of every traveler。〃
 〃Do you know the code?〃
 〃Yes … but that's not aim

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