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ar over the succession。 Even with attackers threatening us from outside。 I know my people。 We probably seem to you a happy; peaceful country; but you don't know。。。〃
 Again Mark was silent。 ;
 〃I。。。 Mark; our land and people。。。 we owe you more than we can ever repay。 We can give you almost anything。 Except the one thing that you want。 And that I want。。。 oh; darling。〃
 This time the embrace lasted longer。 But as before; the Princess broke it off。
 Mark was conscious that he still had a duty to perform; and drew himself up。 〃I am the bearer of certain messages; that Sir Andrew; whom I serve; has charged me to deliver to the ruler of the Lands of Tasavalta。〃
 Kristin; as never before conscious of duty; drew herself up; too; and heard the messages。 They were more or less routine; diplomatic preliminaries looking to the establishment of more regular contacts。 Sir Andrew had long resisted adopting the diplomatic pretense that he was still actually governing the lands and people that had been stolen from him; but he had recently been persuaded of the value of taking such a pose; even if the facts were otherwise。
 Mark concluded the memorized messages。 〃And now; I am ordered to place myself at Your Majesty's disposal。〃 Again; in the fog of his exhaustion; the feeling came over him that none of this really had anything to do with him; he had stumbled into the middle of a play; there were certain lines that he was required to read; and soon it would all be over。
 Kristin said; 〃I am glad to hear it。 You will need a few days in which to rest; and recover from。。。〃 She had to let that trail away。 With a toss of her head she made a new start。 〃You will be assigned modest quarters here in the palace。〃 Quarters far from my own rooms。 So Mark understood the phrase。 〃Then you heard what I told Karel。 I mean to send you on a special mission。 This should not pose any conflict with your orders from Sir Andrew; if they are to place yourself at my disposal。 I hope that you will accept the assignment willingly。〃
 He could feel only numbness now。 〃I am at Your Majesty's disposal; as I said before。〃
 〃Good。〃 Kristin heaved an unroyal sigh: part of an ordeal had been passed。 〃The mission you are to perform for Tasavalta is a result of some magical business of Karel's。 In divination。。。 you will be given more details later。 But according to him; the indications are so urgent that he dared not wait even until tomorrow to confront me with the results。
 〃You are to go and find the Emperor; and seek an alliance with him for Tasavalta … and an alliance with him for Sir Andrew too; if you feel you are empowered by Sir Andrew to do that。 I leave that to your judgement。〃
 〃The Emperor。 An alliance with him?〃 Even in Mark's present state of embittered numbness; he had to react somehow to the strangeness of that proposal。 An alliance; as if the Emperor were a nation; or had an army? Of course the indications were; Mark thought; that the Emperor was; or at least could be when he chose; a wizard of immense power。
 Curious in spite of everything; he asked; 〃Me; negotiate for you in such a matter? I'm not even one of your subjects。 Or a diplomat。 Why me?〃
 〃Karel says it should be done that way。 Though I don't think that he himself knows why。 But I've learned over the years that my uncle usually gives his monarch good advice。〃
 〃Karel wants to make sure I'm out of the way。〃
 〃There is that。 But sending you back to Sir Andrew would do that just as well。 No。 There's something about the Emperor … and about you。 I don't know what。〃
 The Emperor; thought Mark。 The man that Draffut; after fifty thousand years of knowing human beings; trusted at first meeting。 The man who had said that he; Mark; should be given Sightblinder。
 The man in whose name a simple incantation had twice; in Mark's experience; repelled demons 。。。
 The sorcerer Karel … it was; Mark supposed; foolish to think he had not been listening … was back in the room now; as if on cue。
 After all that had already happened today; Mark had no real capacity left for surprise; so he felt no more than dull curiosity when he observed that the magician was carrying a sheathed Sword。
 Karel in his soft; rich voice said to him: 〃It is Coinspinner; and it has e to us in a mysterious way。 And you are going to take it with you to help you find the Emperor。〃
 Mark's dinner that evening was eaten not in the palace; but in the vastly humbler home of his sister Marian。 It had turned out that she was now living in the town; really a small city; not far below。
 Mark had by now had a little time in which to savor the great news that his father Jord; who he had thought for ten years was dead; was alive after all。 And not only was Jord still alive but well and active at last report; off now on some secret mission for the Tasavaltan intelligence service。 Neither Mala nor Marian appeared to know where Jord had been sent or when he might be back; and Mark; with some experience in these matters himself; did not press to find out。 For now it was enough to know that he at least had a good chance of someday seeing his living father once again。
 At dinner … a good dinner; evoking marvelous memories … Mark heard from his mother and sister how his surviving family had e to Tasavalta years ago; after more years spent in homeless wandering; following the destruction of their old village。
 In the nine years or so since then; much had happened to them all; and they had much to talk about。 Marian was married now; her husband off somewhere with Rostov's army。 Her two small children gaped through dinner at this newly discovered uncle; and warmed up to him gradually。
 It was almost midnight; and Mark was having to struggle at every moment to stay awake; before he said goodnight。 His 〃modest quarters〃 in the palace had no attraction; and he was about to go to sleep on cushions on the floor in the room where they had dined and talked。
 Marian had already said goodnight; and had taken the children upstairs to bed。
 But Mark's mother lingered。 There was a suppressed urgency in her manner。 〃Walk me home。 I stay nearby; here in town; while Jord is gone。 It's only a little way。〃
 〃Of course。〃
 Once they were outside; Mala clung to her son's arm as if she needed his support to walk; though she was not yet forty and all evening had seemed full of energy; rejoicing in their reunion。 But now her mood became suddenly tinged with sadness。
 〃You've just e back to us;〃 she said。 〃And before we can begin to know you; you must go off again。〃
 〃I must; Mother。〃
 〃I know; I know。〃 Mark had yet to encounter anyone at all; in either town or castle; who did not know of his relationship with Kristin; and the potential problems that it raised。
 Mother and son walked; slowly。 He was very tired。 He thought that his mother seemed now to be on the brink of telling him something。 She kept asking him; 〃You'll e back to Tasavalta; though?〃
 〃I'll be here a couple of days yet。 I'll see you again; and Marian; before I go。〃
 〃Yes; of course。 Unless the plan for your departure is changed。 In these matters of secrecy; plans can change very quickly; I've learned that。 But after this mission; you'll e back?〃
 〃To report on my mission; I suppose; yes; I'll have to。 And be sent off again。 I can't stay here。 The Princess's moner lover; and a foreigner to boot。 If my father had been the Grand Duke Basil; or Prince Something…or…other; things would probably be different。〃
 They were at her door now。 It was a modest place; but looked fortable; probably the government here provided quarters for its secret agents' families。
 Mala; her voice quivering as if she were doing something difficult; said: 〃Mark; e in; there's something I must tell you; while I have the chance。 The gods know if I'll ever have the chance again。〃
 It was about an hour later when he emerged from the humble apartment where his parents lived。 He stood in the narrow street for a little while; looking up at the stars。 They looked the same as always。 Beyond tiredness now; Mark remained standing there in the street for what felt to him like a long time。 And then he went to his modest quarters in the palace; knowing that he had to get some rest。
 Two mornings late

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