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f her summer days … such as that day … when the chestnut was in flower and the bells rang out high and clear over her gables and cupolas exhaled the soft airs of centuries of youth。 It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance; and carried it still; joyously; …over the intervening clamour。 Here; discordantly; in Eights Week; came a rabble of womankind; some hundreds strong; twittering and fluttering over the cobbles and up the steps; sight…seeing and pleasure…seeking; drinking claret cup; eating cucumber sandwiches; pushed in punts about the river; herded in droves to the college barges; greeted in the Isis and in the Union by a sudden display of peculiar; facetious; wholly distressing Gilbert…and…Sullivan badinage; and by peculiar choral effects in the College chapels。 Echoes of the intruders penetrated every corner; and in my own College was no echo; but an original fount of the grossest disturbance。 We were giving a ball。 The front quad; where I lived; was floored and tented; palms and azaleas were banked round the porter's lodge; worst of all; the don who lived above me; a mouse of a man connected with the Natural Sciences; had lent his rooms for a Ladies' Cloakroom; and a printed notice proclaiming this outrage hung not six inches from my oak。
    No one felt more strongly about it than my scout。
    'Gentlemen who haven't got ladies are asked as far as possible to take their meals out in the next few days;' he announced despondently。 'Will you be lunching in?'
    'No; Lunt。'
    'So as to give the servants a chance; they say。 What a chance! I've got to buy a pin…cushion for the Ladies' Cloakroom。 What do they want with dancing? I don't see the reason in it。 There never was dancing before in Eights Week。 mem。 now is another matter being in the vacation; but not in Eights Week; as if teas and the river wasn't enough。 If you ask me; sir; it's all on account of the war。 It couldn't have happened but for that。' For this was 1923 and for Lunt; as for thousands of others; things could never be the same as they had been in 1914。 'Now wine in the evening; he continued; as was his habit half in and half out of the door' Cor one or two gentlemen to luncheon; there's reason in。 But not dancing。 It all came in with the men back from the war。 They were too old and they didn't know and they wouldn't learn。 That's the truth。 And there's some even goes dancing with the town at the Masonic … but the proctors will get them; you see 。 。 。 Well; here's Lord Sebastian。 I mustn't stand here talking when there's pin…cushions to get。'
    Sebastian entered … dove…grey flannel; white crepe de Chine; a Charvet tie; my tie as it happened; a pattern of postage stamps 'Charles … what in the world's happening at your college? Is there a circus? I've seen everything except elephants。 I must say the whole of Oxford has bee most peculiar suddenly。 Last night it was pullulating with women。 You're to e away at once; out of danger。 I've got a motor…car and a basket of strawberries and a bottle of Chateau Peyraguey … which isn't a wine you've ever tasted; so don't pretend。 It's heaven with strawberries。'
    'Where are we going?'
    'To see a friend。'
    'Name of Hawkins。 Bring some money in case we see anything we want to buy。 The motor…car is the property of a man called Hardcastle。 Return the bits to him if I kill myself; I'm not very good at driving。
    Beyond the gate; beyond the winter garden that was once the lodge; stood an open two…seater Morris…Cowley。 Sebastian's teddy bear sat at the wheel。 We put him; between us … 'Take care he's not sick' …and drove off。 The bells of St Mary's were chiming nine; we escaped collision with a clergyman; blackstraw…hatted; white…bearded) pedalling quietly down the wrong side of the High Street; crossed Carfax; passed the station; and were soon in open country on the Botley Road; open country was easily reached in those days。
    ('Isn't it early?' said Sebastian。 'The women are still doing whatever women do to themselves before they e downstairs。 Sloth has undone them。 We're away。 God bless Hardcastle。'
    'Whoever he may be。'
    'He thought he was ing with us。 Sloth; undid him too。 Well; I did tell him ten。 He's a very gloomy man in my college。 He leads a double life。 At least I assume he does。 He couldn't go on being Hardcastle; day and night; always; could he? … or he'd die of it。 He says he knows my father; which is impossible。'
    'No one knows papa。 He's a social leper。 Hadn't you heard?'
    'It's a pity neither of us can sing;' I said。
    At Swindon we turned off the main road and; as the sun mounted high; we were among dry…stone walls and ashlar houses。 It was about eleven when Sebastian; without warning; turned the car into a cart track and stopped。 It was hot enough now to make us seek the shade。 On a sheep…cropped knoll under a clump of elms we ate the strawberries and drank the wine … as Sebastian promised; they were delicious together … and we lit fat; Turkish cigarettes and lay on our backs; Sebastian's eyes on the leaves above him; mine on his profile; while the blue…grey smoke rose; untroubled by any wind; to the blue…green shadows of foliage'; and the sweet scent of the tobacco; merged with the sweet summer scents around us and the fumes of the sweet golden wine seemed to lift us a finger's breadth above the turf and hold us suspended。
    'Just the place to bury a crock of gold; ' said Sebastian。 'I should like to bury something precious in every place where I've been happy and then when I was old and ugly and miserable; …I could e back and dig it up and remember。'

    This was my third term since matriculation; but I date my Oxford life from my first meeting with Sebastian; which had happened; by chance; in the middle of the term before。 We were in different colleges and came from different schools; I might well have spent my three or four years in the University and never have met him; but for the chance of his getting drunk one evening in my college and of my having ground…floor rooms in 。the front quadrangle。
    I had been warned against the dangers of these rooms by my cousin Jasper; who alone; when I first came up; thought me a suitable subject for detailed guidance。 My father offered me none。 Then; as always; he eschewed serious conversation with me。 It was not until I was within a fortnight of going up that he mentioned the subject at all; then he said; shyly and rather slyly: 'I've been… talking about you。 I met …your future Warden at the Athenaeum。 I wanted to talk about Etruscan notions of immortality; he wanted to talk about extension lectures for the working…class; so we promised and talked about you。 I asked him what your allowance should be。 He said; 〃Three hundred a year; on no account give him more; that's all most men have。〃 I thought that a deplorable answer。 I had more than most men when I was up; and my recollection is that nowhere else in the world and at no other time; do a few hundred pounds; one way or the other; makee so much difference to one's importance; and popularity。 I toyed with the idea of giving you six hundred;' said my father; snuffling a little; as he did when he was amused; 'but I reflected that; should the Warden e to hear of it; it might sound deliberately impolite。 So I shall e you five hundred and fifty。'
    I thanked him。
    Yes; it's indulgent of me; but it all es out of capital; you know。 I suppose this is the time I should give you advice。 I never had any myself except once from your cousin Alfred。 Do you know; in the summer before I was going up; your cousin Alfred rode over to Boughton especially to give me a piece of advice? And do you know what the advice was? 〃Ned;〃 he said; 〃there's one thing I must beg of you。 Always wear a tall hat on Sundays during term。 It is by that; more than anything; that a man is judged。〃 And do you know;' continued my father; snuffling deeply; 'I always did? Some men did; some didn't。 I never saw any difference between them or heard it mented on; but I always wore mine。 It only shows what effect judicious advice can have; properly delivered at the right moment。 I wish I had some for you; but I haven't。'
    My cousin Jasper made good the loss; he wa

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