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 ical fellow; wasn't he? He made himself laugh; he was so ical。
 The wind began to get into him; whipping him up into a frenzy as it scooted through his hair and made his eye…balls as cold as two lumps of ice in his sockets。
 He began to run; skip; dance; cavort through the streets; white under the lights; dark in between。 Now you see me; now you don't。 Now you see me; now you …Quaid hadn't been woken by the dream this time。 This
 time he had heard a noise。 Definitely a noise。
 The moon had risen high enough to throw its beams through the window; through the door and on to the top of the stairs。 There was no need to put on the light。 All he needed to see; he could see。 The top of the stairs were empty; as ever。
 Then the bottom stair creaked; a tiny noise as though a breath had landed on it。
 Quaid knew dread then。
 Another creak; as it came up the stairs towards him; the ridiculous dream。 It had to be a dream。 After all; he knew no clowns; no axe…killers。 So how could that absurd image; the same image that woke him night after night; be anything but a dream?
 Yet; perhaps there were some dreams so preposterous they could only be true。
 No clowns; he said to himself; as he stood watching the door; and the stairway; and the spotlight of the moon。 Quaid knew only fragile minds; so weak they couldn't give him a clue to the nature; to the origin; or to the cure for the panic that now held him in thrall。 All they did was break; crumble into dust; when faced with the slightest sign of the dread at the heart of life。
 He knew no clowns; never had; never would。
 Then it appeared; the face of a fool。 Pale to whiteness in the light of the moon; its young features bruised; unshaven and puffy; its smile open like a child's smile。 It had bitten its lip in its excitement。 Blood was smeared across its lower jaw; and its gums were almost black with blood。 Still it was a clown。 Indisputably a clown even to its ill…fitting clothes; so incongruous; so pathetic。
 Only the axe didn't quite match the smile。
 It caught the moonlight as the maniac made small; chopping motions with it; his tiny black eyes glinting with anticipation of the fun ahead。
 Almost at the top of the stairs; he stopped; his smile not faltering for a moment as he gazed at Quaid's terror。
 Quaid's legs gave out; and he stumbled to his knees。
 The clown climbed another stair; skipping as he did so; his glittering eyes fixed on Quaid; filled with a sort of benign malice。 The axe rocked back and forth in his white hands; in a petite version of the killing stroke。
 Quaid knew him。
 It was his pupil: his guinea…pig; transformed into the image of his own dread。
 Him。 Of all men。 Him。 The deaf boy。
 The skipping was bigger now; and the clown was making a deep…throated noise; like the call of some fantastical bird。 The axe was describing wider and wider sweeps in the air; each more lethal than the last。
 'Stephen;' said Quaid。
 The name meant nothing to Steve。 All he saw was the mouth opening。 The mouth closing。 Perhaps a sound came out: perhaps not。 It was irrelevant to him。
 The throat of the clown gave out a screech; and the axe swung up over his head; two…handed。 At the same moment the merry little dance became a run; as the axe man leapt the last two stairs and ran into the bedroom; full into the spotlight。
 Quaid's body half turned to avoid the killing blow; but not quickly or elegantly enough。 The blade slit the air and sliced through the back of Quaid's arm; sheering off most of his triceps; shattering his humerus and opening the flesh of his lower arm in a gash that just missed his artery。
 Quaid's scream could have been heard ten houses away; except that those houses were rubble。 There was nobody to hear。 Nobody to e and drag the clown off him。
 The axe; eager to be about its business; was hacking at Quaid's thigh now; as though it was chopping a log。 Yawning wounds four or five inches deep exposed the shiny steak of the philosopher's muscle; the bone; the marrow。 With each stroke the clown would tug at the axe to pull it out; and Quaid's body would jerk like a puppet。
 Quaid screamed。 Quaid begged。 Quaid cajoled。
 The clown didn't hear a word。
 All he heard was the noise in his head: the whistles; the whoops; the howls; the hums。 He had taken refuge where no rational argument; nor threat; would ever fetch him out again。 Where the thump of his heart was law; and the whine of his blood was music。
 How he danced; this deaf…boy; danced like a loon to see his tormentor gaping like a fish; the depravity of his intellect silenced forever。 How the blood spurted! How it gushed and fountained!
 The little clown laughed to see such fun。 There was a night's entertainment to be had here; he thought。 The axe was his friend forever; keen and wise。 It could cut; and cross…cut; it could slice and amputate; yet still they could keep this man alive; if they were cunning enough; alive for a long; long while。
 Steve was happy as a lamb。 They had the rest of the night ahead of them; and all the music he could possibly want was sounding in his head。
 And Quaid knew; meeting the clown's vacant stare through an air turned bloody; that there was worse in the world than dread。 Worse than death itself。
 There was pain without hope of healing。 There was life that refused to end; long after the mind had begged the body to cease。 And worst; there were dreams e true。
 HELL CAME UP to the streets and squares of London that September; icy from the depths of the Ninth Circle; too frozen to be warmed even by the swelter of an Indian summer。 It had laid its plans as carefully as ever; plans being what they were; and fragile。 This time it was perhaps a little more finicky than usual; checking every last detail twice or three times; to be certain it had every chance of winning this vital game。
 It had never lacked petitive spirit; it had matched life against flesh a thousand thousand times down the centuries; sometimes winning; more often losing。 Wagers were; after all; the stuff of its advancement。 Without the human urge to pete; to bargain; and to bet; Pandemonium might well have fallen for want of citizens。 Dancing; dog racing; fiddle…playing: it was all one to the gulfs; all a game in which it might; if it played with sufficient wit; garner a soul or two。 That was why Hell came up to London that bright blue day  to run a race; and to win; if it could; enough souls to keep it busy with perdition another age。
 Cameron tuned his radio; the voice of the mentator flared and faded as though he was speaking from the Pole instead of St Paul's Cathedral。 It was still a good half…hour before the race began; but Cameron wanted to listen to the warm…up mentary; just to hear what they were saying about his boy。
 '。 。 。 atmosphere is electric。 。 。 probably tens of thou…sands along the route。 。 。'
 The voice disappeared: Cameron cursed; and toyed with the dial until the imbecilities reappeared。
 '。。。been called the race of the year; and what a day it is! Isn't it; Jim?'
 'It certainly is; Mike …'
 'That's big Jim Delaney; who's up there in the Eye in the Sky; and he'll be following the race along the route; giving us a bird's eye view; won't you; Jim?'
 'I certainly will; Mike …'
 'Well; there's a lot of activity behind the line; the petitors are all loosening up for the start。 I can see Nick Loyer there; he's wearing number three; and I must say he's looking very fit。 He said to me when he arrived he didn't usually like to run on Sundays; but he's made an exception for this race; because of course it's a charity event; and all the proceeds will be going to Cancer Research。 Joel Jones; our Gold Medallist in the 800 metres is here; and he'll be running against his great rival Frank McCloud。 And besides the big boys we've got a smattering of new faces。 Wearing number five; the South African; Malcolm Voight; and pleting the field Lester Kinderman; who was of course the surprise winner of the marathon in Austria last year。 And I must say they all look fresh as daisies on this superb September afternoon。 Couldn't ask for a better day; could we Jim?'
 Joel had woken with bad dreams。
 'You'll be fine; stop fre

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