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iam fleming.for your eyes only-第10部分

小说: iam fleming.for your eyes only 字数: 每页4000字

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h of them and the stripped men dived。 The twin diesels awoke to a stuttering roar and the Chriscraft settled her stern down a fraction and made for the deep channel below the Titchfield hotel。 By dawn she would be back in Havana。 The fishermen and wharfingers ashore watched her go; and went on with their argument as to which of the filmstars holidaying in Jamaica this could have been。
 Up on the broad veranda of Content the last rays of the sun glittered on the red stains。 One of the doctor birds whirred over the balustrade and hovered close above Mrs Havelock's heart; looking down。 No; this was not for him。 He flirted gaily off to his roosting…perch among the closing hibiscus。
 There came the sound of someone in a small sports car making a racing change at the bend of the drive。 If Mrs Havelock had been alive she would have been getting ready to say: 〃Judy; I'm always telling you not to do that on the corner。 It scatters gravel all over the lawn and you know how it ruins Joshua's lawn…mower。〃
 It was a month later。 In London; October had begun with a week of brilliant Indian summer; and the noise of the mowers came up from Regent's Park and in through the wide open windows of M's office。 They were motor…mowers and James Bond reflected that one of the most beautiful noises of summer; the drowsy iron song of the old machines; was going for ever from the world。 Perhaps today children felt the same about the puff and chatter of the little two…stroke engines。 At least the cut grass would smell the same。
 Bond had time for these reflections because M seemed to be having difficulty in ing to the point。 Bond had been asked if he had anything on at the moment; and he had replied happily that he hadn't and had waited for Pandora's box to be opened for him。 He was mildly intrigued because M had addressed him as James and not by his number … 007。 This was unusual during duty hours。 It sounded as if there might be some personal angle to this assignment … as if it might be put to him more as a request than as an order。 And it seemed to Bond that there was an extra small cleft of worry between the frosty; damnably clear; grey eyes。 And three minutes was certainly too long to spend getting a pipe going。
 M swivelled his chair round square with the desk and flung the box of matches down so that it skidded across the red leather top towards Bond。 Bond fielded it and skidded it politely back to the middle of the desk。 M smiled briefly。 He seemed to make up his mind。 He said mildly: 〃James; has it ever occurred to you that every man in the fleet knows what to do except the manding admiral?〃
 Bond frowned。 He said: 〃It hadn't occurred to me; sir。 But I see what you mean。 The rest only have to carry out orders。 The admiral has to decide on the orders。 I suppose it's the same as saying that Supreme mand is the loneliest post there is。〃
 M jerked his pipe sideways。 〃Same sort of idea。 Someone's got to be tough。 Someone's got to decide in the end。 If you send a havering signal to the Admiralty you deserve to be put on the beach。 Some people are religious … pass the decision on to God。〃 M's eyes were defensive。 〃I used to try that sometimes in the Service; but He always passed the buck back again … told me to get on and make up my own mind。 Good for one; I suppose; but tough。 Trouble is; very few people keep tough after about forty。 They've been knocked about by life … had troubles; tragedies; illnesses。 These things soften you up。〃 M looked sharply at Bond。 〃How's your coefficient of toughness; James? You haven't got to the dangerous age yet。〃
 Bond didn't like personal questions。 He didn't know what to answer; nor what the truth was。 He had not got a wife or children … had never suffered the tragedy of a personal loss。 He had not had to stand up to blindness or a mortal disease。 He had absolutely no idea how he would face these things that needed so much more toughness than he had ever had to show。 He said hesitantly: 〃I suppose I can stand most things if I have to and if I think it's right; sir。 I mean〃 … he did not like using such words … 〃if the cause is … er … sort of just; sir。〃 He went on; feeling ashamed at himself for throwing the ball back at M: 〃Of course it's not easy to know what is just and what isn't。 I suppose I assume that when I'm given an unpleasant job in the Service the cause is a just one。〃
 〃Dammit;〃 M's eyes glittered impatiently。 〃That's just what I mean! You rely on me。 You won't take any damned responsibility yourself。〃 He thrust the stem of his pipe towards his chest。 〃I'm the one who has to do that。 I'm the one who has to decide if a thing is right or not。〃 The anger died out of the eyes。 The grim mouth bent sourly。 He said gloomily: 〃Oh well; I suppose it's what I'm paid for。 Somebody's got to drive the bloody train。〃 M put his pipe back in his mouth and drew on it deeply to relieve his feelings。
 Now Bond felt sorry for M。 He had never before heard M use as strong a word as 'bloody'。 Nor had M ever given a member of his staff any hint that he felt the weight of the burden he was carrying and had carried ever since he had thrown up the certain prospect of being Fifth Sea Lord in order to take over the Secret Service。 M。 had got himself a problem。 Bond wondered what it was。 It would not be concerned with danger。 If M could get the odds more or less right he would risk anything; anywhere in the world。 It would not be political。 M did not give a damn for the susceptibilities of any Ministry and thought nothing of going behind their backs to get a personal ruling from the Prime Minister。 It might be moral。 It might be personal。 Bond said: 〃Is there anything I can help over; sir?〃
 M looked briefly; thoughtfully at Bond; and then swivelled his chair so that he could look out of the window at the high summery clouds。 He said abruptly: 〃Do you remember the Havelock case?〃
 〃Only what I read in the papers; sir。 Elderly couple in Jamaica。 The daughter came home one night and found them full of bullets。 There was some talk of gangsters from Havana。 The housekeeper said three men had called in a car。 She thought they might have been Cubans。 It turned out the car had been stolen。 A yacht had sailed from the local harbour that night。 But as far as I remember the police didn't get anywhere。 That's all; sir。 I haven't seen any signals passing on the case。〃
 M said gruffly: 〃You wouldn't have。 They've been personal to me。 We weren't asked to handle the case。 Just happens;〃 M cleared his throat: this private use of the Service was on his conscience; 〃I knew the Havelocks。 Matter of fact I was best man at their wedding。 Malta。 Nineteen…twenty…five。〃
 〃I see; sir。 That's bad。〃
 M said shortly: 〃Nice people。 Anyway; I told Station C to look into it。 They didn't get anywhere with the Batista people; but we've got a good man with the other side … with this chap Castro。 And Castro's Intelligence people seem to have the Government pretty well penetrated。 I got the whole story a couple of weeks ago。 It boils down to the fact that a man called Hammerstein; or von Hammerstein; had the couple killed。 There are a lot of Germans well dug in in these banana republics。 They're Nazis who got out of the net at the end of the War。 This one's ex…Gestapo。 He got a job as head of Batista's Counter Intelligence。 Made a packet of money out of extortion and blackmail and protection。 He was set up for life until Castro's lot began to make headway。 He was one of the first to start easing himself out。 He cut one of his officers in on his loot; a man called Gonzales; and this man travelled around the Caribbean with a couple of gunmen to protect him and began salting away Hammerstein's money outside Cuba … put it in real estate and suchlike under nominees。 Only bought the best; but at top prices。 Hammerstein could afford them。 When money didn't work he'd use force … kidnap a child; burn down a few acres; anything to make the owner see reason。 Well; this man Hammerstein heard of the Havelocks' property; one of the best in Jamaica; and he told Gonzales to go and get it。 I suppose his orders were to kill the Havelocks if they wouldn't sell and then put pressure on the daughter。 There's a daughter; by the way。 Should be about twenty…five by now

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