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小说: lh.narcissusinchains 字数: 每页4000字

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ening。 The power flowed into me; through me; and out again。 I was part of some great circuit; and I felt the connection with every vampire she'd touched。 It was as if I flowed through them; and they through me; like water ing together to form something larger。 Then I was floating in the soothing dark; and there were stars; distant and glittering。
 Images then; and they had force to them like things slamming into my body。 I saw the Master of the City standing on the top of a pyramid temple surrounded by trees; jungle。 I could smell the rich greenness of it and hear the night call of a monkey; the scream of a jaguar。 Her human servant knelt and fed from the bloody wound on her chest。 He became her servant; and he gained power; many powers。 And one of them was this  how to take the life force of something; someone; and feed upon it; without killing it。 And I understood how he'd taken the man's essence; during that terrible entertainment。 More than that; I understood how it was done; and how it was undone。 I knew how to unmake the creature in the bar; though what had been done; being sewn together into a Frankenstein nightmare; might mean that to bring them back to flesh would kill them。 I didn't need the necromancer who had trapped them to undo the spell; I could do it myself。
 The memories were so vivid; it was like reliving them。 I came back to the present almost with a jolt; staring up into Jean…Claude's eyes; still trapped under his body; still in the punishment room thousands of miles away from Obsidian Butterfly and her small army。 But it was the look on Jean…Claude's face that caught my breath in my throat。
 His eyes were wide; and I knew in that moment that he'd seen my memories; that he'd shared them the way I sometimes shared his。 Fuck。
 His voice had a shakiness to it that I rarely heard。 〃Ma petite; you were a busy girl while you were away from us。〃
 〃You saw what I saw; and you know how I feel about what you did to Gretchen。〃
 His hands tightened on my arms; fingers digging into my skin just a little。 〃I know how you feel; ma petite。 But I will not take this blame gently。 I am the Master of the City; my vampires live through me。 Unless they are masters themselves; their life force es through the line that bred them; until they take blood oath to a Master of the City。 Then that master makes their hearts beat。 If I run short of power; then some will simply not wake in the night; or they will bee revenants; animals to be destroyed as Damian has bee。'
 I moved under him。 〃I don't 。。。 〃
 〃Shhh; ma petite; I will not be condemned without a hearing; not this time。 Perhaps you can save Damian; but he is over a thousand years old。 Even though not a master; that is a long time; long enough to accumulate power enough to survive。 But vampires like Willie and Hannah who are not masters and not that old; they would fade or go mad; and there would be no saving them。〃 He shook me; digging into my arms; raising his elbows so that I could have gone for a weapon if I'd wanted; but I just watched him and listened。
 〃Is that what you want; Anita? Which of them would you sacrifice to save Gretchen? Gretchen whom you hate。 I took power from her because you denied it to me。〃
 〃Don't blame this on me;〃 I said。
 He moved suddenly; sitting up on his knees; his body straddling my legs。 He lifted me into a sitting position; fingers brushing against my arms。 〃The system of master and servant has worked well for thousands of years; but you keep fighting it; and you keep forcing me to do things I do not wish to do。〃 He raised me up close to his face; and I watched his eyes bleed to burning blue from inches away。 He shook me more violently this time; almost hard enough to scare me。
 〃If I could have fed the ardeur as it was meant to be fed; then this would not have been necessary。 If I could have fed through my human servant; this would not have been necessary。 If I could have fed through my animal to call; this would not have been necessary。 But you and Richard bind me 'round with rules; you cripple me with your morality; and you force me to do such as I swore I would never do。 I have been in the box and been food for my master; and it was the worst thing I have ever endured。 And now because you and he had your moral high ground to keep you pure; you have forced me to be more practical than I have ever wanted to be。〃
 He released me so suddenly I fell back against the floor; slamming an elbow into the stones。 He stood over me; as angry as I'd ever seen him; and I had no anger to give back。 I finally said; 〃I didn't know。〃
 〃That is being a poor excuse; ma petite。〃 He went to the coffin and gazed down at what lay inside。 〃I gave her my protection once; and this is not protection。〃 He turned and glared at me。 〃I do what I must; ma petite; but I take no pleasure from it; and I tire of the necessity of it。 If you would but meet me even halfway; we could avoid so much pain。〃
 I sat up; fighting the urge to rub my elbow。 〃Do you want me to say I'm sorry? I am。 Do you want permission to feed off of me; is that it?〃
 〃The ardeur; yes;〃 he said。 〃But in truth; if you are in the mood for it; simply having the marks open and married gains me much。〃
 He held his hand out to Jason; and for one of only a few times; I saw Jason hesitate before taking Jean…Claude's hand。 Jean…Claude didn't even look at him; as if his obedience was simply a fact; like gravity。 〃If she were stronger it would be a more dangerous feeding; but she is very weak; so it will not be so very bad。〃 The words were forting; but he never looked at Jason as he lowered the younger man's wrist towards what lay in that coffin。
 I got to my feet; watching Jason's face。 He was pale; eyes wide; breath ing too short; too fast。 He didn't normally have a problem letting vamps feed on him; but I understood。 What lay in that coffin was something out of a nightmare。 Most of the time if you saw a vamp looking like something made of dried sticks; it was well and truly dead。
 Jason pulled on his arm; keeping himself just out of reach; I think。 Jean…Claude turned to him; but there was no anger。 He kept the one hand on Jason's arm; and the other he touched to his face; gently。 〃Would you have me take your mind; before she strikes?〃
 Jason nodded; wordlessly。
 Jean…Claude cradled his hand against Jason's face。 They stared into each other's eyes; one of those long; lingering stares; like lovers; except I felt the moment that Jason slipped away。 I felt his mind release; his will evaporate。 His face went slack; his mouth half…parted; eyes fluttering。 Jean…Claude kept his hand on the other man's face; as he guided the wrist into the coffin。
 Jason's body tensed; and I knew that Gretchen had bitten him。 But his eyes stayed closed; his face pleasant。 I found myself beside the coffin without meaning to be。 The dried stick hands raised as I watched; clutching at Jason's arm holding him against the mouth。 Jean…Claude moved his hand back; as the thing in the coffin pressed Jason's wrist to its mouth。 Blood flowed over that brown skin; soaked the white satin pillow; and still that lipless mouth fed。
 The room was suddenly too warm; almost hot。 I turned away and found Micah watching me。 I couldn't read his expression; wasn't sure I wanted to。 I looked away from whatever was in his eyes。 I didn't want to meet anyone's eyes right now。 I'd fought so long and so hard not to be what I was。 Not to be Jean…Claude's human servant; not to be Richard's lupa; not to be anything to anyone。 Everyone seemed to be paying the price for that。 I hated having other people pay the price for my problems。 It was against the rules somehow。
 Jean…Claude's voice drew me back to the coffin。 〃Drink; Gretchen; drink of my blood。 I gave you life once; let it be so again。〃 Jason was sitting slumped beside the coffin; cradling his bloody wrist with a beatific expression on his face。 The dried thing was sitting up with Jean…Claude's arm behind its shoulders。 It looked 。。。 better; but still not alive; not even quite real。 He offered the pale flesh of his wrist to that lipless mouth; still red with Jason's blood; and it bit down。 I heard Jean…Claude sigh; but that was the only sign that it might hurt。
 〃Blood to bloo

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